After receiving the secret order, the fourth prince ordered his troops to set off quickly. Although there was not much movement, and there was a token given by Emperor Tiansheng, they still couldn't hide their movements from Prime Minister Yan's faction.

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  Although Emperor Tiansheng had removed the members of the Yan family in the court on the bright side, but it was difficult to find out those who cooperated with the Yan family secretly. If all the people who had been in contact with the Yan family were cleaned up, then the entire court would be deserted. However, because of this, the officials who secretly colluded with the Yan family could report to the Yan family as soon as they heard the news.

  What would the soldiers do?

  Naturally, it was to attack the city.

  The city where the private soldiers of the Yan family were located, and the territories they were occupying.

  Emperor Tiansheng was not carried away by a whim, he could let the fourth prince directly muster troops to set off immediately, the commander and generals were arranged in an orderly manner, even the generals brought back by the old general Wei were arranged. It could be seen that his determination to get rid of the Yan family was not a day or two .

        When the fourth prince bid farewell to Emperor Tiansheng, Emperor Tiansheng was very excited.

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  The Yan family was finally about to lose, and was about to be overthrown by him.

  From now on, he no longer needed to be restrained by the Yan family.

  The so-called relatives were different in front of the imperial power.

  The Li family ruled the world, but the Yan family was so powerful that no one who was in power from the Li family could accept it.

  Everyone in the royal family was happy to see what Emperor Tiansheng had done today, including those who supported the imperial power faction.

  A family was not like a family, and a country is not like a country. What if there was a strong faction who dared to speak? A country could have different voices, but it couldn't have many factions.

  It wasn't a matter of a day or two for the Yan family to raise private soldiers. Back then, the Lin family only occupied Dong'an County, but the Yan family occupied more than one area.

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  The Yan family occupied three counties. The garrisons in these three counties had already been bought by the Yan family, which was equivalent to being occupied by the Yan family. If the fourth prince attacked them, they would definitely resist, so Emperor Tiansheng's purpose was to do it secretly.

  Yan Cheng and the other members of the Yan family in the capital had been controlled by Emperor Tiansheng, but this was arranged quietly. Yan Cheng had no reason to hold up the banner of rebellion and let his people attack the capital, moreover, the crown prince, empress, and empress dowager were still in the palace. He had a lot of things to consider, unlike the Lin family who staked everything in one throw.

  The Yan family's scale of operations were spread everywhere, in this critical juncture they had to consider their success or failure. If they succeed, they would be famous all over the world, but if they were defeated, it would be rivers of blood. Because it was impossible for Emperor Tiansheng to let one member of the Yan family go, even the eighty years old woman or the newborn baby.

  But now, Emperor Tiansheng was going to attack the Yan family's lair, how could the Yan family not resist?

  Resistance was inevitable, but of course they wouldn't be so stupid  to use the banner of the Yan family, but if this continued, the Yan family would inevitably be swallowed up and disintegrated by Emperor Tiansheng little by little.

  What would the Yan family do?

  Still the primary issue was, in the matter of life and death, who would be removed and who would stay.

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  Prime Minister Yan urgently summoned his subordinates to discuss about this matter, what should they do in this situation?

  The suggestion that was given by the subordinates was to see what kind of trick Emperor Tiansheng and the fourth prince were going to use, and whether they really knew all the military bases of the Yan family.

  Now since that they knew that the opponent was coming, they had to be fully prepared.

  The Yan family's private soldiers were also civilians, so if the soldiers they raised changed into civilians, when the fourth prince passed by, it was the same like using a wicker basket to draw water, all his hopes and efforts came to nothing.
[竹篮打水 zhú lán dǎ shuǐ: using a wicker basket to draw water (idiom); wasted effort]

  The large troops definitely couldn't move as fast as the people who took the horse to tip off the news.

  After the Yan family had a countermeasure, they went forward to implement it decisively. Since Emperor Tiansheng wanted to suppress them, they would stay low-key and dormant, and wait for the time to make other plans. Now they were being roasted on the fire, therefore the first thing they could do now was to guarantee that their people didn't get into trouble.

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  Emperor Tiansheng and the Fourth Prince's secret operation was done too well, the soldiers set off in two different directions. The Yan family was a little confused for a while, but they still had to notify what they should notify.

  The fourth prince could become the protagonist in the previous life, and since he could ascend to the throne, of course he was not a vegetarian. Not to mention that Shen Mingyun's assistance came back too timely, and he could give him some suggestions, in a disguised form, he informed the Fourth Prince the whereabouts of the informant.

  The fourth prince's spies closely followed the informant from the Yan family, and then the large army turned around and walked in the direction of the informant.

  The Yan family thought that the fourth prince didn't know about this, but they still didn't know anything about Shen Mingyun's ability.

       After returning to the capital and doing some tasks, Shen Mingyun got a lot of points. He gave up exchanging weight loss pills and exchanged some useful items for the Fourth Prince.

  If the Fourth Prince, with Shen Mingyun's absolute help, still couldn't discover the Yan family's hidden private soldiers, then his points would be wasted.

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