The eunuch immediately knew that he should put the painting in a box and send it to Changle Palace.

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  Just when Concubine Mei was about to thank Emperor Tiansheng, she suddenly felt a burst of abdominal pain, she curled up and fell to the ground, and passed out!

  She fell to the ground too fast, the smile on the face of Emperor Tiansheng who was the closest to her was still on his face, and he couldn't react at all!

  Emperor Tiansheng panicked and immediately helped Concubine Mei who fell to the ground.

        "Concubine Mei, Concubine Mei, what's wrong with you?"

  "Concubine Mei!"

  "Come here! Imperial doctor Xuan! Imperial doctor Xuan!"

  In the scorching summer, there was a panic scene in Emperor Tiansheng's bedroom, which was unprecedentedly tense.

  The imperial doctor made a diagnosis and treatment inside and came to an unsurprising conclusion.

  Concubine Mei was poisoned, and the source of the poison came from the two bowls of mung bean soup she drank, one bowl was her own, and the other bowl was Emperor Tiansheng's.

  Both bowls were taken by the imperial doctor for drug testing.

  Concubine Mei vomited all the mung bean soup she had just drank after being fed the emetic soup, which made Emperor Tiansheng feel uncomfortable after hearing it.

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  Anyone who had touched these two bowls of mung bean soup today must not let it go!

  The palace where Emperor Tiansheng slept was called Weiyang Palace.

  Today's Weiyang Palace rod killed a group of people.

  It was very difficult just to drink a soup and still got poisoned. These people around him, all without an exception were dangerous.

  Emperor Tiansheng couldn't even believe the old eunuch who had been with him for decades.

  Who wanted his life the most desperately now?

  It was the crown prince, and it was also the Yan family!

  On this day, the inside and outside of the palace began to intensify the defenses, as long as some people were suspicious, they would all be put in prison first.

  The imperial doctor found out that the poison was white arsenic, and an overdose would be fatal. He also wondered if the person who put the poison didn't want Emperor Tiansheng's life, so he didn't put too much poison inside.

  Three days later, Concubine Mei's life was saved, and she could eat some liquid food, so her life was considered to be saved.

  No one dared to tell the third prince who was far away in Gucheng, Emperor Tiansheng was even more guilty now, Concubine Mei had suffered for him, he also felt sorry for Li Mingjin.

  Emperor Tiansheng didn't dare to tell Li Mingjin, but it didn't mean that Li Mingjin didn't know about it.

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  The letter that was sent to Gucheng spurred the horse to full speed. The day after Concubine Mei woke up, Li Mingjin received the news that she had been poisoned.
[快马加鞭 kuài mǎ jiā biān: to spur the horse to full speed (idiom); to go as fast as possible]

  Luo Shuyu was also taken aback. When Li Mingjin was about to pack their luggages and return to the capital, another letter from capital was delivered to Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu. It was a handwritten letter from Concubine Mei. The letter came in a timely manner. After reading it, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu were dumbfounded.

  Li Mingjin was so angry that he locked himself in the study room for one night. Luo Shuyu didn't bother him, Concubine Mei explained everything in the letter.

  Although the truth was beyond their expectations, they still couldn't calm down for a while.

  In the early morning of the next day, Li Mingjin climbed back into bed and hugged Luo Shuyu, who was half asleep and half awake.

  Li Mingjin blamed himself very much: "Yu'er, I'm still too weak, what should I do? Concubine mother shouldn't have to bear these things, but she almost risked her life for me. I'm sorry for her."

  Luo Shuyu used great effort to make himself awa: "Your Highness, you don't have to blame yourself.  As the saying goes that being a mother is tough, and the concubine mother also said in the letter that she did it voluntarily. In the past twenty years, she couldn't do what a mother should do. And now, she is willing to do all this for you, because she has you as a son in her heart."

        "Of course, I don't agree with her radical approach, killing one thousand enemy soldiers and losing eight hundred soldiers, which simply shortens the lifespan and damages the body. "
[殺敵一千,自損八百 shādí yīqiān, zì sǔn bābǎi: To kill one thousand enemy soldiers while one loses eight hundred soldiers]

  Li Mingjin sighed: "What should I do?"

  Luo Shuyu patted his hand: "Let's do what the concubine mother said, so that she can feel at ease."

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  In the letter written by Concubine Mei, it was mentioned that the poisoning incident was done by herself, and the purpose was to intensify the conflict between the Yan family and Emperor Tiansheng. Emperor Tiansheng might also suspect that it was the fourth prince's handwriting, but he wouldn't doubt her at all. This was killing three birds with one stone.

  The ultimate goal of this letter was, she hoped that Li Mingjin would arrange the next things well, and didn't waste any moment.

  Luo Shuyu admired concubine Mei's determination and action. She was a woman worthy of respect. She was worthy of being a princess of a country.

  As she said in her letter, no one knew that her poisoning was self-directed and acted.

  At this time, the court struggle in Daxia intensified. Emperor Tiansheng believed that it was the Yan family's fault, and the Yan family believed that it was the fourth prince's fault.

  At this time, the Yan family was suppressed, and the Empress and the crown prince were struggling in the harem.

  Emperor Tiansheng was always on guard against the Yan family, afraid that they would the imperial city from inside and outside like the Lin family last time, so he had to coordinate outside and inside offensives.
[里应外合 lǐ yìng wài hé: to coordinate outside and inside offensives (idiom); (fig.) to act together]

        However, it was difficult for the Yan family to rebel. The power of the Yan family was gradually withdrawn, and the military power had returned to Emperor Tiansheng.

  The Yan family had been keeping private soldiers for a long time, and Emperor Tiansheng needed to find an opportunity to wipe them all out.

  Who should he send?

  He finally chose the fourth prince. He knew the best where the Yan family's private soldiers were kept.

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  In the name of suppressing bandits, the fourth prince quietly led his troops and set off.

  An inevitable war was imminent.

  Concubine Mei, who had just drank ginseng soup in Changle Palace, opened Li Mingjin's letter, he reported their safety as always.

  That's good, you just need to pretend that you don't know anything.

  You are just a prince who guards the border far in the north.

  That's all.

The author has something to say: The Third prince: I don't want to lose again.

Luo Shuyu: Then I will let you win today.

The Third Prince: Good~

Luo Shuyu: Count to three.

The Third Prince: One, two, three...

Luo Shuyu: You won.

The Third Prince: ...

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