The crown prince thought that his grandfather didn't kill his biological father not because of kindness, but because he had the confidence that even if his biological father was exposed, Emperor Tiansheng wouldn't be able to do anything to him. 

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    The background of the Yan family was even more terrifying than he imagined. The Yan family was more low-key than the previous Lin family, but also more arrogant, and what they wanted was far more than what they saw.

    The crown prince was disheartened. The Yan family really regarded him as a pawn to seize power. How could they ever think about his thoughts, telling him the truth now was just because they didn't want him to do things that would harm the Yan family. hey were not afraid at all if his identity was discovered by Emperor Tiansheng!

    It was crazy!

    He thought that the behavior style of the Lin family was rampant and rebellious, but the Yan family was the most horrible. Not only did they want to rebel, but they also took action early. Perhaps from the moment he was born, maybe it was from the moment his grandfather learned the truth about his life experience, maybe it was from his mother was pregnant with him, or maybe it was earlier.

    Probably, it was not that the Yan family had no choice, but he, the fake crown prince, had no choice but also did something stupid that was similar with the Yan family had done before. Now when he thought about it, it was really funny. It turned out that the trick of "changing the civet cat for the crown prince" could also be passed down from generation to generation.

    Seeing the crown prince's erratic expression, Prime Minister Yan also knew that he was struggling and was making a decision that would only benefit his future but not harm it.

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    This time it was the queen who spoke, not Prime Minister Yan: "The crown prince, no matter who you are, this country will belong to you in the future."

    The crown prince sneered: "Mother, are you so sure that father know nothing about my life experience?"

    The queen changed her sad expression before, and said calmly like before, "This is an established fact. It doesn't matter whether he knows about it or not." Maybe he already knew about it. Back then, because of the queen dowager, and also because of the Yan family, His Majesty who his feathers were not full yet, could only bear humiliation to save his skin and pretend to be ignorant. He also had to hand over the position of the crown prince, did His Majesty really not care these years?

[羽翼未丰 yǔ yi wèi fēng: Feathers are not full yet, which means young, inexperienced, immature or not strong enough.]

[忍辱偷生 rěn rǔ tōu shēng: to bear humiliation to save one's skin (idiom); to endure humiliation, to choose to live on in disgrace instead of dying honorably; to drag out an ignoble existence]

    Maybe not.

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    The reason they brought up this matter today was because their Yan family needed to be united with the crown prince wholeheartedly. If the crown prince was also wary of the Yan family and still thought of the Li family in his heart, then it was far from their original intention, so it was better to say it directly.

    Whether the crown prince could accept it or not, he couldn't do anything.

    If he couldn't accept it, would he tell this matter to Emperor Tiansheng? Not too possible.

    If he could accept it, then the Yan family would work together with him to take this country from Emperor Tiansheng.

    Now, they were betting that Emperor Tiansheng still didn't know about the truth yet. Of course, they had many plans, and it was only a matter of time to solve them one by one.

    The Lin family was gone, and now the fourth prince who was jumping around was also the target they were about to get rid of. In their eyes, the fourth prince was just a clown, a grasshopper after autumn, who could only jump around for a while.

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[秋后的蚂蚱: a grasshopper after autumn, which means can't live for several days, the weather will turn cold after autumn, and the grasshopper will be frozen to death]

    The Yan family had already figured out how much father-son affection the crown prince had for Emperor Tiansheng. Because of his relationship with the Yan family, Emperor Tiansheng had never been close to the crown prince. 

    In less than half an hour after knowing his own life experience, the crown prince was persuaded by Prime Minister Yan and the Queen. Perhaps, he just saw the situation of the authorities clearly.

    No matter whether the Yan family was in power or not, he couldn't escape the fate of being a puppet. The worst thing was to die. There was really no other way to choose.

    The queen and the crown prince left the Yan family's mansion one after the other.

    After returning to their respective palaces, they all closed their doors and thought deeply.

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    Tomorrow night was the family banquet for the New Year's Eve.

    The crown prince watched Emperor Tiansheng and his concubines drinking and watching the play. The fourth prince said some compliments from time to time. A group of people were talking happily in this New Year's Eve. When he looked at the father he had been calling for more than 20 years, he suddenly found that he himself was quite pitiful.

    This time, there was no need to worry about whether to have an Emperor's grandson or not. This crown prince must sit in the throne, and only him could sit in that position in the future. 

    He was glad that he was from the Yan family, and he was also glad that the Yan family had the power to support him. It didn't matter whose child he was, was it possible that Emperor Tiansheng would announce to the world that his status as the crown prince was false?

    The more the crown prince thought, the more he thought clearly. Since he couldn't do anything, it was better to wait for the Yan family to pave the way for him without thinking too much.

    What about the Fourth prince who fought with him? Maybe he thought that they would soon lose Emperor Tiansheng's favor. They were in the light and the Yan family was in the dark. It would be a matter of time before they were out.

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