The prince's imperial concubine of a country eloped with someone? It sounded like a joke, so ridiculous.

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  This matter could be big or small, but it would still greatly affect the reputation of the royal family of the Daxia Kingdom.


  Luo Shuyu wasn't worried, and it took half a month for the news to spread to them. Presumably the matter was really urgent, but it was suppressed by the Fourth Prince.


  Now was the critical period for the fourth prince, how could he allow himself to have a scandal.


  The fourth prince reacted quickly, and he immediately told others that the fourth prince's imperial concubine was kidnapped when he went outside. But the real situation was Shen Mingyun and Ha Chi left the capital. As for where they went, the fourth prince really didn't know.


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  Shen Mingyun not only failed to see the larger issue, but he also didn't even have the most basic principles of being a fulang.

[不识大体 bù shí dà tǐ: to fail to see the larger issue (idiom); unaware of the general interest]


  The fourth prince really wanted to chop him to death. After three years of marriage, did he not love their family at all? Their baby had just been born!


  But even though he was so angry, he still had to send someone to bring Shen Mingyun back.


  He could say that Shen Mingyun was really stupid to leave with stranger, but even though he was stupid, he still left a letter for the fourth prince. In the letter he said that he didn't like the kind of life of being detained in the backyard, the world was so big, he wanted to go out and have a look, he wanted to start a jade business with Ha Chi, accumulated more wealth for the fourth prince, so they could conquer the world for their son.


  Shen Mingyun felt that everyone who read it could feel the deep feeling inside and couldn't help feeling moved.


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  Shen Mingyun really regarded the Fourth Prince as a brainless NPC in the game.


  If the fourth prince was really a love brain, he would be very moved at this time, but unfortunately the fourth prince was not, he always thought clearly. He had seen clearly what kind of person Shen Mingyun was, he was just a selfish person, someone who only cared about his own mood, regardless of the life and death of others.


  It was okay if he wanted to see the world, but it must be after he ascended the throne. After Shen Mingyun was no longer useful, he could go anywhere, but not now!


  The fourth prince's eyeliner was everywhere in the capital, so it was not that difficult for him to check someone.


  As a foreigner, Ha Chi had a range of activities. As a foreigner who looked different from Daxia people, he was easy to be remembered.


  The fourth prince had been fighting for so many years, and he also had investigated many cases. Shen Mingyun was a sloppy person, so he must have left a lot of clues. Following these clues, Shen Mingyun could be found naturally.


  As for the abnormality of Shen Mingyun, after all these years of getting along, the fourth prince found out that Shen Mingyun had never used anything against him, so he could rest assured. After all, there was still a son between them, and the current relationship between the two was not bad. 


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     The current relationship between the two was not bad, but the fourth prince was still afraid of the unknown thing, but he also knew that the unknown thing wouldn't hurt him, and if it really wanted to harm him, his bones had already been gone.


  The only thing that disgusted the fourth prince was that Shen Mingyun really liked saving wild men, and these men had the same build and appearance. He always liked to get mixed up with these wild men, and what was even more puzzling was that he liked to call them elder brother, he simply had lost his mind.


  If he brought Shen Mingyun back this time, he wouldn't touch him again. Who knew what they had done outside, it was really annoying.


  Fortunately, he still had a son!


  When the fourth prince was holding his son, he felt for a moment that he was like a poor wife who had been abandoned at home, and Shen Mingyun was the flamboyant man who abandoned his wife and son. It was quite ridiculous when he thought about it.


  One day, Shen Mingyun would regret the decision he made today.


  The world was so big, who didn't want to see it? But they had to have the ability to do it.

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  If he didn't care about the consequences like this, the responsibility he would bear would be heavier, and the consequences would be more serious.


  However, the fourth prince still underestimated Shen Mingyun's wildness and the power of the little prince of Guiyan Kingdom in the capital.


  The fourth prince turned the capital upside down but still couldn't find Shen Mingyun. His movement looking for someone was not small. Within three days, everyone in the capital knew that the fourth prince's imperial concubine had been kidnapped. 


    But it was different from before, back then Luo Shuyu was held hostage by an assassin in broad daylight, everyone saw it with their own eyes. Later the third prince even led the troops to rescue the third imperial concubine. Their experience had become a good story. Until today there were still many storytellers in the restaurants telling the fantasy love story between the two of them with twists and turns that tortured the heart, body and lungs.


  But the fourth prince and his imperial concubine were different. Did the fourth prince say that the fourth imperial concubine was kidnapped? But they didn't see it, and there were no witnesses to see it. On the contrary, some people jumped out and said that they had seen the fourth imperial concubine entered the inn with a strange man, and this matter spread quickly.


  They were afraid that it wasn't  the fourth imperial concubine was kidnapped, but the truth was he eloped with someone.


  What else the fourth prince could do, he could only bear it, gritted his teeth and swallowed blood. Every time he heard these almost truthful comments, he couldn't wait to kill Shen Mingyun, how could he marry this shameful thing!

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