When everyone didn't know where Shen Mingyun had gone, Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin had ordered their people to keep an eye on the people who entered the city recently.

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  Today, Li Mingjin's power development was not only in Gucheng, he already had mutual exchange of assistance with several neighboring cities, everyone could earn money and grow food together. He was also willing to do anything that was beneficial to the common people, therefore Gucheng became more and more united with the three surrounding cities.

[互通有无 hù tōng yǒu wú: mutual exchange of assistance (idiom); to benefit from each other's strengths and make up each other's shortfalls]


  If Shen Mingyun and Ha Chi really wanted to cross the border, they really had to go through their Gucheng side.


  Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin didn't know what kind of dress Shen Mingyun and Ha Chi would wear this time, so they could only let their people pay more attention.


  Only Luo Shuyu knew that it was really not difficult for Shen Mingyun to cross the border. He could exchange some points for a face-changing mask from the system, and it would be no problem to fool the guards. He felt that their efforts wouldn't be able to stop Shen Mingyun and Ha Chi, and their plan would fail.


  But sometimes people really didn't have the final say on the development of things. There was a saying that 'man proposes but God disposes', and the plans couldn't keep up with the changes.


  Neither Luo Shuyu nor Li Mingjin thought of being able to stop Shen Mingyun and Ha Chi.

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  It was not raining today, it was sunny and windy, so it was suitable to go out.


  Li Mingjin took Luo Shuyu to a mutton vermicelli restaurant in the city to dine. He always wanted to come to this place with Luo Shuyu for a long time, but they never had the chance.


       "The haggis soup here is not bad, do you want to try it?"


  Luo Shuyu nodded and said: "Your Highness, you can order a bowl, and I'll take a couple of sips."


  He seldom ate haggis, but mutton at most. Li Mingjin was not particular about food, he could eat whatever he had, he was very easy to feed. But if every meal was meat, he would be very happy.


  But in order to ensure a balanced diet, Luo Shuyu wouldn't let him eat and drink indiscriminately.


  Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu talked while eating.


  Luo Shuyu: "Your Highness said last time that a storyteller told a story about the sea, how about we go and listen to it later?"


  Li Mingjin: "Okay, I don't have any business today, so I'll just accompany you. That storyteller can not only tell story about the sea, but also about the desert."

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  While talking, someone at the door teased Li Mingjin: "Your Highness is definitely the representative of a good husband."


  Lin Haiming, who was on duty, walked in with big strides. He sat down beside Li Mingjin,

 and poured tea for himself skillfully.


  Li Mingjin chased him away in disgust: "Go aside, don't disturb us to eat noodles."


  Lin Haiming smiled at Luo Shuyu and said: "Your Highness, please, I finally met my sister-in-law  so I should say hello, isn't it easy?"


  Li Mingjin: "It must be nothing good to see you here, and this time you must want to ask about someone else's family's ger, right?"


  Luo Shuyu smiled and said: "General Lin is not married yet, so it's understandable to be anxious."


  During these years in Gucheng, Lin Haiming often received letters from his father urging him to get married, and now this matter was enough to make him headache.


  With Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu as a model of loving couple, he also wanted to find a smart ger like Luo Shuyu to be his wife. A few days ago, he heard that there was a ger from a family in the north of the city who was handsome and gentle, proficient in the four arts, and the people who came to ask for marriage were lined up until reached Langcheng next door, so he asked Luo Shuyu to help him inquire about this ger.

[琴棋书画 qín qí shū huà: the four arts (zither, Go, calligraphy, painting); the accomplishments of a well-educated person]


  As a matter of fact, it was fine if they didn't inquire, but once they inquired, there would be problems.

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  It turned out that because the parents loved the get dearly, the ger of this family had fat physique, and he was happy to partake but not prepared to do any work, so his figure was really undescribable. As for the so-called proficient in the four arts, his father made up nonsense in order to let people want to marry him.

[好吃懒做 hào chī lǎn zuò: happy to partake but not prepared to do any work (idiom); all take and no give]


  After Lin Haiming heard Luo Shuyu's feedback, he was so scared that he didn't want to get married anymore!


  Lin Haiming said: "I didn't come here to talk about marriage. I was interrupted by you, and I almost forgot to tell you something serious."


  Li Mingjin felt vexed because he disturbed him and Luo Shuyu who were eating mutton noddles sweetly: "Can't we talk about it after we finish eating?"


  Lin Haiming: "My sister-in-law doesn't mind, what do you mind?"


  Over the years in Gucheng, the friendship between the two had grown to a higher level. People who were familiar with Li Mingjin were not afraid of him. Anyway, they would have a better relationship with him, because they could understand Li Mingjin's character better. He was upright and responsible, and the easiest time to see a person's character clearly was on the battlefield.


  This was probably the charm of Li Mingjin's personality. Without saying too much, there would be a group of people willing to work hard for him, because he would also return the same sincerity to those who supported and loved him.


  Li Mingjin: "What the hell are you trying to say?"


  Lin Haiming pretended to be mysterious and said: "I caught two people in the inn just now because they wanted to leave without paying the bill. Guess what these two people said."

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  Luo Shuyu was very cooperative and asked, "What did they say?"


  Lin Haiming: "They said they are jade merchants. Their purse was stolen and they had no money to pay the bill. They were almost taken away by the government."


  Li Mingjin: "It's natural to pay off the debts, why didn't the government take them away?"


  Lin Haiming: "Because I found the two of them a bit strange, so I took them away. The short man is actually a ger, with fair skin and tender flesh, which can be seen at a glance, but he still pretended to be a man. The other man is not like us Daxia people, he speaks with Guiyan accent, which is somewhat similar to the person you asked us to look for a few days ago."


  Luo Shuyu became really interested, he said: "Where are the two of them now? Did you ask them about their identities?"


  Lin Haiming: "I haven't asked in detail yet."


  Luo Shuyu looked at Li Mingjin: "Your Highness, why don't we go and have a look." Maybe one of them was Shen Mingyun.


  Of course, he just thought about it casually, how could Shen Mingyun fall into their hands so easily? it was impossible.


  In fact, there was really such a coincidence.


  When Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin came to Lin Haiming's place, they really saw Shen Mingyun.

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