When it snowed, they couldn't go anywhere.

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    Li Mingjin just practiced boxing in the room for a while in the morning.


    The snow outside was getting bigger and bigger, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of snow. When the snow stopped falling, the snow had to be shoveled, but it was difficult to shovel it.


    Being bored in the afternoon, Li Mingjin threw two sweet potatoes into the brazier, and then he sat while chatting with Luo Shuyu.   


    After peeling a handful of pumpkin seeds, Luo Shuyu suddenly sat up straight, and told Li Mingjin his doubts: "Your Highness, what is the identity of Mr. Chen? "


     Li Mingjin turned the sweet potatoes in the brazier with a small iron rod. He suddenly wanted to give Luo Shuyu a taste of the roasted sweet potatoes he made: "Huh? Why did you ask this all of sudden?"


     Luo Shuyu: "Because I think it's a little strange. First of all, he came to your door suddenly, and later he joined your group. When I think that his surname is Chen, I suspect that he may have something to do with my grandfather, and I don’t know if I'm thinking too much. "


    Li Mingjin was taken aback by his suspicion, and he thought that it was indeed a bit strange, but Chen Rong's identity had indeed been verified before, and there was no major problem.


    What was wrong with Chen Rong? Did he really have something to do with the Chen family?


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    Li Mingjin: "There's nothing wrong with you thinking like this, but the Chen family where Chen Rong lived before doesn't seem to have much relationship with your mother's Chen family."


    Luo Shuyu: "Why don't you call Chen Rong over to ask? Anyway, we are free now. "


     Li Mingjin: "We must ask him, I don't want people around me to have ambiguous identities."


     After all, the two of them always did what they had said, so they took action immediately and sent someone to invite Chen Rong who curled up on the kang while reading a book.


     As soon as Chen Rong entered the door, he complained to them: "It's snowing so much, why don't you ask me to come over and eat roasted sweet potatoes?"


    At this time, the sweet potatoes baked by Li Mingjin himself came out of the brazier, and he was peeling off the scorched skin for Luo Shuyu. His fingers were stained black, Luo Shuyu actually said that the burnt yellow ones were delicious, and didn't let him peel them off.


    Chen Rong thought to himself, this royal couple was very lively.


    Li Mingjin pointed to the small basket on the side: "If you want to eat, you can roast it yourself."


    Chen Rong didn't really want to eat roasted sweet potatoes, so he sat down and drank tea. It would be a pity not to enjoy the high-quality tea from Li Mingjin's place, which was shipped from the capital.


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    Luo Shuyu asked him: "Mr. Chen, I heard from Dr. Lin that you were not feeling very well in the past two days. Are you feeling better now?"


    Chen Rong said, "My senior brother made a fuss, nothing serious happened, just coughed."


    After Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu finished sharing a sweet potato, they cleaned their hands and drank tea with Chen Rong.


     The atmosphere was quite harmonious, and for a while, they really didn't know how to speak.


    Li Mingjin said suddenly: "Mr. Chen, the fourth prince recently investigated an old case. This case may be related to the Yan family. I think you will be interested in this old case."


    Chen Rong was very interested when he heard it was about the old case, and he asked sharply: "What kind of old case?"


    In the eyes of others, he was knowledgeable and talented, and many people were willing to ask him to solve any difficult problems on weekdays.


    Li Mingjin said while observing Chen Rong's reaction: "Fifteen years ago, when General Wei was still in Gucheng, there was a major case of military rations being embezzled. Back then this case was a sensation, so you must have heard of it. In this case there were many officials involved, even the assistant minister of the Ministry of revenue was involved."


    Luo Shuyu didn't say anything, but he observed Chen Rong's expression carefully, and when Li Mingjin mentioned the case, the smile on Chen Rong's face froze for a moment.


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    Chen Rong also observed the expressions of the two of them, he took a deep breath and said: "The reason you called me here today is to discuss the details of this case with me?"


    Li Mingjin shook his head and said: "What do you think?"


    Chen Rong: "Your Highness, you may as well speak directly."


    Li Mingjin: "Well, I know you are a straightforward person. I did investigate your identity the first time you entered my mansion. There is nothing wrong with your identity, your past is very simple, however this simple past is not enough for you to have the determination to help me, I want to know if you are hiding something from us. "


    Chen Rong smiled relievedly: "It turns out that Your Highness has doubted my identity for a long time."


    Yes, Li Mingjin doubted his identity before, but he never confirmed it. This time, an old case showed up suddenly, and he figured it out right away, otherwise he wouldn't have agreed to call Chen Rong over when Luo Shuyu brought it up, and now he still wanted to get the correct answer from Chen Rong.


    Li Mingjin: "I don't want to know the reason why you joined my group from other people."


    Chen Rong was a smart person, he looked at Luo Shuyu, this time he didn't call him with honorific title: "What about you?"


    Luo Shuyu said: "Your Highness and I have the same thoughts."

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    Chen Rong picked up his teacup and took a sip: "Yes, I have a very close relationship with the Chen family."


    Luo Shuyu saw that Chen Rong's expression began to sink, and he had a premonition that what Chen Rong was going to say next might not be as easy as he imagined.


    If the Chen family returned to their hometown safe and sound, So why did Chen Rong live in another family with the surname Chen? Was it another kind of concealing someone's identity with the same surname.


    Luo Shuyu tried to calm himself down: "There are various types of relationship, who are you in the Chen family?"


    Chen Rong said: "From the seniority in the family, I'm your older cousin."


    Luo Shuyu didn't expect to recognize relatives so quickly.


    Li Mingjin: "Are you sure? How can you prove that you are from the Chen family?"


    Chen Rong said, "Wait for a while, I will send someone back to pick up something. I thought about confessing my identity to you, but I never found a chance. "


    He asked his personal attendant to go back and get something.

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