Chapter 77 Unbelievable News

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  Luo Shuyu, who had just recalled Li Mingjin's injury, bit his lower lip.

  After entering the study, Luo Shuyu narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Mingjin: "Your Highness."

  When Li Mingjin looked at his expression, he knew there must be something wrong, and somehow he felt a little guilty when he responded: "Huh?" He tried hard to think about whether he had done anything wrong recently.

  Luo Shuyu put his hands on the desk: "Be a sincere person?"

  Li Mingjin raised his hand and swore: "I'm absolutely sincere in front of you, always frank."

  Luo Shuyu pointed to his feet: "I heard that when we got married, His Highness's feet didn't get hurt because of running away from the bandits."

  Li Mingjin: "..." It must be the little bastard An San, "Well, the situation at that time really made me hard to explain. I, just thought, since the misunderstanding had already reached to this point, then, just let it go."

  Luo Shuyu: "Your Highness think he is sincere now."

  Li Mingjin scratched the back of his head: "It's all been discovered, if I don't tell the truth, you won't be angry with me."

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  Luo Shuyu took the brush and stained it with ink: "Then do you think I'm not angry now?"

  Li Mingjin: "Then, what should I do to make you stop being angry? I was wrong, and I shouldn't have kept this matter from you."

  Luo Shuyu could understand why Li Mingjin didn't tell the truth at that time, and if it was him, he also wouldn't say the truth at that time. After all, they just got married, and they were still in the situation of not trusting someone, but when he thought about it now, he was still angry.

  He hooked his fingers towards Li Mingjin: "Your Highness, come closer."

  Li Mingjin approached him obediently, and Lu Shuyu ordered him: "Close your eyes."

        Li Mingjin closed his eyes obediently.

  Luo Shuyu quickly raised the brush in his hand and drew a few strokes on his face.

  Li Mingjin: "...Did you draw something on my face?"

  Luo Shuyu drew something on Li Mingjin's face for the first time, so he laughed and said: "It's kind of ugly, hahahahaha!"

  Li Mingjin opened his eyes, snatched the brush from his hand, and he also wanted to draw on his face. But it was impossible for Luo Shuyu to obediently let him draw, so he ran away.

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  Li Mingjin: "Don't run, let me draw!"

  Luo Shuyu: "In your dreams!"

  Li Mingjin: "I'll catch you soon."

  Luo Shuyu: "How dare you?"

  Li Mingjin: "Dare!"

  Luo Shuyu: "Your Highness will sleep on the couch tonight."

  Li Mingjin: "I still want to draw even though I will sleep on the small couch tonight."

  Luo Shuyu: "No, it's too ugly, hahaha, I don't want to be as ugly as you."

  There was no overnight feud between husband and wife. In the end, both of them could only fetch water to wash their faces, which was enough.

  Unknowingly, the Spring Festival came, and the farmers began to pray for favorable weather. Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu also went to sprinkle a few drops of water.

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[风调雨顺 fēng tiáo yǔ shùn : favorable weather (idiom); good weather for crops]

        Nowadays Gucheng not only could be self-sufficient, but also could enrich their granary. Li Mingjin had made this place become rich place.

  Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin returned to their original positions on the city wall.

  Today's city walls had already been strengthened, as far as the eyes could see, Gucheng had become the place they imagined before.

  In addition, Gucheng had expanded several times. In the past three years, because Gucheng had become more stable, the population had increased by tens of thousands compared with the beginning. Many refugees who couldn't survive in the north were willing to go to this place.

  Not only the common people of Daxia who couldn't survive came to Gucheng to seek a way, even some small tribes in Guiyan Kingdom were willing to serve Li Mingjin.

         Gucheng offered different policies for different people and different races.

  Li Mingjin was no longer the inexperienced leader he was three years ago. Maybe he would make some small mistakes, but he was absolutely clear about major issues. What was more, if he made mistakes, he must correct them.

      For the small tribes from Guiyan Kingdom, he made many different policies. Of course, the common people of Daxia were definitely given more preferential treatment.

  Although there was still some small disturbances here in Gucheng, but the development was going smoothly.

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  Over there in the capital, there were also people who were working. The crown prince and the Yan family were completely integrated. They were still waiting wholeheartedly for the death of Emperor Tiansheng, and preparing for the crown prince's enthronement in the future.

  However, Emperor Tiansheng had been quite energetic recently. Although he still had depression in his heart, he already had his own way to resolve it after fighting the Yan family for so many years. What was more, he seemed to be rejuvenated now. He thought that getting along with Concubine Mei was not bad, the two of them experienced the joy of farming everyday. Their bodies had become more healthy, and they ate more rigorously everyday. The crown prince and the Yan family also couldn't find a chance to poison him.

  The empress had separated from Emperor Tiansheng since a long time ago, of course she couldn't get closer to him.

  What the crown prince and the Yan family didn't expect was that there was another group of people in the palace protecting Emperor Tiansheng, and that was Concubine Wei who had always been calm.

  Emperor Tiansheng and the old General Wei often played chess together, Emperor Tiansheng and him had a heart-to-heart relationship. He told General Wei that calling him back to the court was not to take away his military power, but he himself hoped that he could comply the Mandate of heaven. Where there was a start, there was a finish, instead of worrying about those unfilial sons everyday.
[善始善终 shàn shǐ shàn zhōng: where there's a start, there's a finish (idiom); to finish once one starts sth; to carry things through; I started, so I'll finish]

       The old General Wei understood in an instant, and cooperated with Emperor Tiansheng. Before he knew it, the guards around him were gradually replaced by soldiers led by Emperor Tiansheng and the Old General Wei, and anyone could tell at a glance whether they had been on the battlefield or not.

  Of course, the Old General Wei wouldn't completely believe what Emperor Tiansheng said, he only brought up this matter after he returned to the capital for more than three years. But Emperor Tiansheng replaced his fear of death with the feelings of an emperor and his ministers. It sounded good, but Old General Wei just felt that he was not strong enough. Emperor Tiansheng was too calculating. If he really believed in him, all these dealings would be for nothing, and his son (Concubine Wei) had been in the palace for so many years for nothing.

  They were all a group of people with their own plans.

  The fourth prince's secret investigation of the Gucheng's grain case didn't go very smoothly, but fortunately, Shen Mingyun and Chen Rong secretly helped him and he could get a lot of useful evidence.

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