On the night of New Year's Eve, the crown prince changed his usual tense expression and proposed a toast to Emperor Tiansheng. He was also friendly with the fourth prince, and he even took care of the other little princes. Even Emperor Tiansheng noticed his uncharacteristic behavior, but the queen said a few words for him, saying that he was very happy to celebrate the New Year today.

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    The crown prince was happy, but Emperor Tiansheng couldn't be happy that day.

    The crown prince and the Yan family were formally integrated into one, and his relationship with the Yan family became closer. Everything was arranged by Prime Minister Yan.

    Of course, the crown prince who already knew his identity also began to slack off in various aspects. When he thought that he was a descendant of the Li family, he had an impulse in his heart to break the shackle of the Yan family, but now, the shackle of the Yan family had already grown into his flesh and bones, and pulling them out would kill him.

    It was better to obey the destiny. If the Yan family could defeat the Li family and control the world, he could become a puppet emperor. If the Yan family was defeated, he was still a descendant of the Li family. Emperor Tiansheng wouldn't kill him, but would lock him up only.

    The crown prince thought of these two possibilities, but he didn't expect that the fourth prince, who was ignored by him and the Yan family, would come up with a strange trick to swallow up the power of the Yan family little by little.

    With the experience of dealing with the Lin family, the fourth prince sent people to investigate the Yan family's affairs early on, starting from the Yan family's hometown. The process was very difficult, and the Yan family's reputation was too good and it was hard to find evidence of their crimes. But there were always be one or two children and grandchildren who were unable to accomplish anything but liable to spoil everything.
[成事不足败事有余 chéng shì bù zú, bài shì yǒu yú:  unable to accomplish anything but liable to spoil everything (idiom), unable to do anything right]

    Compared with the corruption case of the Lin family, the matter of the Yan family was even bigger.

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    This also involved a case more than ten years ago, which was also related to Chen Sheng, the former assistant minister of the Ministry of Revenue, who was forced to resign and return to his hometown.

    This Chen Sheng was Luo Shuyu's grandfather.

    The case was not simple.

    At that time, Chen Sheng was responsible for distributing grain to the north, but for some reason, only 30% of the grain sent to the north was new grain, of the other 70%, 20% was old grain, and 50% was sand and stone; half of the cotton wadding sent was straw; half of the silver was also missing.

    Without food or clothing, Gucheng fell, and Beizhen Wang almost died in the snow. Later, the army in Lincheng rescued him in time and escaped, but Gucheng lost 10,000 elite soldiers, and the common people were also killed by the Guiyan Kingdom. Cutting and chopping, Gucheng became river of blood!
[王 wáng: to rule; to reign over]
[血流成河 xuè liú chéng hé: river of blood (idiom); bloodbath]

    How miserable.

    This matter shocked the whole court. Back then Emperor Tiansheng was still young and vigorous, and immediately ordered people to conduct a thorough investigation, and this investigation led to the assistant minister of the Ministry of revenue, Chen Sheng.

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    Although Chen Sheng had always been an honest official, but all the records had his handwriting and seal. All the people related to this matter were ordered to be beheaded or exiled.

    In the end Chen Sheng was not exiled, but he was ordered to resign from his post and return to his hometown because The left prime minister pleaded for leniency for him. It was normal for the people below to hide it from him, but the most important thing was that they couldn't find any evidence that Chen Sheng was greedy for those food and money.

    But the whole Daxia knew about this matter, the Chen family became sinners, and they couldn't hold their heads up anywhere. This was also the reason why Luo Renshou, after an accident happened in the Chen family, he didn't have the slightest respect for the Chen family, and he ignored Luo Shuyu for many years.

    In this case back then, there were many doubts, but Emperor Tiansheng was very angry at that time, as long as he found out, that person would be executed!

    But now, if someone wanted to find out whether the Yan family was really related to this matter, the case of more than ten years ago must be overturned.

    All the people related to this case back then were closely related to The Left Prime Minister, and Prime Minister Yan seemed to have nothing to do with this matter.

    But now someone found out that one of the Yan family's children had used the batch of silver from that year, and this really poked a bee's nest.

    Every batch of silver issued by the state treasury to the army was numbered and stamped, and there were relevant records in the state treasury of the Daxia Kingdom. It was very clear which silver was lost at that time, because each silver had its own number.

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    This child from the Yan family carelessly took the silver to the brothel to drink flower wine, and was accidentally spotted by the fourth prince's people. After investigation, it was found that this child from the Yan family was the
older male patrilineal cousin of the crown princess.

    The case hadn't been revealed yet, but the Fourth Prince had secretly investigated and found a lot of useful things.

    When the Yan family was still ignorant of this matter, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu had already received the news.

    Luo Shuyu never expected that there would be tricks in the case involving his grandfather.

    For some reason, someone flashed in Luo Shuyu's mind - Chen Rong who was unwilling to join under the banner of the Fourth Prince in the previous life.

The author has something to say: The Third Prince: Wife, accept the move!

Luo Shuyu: All right.

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The Third Prince: I'm still the CEO, and I buy a villa by the sea. During my vacation, I meet you, a mermaid. You fall in love with me at first sight and want to have a little mermaid with me, so we are in the seaside...

Luo Shuyu: Suddenly, I turn back into the real mermaid.

The Third Prince: I'm so happy, you finally want to cooperate with me, wife, go on.

Luo Shuyu: My real body is human body with a fish head, you are so frightened by me on the spot, and after that you can't be a man anymore.

The Third Prince: Let me die!

Luo Shuyu: Didn't you say don't want to die?

The Third Prince: This time I take the initiative to ask for death! ! !

Luo Shuyu: No.

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