As soon as the man opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful young man staring straight at him. The man was very vigilant, and he stretched out his hand to grab Shen Mingyun's neck!

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  Shen Mingyun was almost fainted because of him, but luckily the expert he brought quickly separated them, after that Shen Mingyun took a while to catch his breath.

  After being able to catch his breath, Shen Mingyun who was a vengeful man, kicked the man's chest immediately: "I saved you, but you actually bite the hand that feeds you!"
[恩将仇报 ēn jiāng chóu bàoto: bite the hand that feeds one (idiom), to requite kindness with enmity]

  The man fell back on the bed again, clutching his chest and coughing heavily.

  After back and forth, the atmosphere between the two eased.

  It was only then that Shen Mingyun realized that this man was not from Daxia Kingdom, and his accent didn't sound like someone from the capital.

  Shen Mingyun asked him: "You are not from Daxia, where are you from?"

  The man hesitated and said, "I..."

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  Shen Mingyun: "Be honest, since I saved you, I will definitely not harm you."

  The man clutched his chest and felt that he was about to vomit blood, his mind spinned fast, his face softened and then he introduced himself: "I'm from Guiyan Kingdom, my name is Ha Chi, I'm a businessman, and I want to do business with people in the capital of Daxia Kingdom. But who would have thought that I was deceived halfway. I was tied up by human traffickers and sent to those mobs. They said that they would sacrifice me, if not for the benefactor, I would have been sunk in the river by now."

  "So you're just a businessman." Shen Mingyun thought to himself that the men recommended to him by the system should all have status. This person must be more than just a businessman. "Isn't your Guiyan Kingdom in the north? What kind of business do you want to do? Do you want to sell sheep?"

  Ha Chi: "Then this young master doesn't know, in addition to selling sheep, our grassland also has mines. I'm here to do jade business."

  Shen Mingyun: "So that's how it is." He thought that the fourth prince now needed a legitimate way to become an emperor. If he had jade mine, it would be easy. It seemed that the system was right, it was useful for him to save this man. "Jade, it should be able to make a lot of money."

  People in Daxia's capital were either wealthy or respectable people, and jade was also a good way to make money. The fourth prince was short of money now, but he still didn't know if the identity of the other party was true or not.

  Shen Mingyun was smart for a while, he ordered someone to stare at Ha Chi here, and then returned to the fourth prince's mansion.

  As soon as he returned, he found that his son was crying. The fourth prince came back early today and wanted to have dinner with Shen Mingyun, but who knew where he went, his son was still crying, and when Shen Mingyun came back, he was still coaxing his son.

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  The fourth prince turned a blind eye to the fact that Shen Mingyun liked to run outside: "Mingyun, why did you run out, our son was crying so hard that he was almost dumb."

  Shen Mingyun: "Didn't I just come back, I went out to buy some snacks, don't be so serious. By the way, I saved someone today."

  The Fourth Prince had some shadows about Shen Mingyun saving someone: "You saved someone again? Is it a man?"

  Shen Mingyun didn't care at all that the fourth prince's face darkened slightly: "Yes, a man."

        The fourth prince handed the child over to the nanny, and then he asked Shen Mingyun: "Why do you save anyone indiscriminately?"

  Shen Mingyun: "This man is very useful." He asked the servants to go out first, and then said in a low voice, "This man said he came from the Guiyan Kingdom, he is a jade seller. I also thought of a way to make money."

  Hearing that he could make money, the fourth prince's face softened a bit: "How do you say it?"

  Shen Mingyun whispered his plan to him. He had a lot of ideas, so he came up with a secure successful sales plan.

  For example, the very classic marketing case of "Diamond is forever, one diamond will last forever"

  Originally, people in Daxia admired jade. If he could come up with some styles, the rare things were more expensive, engaged in hunger marketing, and then raised the price, how could no one buy them?

  The fourth prince was very interested in this matter, and he said that he wanted to meet that man first.

  The next day, the Fourth Prince and Shen Mingyun went to see Ha Chi.

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  After communicating with the other party, the fourth prince knew that this person was not just a simple businessman, only Shen Mingyun would believe his one-sided words.

  However, it didn't matter as long as they could cooperate.

  The fourth prince began to test the real identity of this person.

  Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu who were far away in Gucheng just received a news.

  The little prince of the Guiyan Kingdom sneaked into the businessman team and went to the capital.

  Luo Shuyu's first reaction was: Keep an eye on Shen Mingyun!

  These princes liked to go to Shen Mingyun's side, so as long as they could find Shen Mingyun's whereabouts, they could catch this little prince.

  Li Mingjin didn't doubt what he said, so he rushed to send a letter to the capital immediately. If they could capture the little prince of the Guiyan Kingdom, they could foil them again.

  At night, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu were lying on the bed. They had just finished a round of exercise. Both of them felt a little hot. Before they could fall asleep, they talked about the little prince of Guiyan Kingdom and Shen Mingyun.

  "Yu'er, why are you so sure that the little prince of Guiyan Kingdom will meet that cousin of yours?"

  "Because he is different, that is, some people have aura that can always attract some weird people. Isn't this little prince also a weird person?"

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  "He is the cruelest prince in the Guiyan Kingdom. I heard that being his prisoner will not end well. If you don't die, then you will be stripped of your skin."

  "Someone like him should be arrested." Moreover, he shouldn't be allowed to cooperate with Shen Mingyun.

  In the book, there was a character of Prince from Guiyan Kingdom, who also fell in love with Shen Mingyun at first sight. If the fourth prince hadn't watched him closely, Shen Mingyun would have been kidnapped by the little prince Hachi to the Guiyan Kingdom as his concubine.

  It was also because of the relationship between Shen Mingyun and Prince Ha Chi that during the period when the fourth prince was still vying for the throne, the Guiyan Kingdom never invaded Daxia.

  Now, the prince of Guiyan Kingdom had arrived in the capital later than expected, and he didn't know what would happen.

  Half a month later, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu got a piece of news that they couldn't believe.

  Shen Mingyun and Ha Chi eloped!

The author has something to say: The Third Prince: Wife, let’s not follow the realistic style, let’s follow the future interstellar campus style!

Luo Shuyu: As long as you are happy.

The Third Prince: I'm a strong ALPHA, you are a weak OMEGA, you love me to death, but I don't like you, you plan to seduce me when you are in estrus for the first time...

Luo Shuyu: On the day when the estrus should happen, I receive the medical examination report from the hospital. It turns out I have glandular cancer, and I have an operation to remove the glands that day.

The Third Prince: ...

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