Chen Rong: "Luo Renshou actually has contacts with the Yan family. I also discovered it by accident, he is very slippery and cautious in doing things. It's difficult to catch him."

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   Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu had already begun to accept Chen Rong's new identity.

  In fact, Chen Rong had been staying with them in Gucheng for many years, and had already gotten along with them. Apart from concealing his identity as the Chen family's only son, he basically had dug his heart out for them in other aspects. Now that they had spoken, it was more natural for the three of them to get along.

  Li Mingjin: "I really didn't realize this, if he has contacts with the Yan family, doesn't that mean that the matter of mother-in-law has something to do with him? "

  Luo Shuyu's heart felt cold at the moment. In his previous life, he still had some expectations for this father. But now, the more he dug down, the more he discovered that his father was an unfathomable person, and there were many unknown and dirty things hidden in him. Luo Renshou was more terrifying than he imagined.

  After proving his identity, Chen Rong felt relaxed, but now it was Luo Shuyu whose complexion was getting worse and worse.

  The Luo family and the Chen family were a bunch of things.

 It was not that Luo Shuyu didn't think about Liu Shi's murder of his mother, but he thought it must be Luo Renshou who instigated her and lent her a knife to kill his mother.
[借刀杀人jiè dāo shā rén: to lend sb a knife to kill sb (idiom); to get sb else to do one's dirty work; to attack using the strength of another]

  Luo Shuyu guessed: "After the Chen family was wiped out, my mother was also murdered. Maybe Liu Shi's poison wouldn't have killed my mother, but if someone knew about her poisoning, and secretly wanted my mother's life, only Luo Renshou could know about this matter. "

  Chen Rong: "But you have no evidence."

  Luo Shuyu: "There will be no evidence at all. Now I suspect that Liu Shi's younger brother and that maid stayed there on purpose. They are the direct evidence pointing to Liu Shi, and the instigator behind the scenes could completely escape, and no one will think that the instigator is him. "

  Luo Renshou was the only one who could do this. Everything could only be arranged by him, there would be no one else.

  If he was indeed in the same group as the Yan family, then he and the Chen family were at odds!

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  If Luo Shuyu hadn't been reborn, all of this would have been covered up.

  Since they came to Gucheng, they paid relatively less attention to the Luo family's affairs. But now, they must also focus on Luo Renshou!

  Luo Shuyu didn't expect to be pushed to this point step by step. His mother's death was just the beginning, and he suffered such misfortune just because he blocked the way of others.

  Li Mingjin tightly held Luo Shuyu's cold hand: "Don't worry, we will send someone to investigate this matter carefully. If the Luo family and the Yan family really collude, I will definitely not let them go."

  The collusion between the Yan family and the officials in the court was deeper than what they imagined. Fortunately, they discovered Chen Rong's identity in time.

    Chen Rong: "How about this, Your Highness, since the fourth prince has already found out about the matter of Gucheng's grain case, why don't I guide them to find out more."

    Luo Shuyu hurriedly stopped him: "No, you can't be in danger!"

    He just confirmed that he was his relative, or maybe the only relative left of the Chen family, so he couldn't watch him take the risks.

    Chen Rong coughed and said: "Don't worry, I finally reunited with my cousin, so I won't make fun of my life. I will send another person to contact the fourth prince secretly. The other party is also a victim of this case like me. With this case, I want to find out how many people are related to the Yan family behind the scenes. This is a breakthrough to knock down the Yan family."

    If the Lin family could fall quickly because of lack of background, but the Yan family was different, it was too difficult to bring it down without a fatal reason.

    Nowadays, Emperor Tiansheng could still suppress the Yan family. But if Emperor Tiansheng left suddenly, the Yan family would definitely send the crown prince to the throne directly, and then it would be difficult for them to make a comeback.

    Now that the matter was over, both Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu were willing to listen to Chen Rong. Because on this matter, he had been planning longer than them, he was more clear about the details than them, and his heart for revenge was stronger.

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    Chen Rong took his jade pendant back to his yard.

    The roasted sweet potatoes on the table were cold, Luo Shuyu broke off a small piece and put it into his mouth: "Your Highness, this sweet potato is no longer sweet."

    Li Mingjin wiped away his tears: "Then I will roast another one."

    Luo Shuyu nodded: "Yes."

    Luo Shuyu had nightmares in the night due to his emotional ups and downs during the day.

    For a while he dreamed of Li Mingjin who was covered in blood, for a while he dreamed of Luo Renshou who was slashing at him with a knife, and for a while it was his mother who was bleeding from all seven orifices.

Li Mingjin shook him to wake him up: "Yu'er, wake up, you are having a nightmare!"

Luo Shuyu looked at Li Mingjin in confusion: "Your Highness, don't die, what should I do if you die?"

    Li Mingjin didn't know what he dreamed of, so he could only comfort him: "As long as you live, I will live, and I will not die."

    Luo Shuyu calmed down, he leaned on his chest, unable to sleep, he said to Li Mingjin in a crying voice: "Your Highness, tell me something embarrassing about you. Please, make me happy."

    Li Mingjin pursed his lips: "I have nothing embarrassing."

    Luo Shuyu: "It's a lie."

    Li Mingjin: "No."

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    Luo Shuyu: "It's a lie."

    Li Mingjin: "Does it count if my concubine mother let me wear the girls clothes?"

    Luo Shuyu: "Yes."

    The two chatted nonchalantly, and fell asleep near dawn.

    After crying for a while, when Luo Shuyu woke up the next day, his mood became much more stable.

    It was snowing outside again, Li Mingjin went to the study, Luo Shuyu wanted to go to him after lunch.

    As soon as he stepped out of the room, he saw An San who was walking across the roof, and he stopped him: "An San, come down and ask you something."

    Immediately, An San jumped in front of Luo Shuyu: "I don't know what orders the master has. "

    Luo Shuyu: "You have been with His Highness for so many years, do you know what embarrassing things he has?"

    An San asked him cautiously: "Master, can you increase the salary of the little one if I speak well?"

    Luo Shuyu chuckled: "Tell me about it first."

An San recalled for a moment and said: "The last time His Highness injured his leg, it wasn't from jumping off a cliff."

Luo Shuyu: "Huh? Do you mean the injury before we got married?"

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An San nodded sharply: "Yes, His Highness was injured because of jumping over the wall when he went to see you secretly at night."

Luo Shuyu's face was very calm, he turned around and walked towards the study. Li Mingjin happened to open the window and saw Luo Shuyu who was walking towards this side, so he jumped out of the window and went to Luo Shuyu.

    Li Mingjin asked him: "Yu'er, do you still want to eat roasted sweet potatoes today?"

    Luo Shuyu stared down at his legs without speaking, and Li Mingjin's sharp eyes saw the back of An San who was walking away on tiptoe like a thief, and his heart skipped a beat.

The author has something to say:

The Third Prince: Wife, let’s be realistic today!

Luo Shuyu: Oh?

The Third Prince: I'm a doctor, and you are my patient. You ask me about andrology. During the consultation, you fall in love with me at first sight, and you really fall in love with me!

Luo Shuyu: All right, but in fact, you are my substitute for Bai Yueguang...

The Third Prince: How can you have Bai Yueguang?

Luo Shuyu: Can't I have Bai Yueguang?

The Third Prince: No, you can't have Bai Yueguang.

Luo Shuyu: Alright, let's start the game again.

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