Chapter 82 Who are you?

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  After digesting the fact that Shen Mingyun had gained a lot of weight, the man revealed his identity to Shen Mingyun.

  When Shen Mingyun heard that he still had a high status, he immediately said that they could form an alliance!

       Enthronement was not a matter of one or two people, but was a major event for many countries. With one more friend and there would be one more way, he didn't save the wrong person.

  The appearance of the second prince of the Zhou kingdom was simply a God's help, sending charcoal in snowy weather.
[雪中送炭 xuě zhōng sòng tàn: lit. to send charcoal in snowy weather (idiom); fig. to provide help in sb's hour of need]

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  Shen Mingyun circled around and took the second prince of Zhou kingdom to the place where the fourth prince was stationed at this time.

  This was a great help.

  Now when the Fourth Prince needed manpower the most, wouldn't it be perfect if he could make good use of the Second Prince of the Zhou kingdom?

  As for what kind of request the second prince of Zhou kingdom would make, he believed that the fourth prince would solve it, and he was only responsible for making connections.

  A few days later, the fourth prince and the second prince of Zhou kingdom stood inside the tent while looking at each other.

  Shen Mingyun sat on the side with his round face propped up and watched the two men playing games with a smile on their faces. He didn't even know that the two men in front of him were showing their "hypocrisy" side.

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  The second prince of Zhou kingdom: "The fourth prince is really blessed to have this fulang. I wish the fourth prince and Mr. Shen a hundred years of love."

  The Fourth Prince gritted his teeth and spat out two words: "...Thank you."

  Although Shen Mingyun was in the middle to mediate, his effect was not great. He didn't use props such as "intimate close friends" on the two of them. The fourth prince and the second prince of Zhou kingdom looked close on the surface only.

        Besides, Shen Mingyun was a married ger, he was rounder than before, and didn't have the previous eye-catching appearance. Even though he still had 'fair and beautiful' prop now, but his figure was still daunting.

       At first, the second prince of Zhou kingdom still couldn't let go because of Shen Mingyun's unpretentious personality, but now he dismissed all his thoughts. After all, Shen Mingyun was the imperial concubine of another country who already gave birth to two children, he was someone else's fulang, how could he think so much? It was so immoral.

  The nervous Shen Mingyun didn't see that the second prince of Zhou kingdom just wanted to know the fourth prince through his identity. So far, he still had no self-consciousness about being a parent and a fulang, and he still wanted to call the second prince of Zhou kingdom big brother, he completely forgot what kind of identity he had now.

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  The fourth prince wanted to remind Shen Mingyun not to be too close to wild man, but he changed his mind, because he knew that right now Shen Mingyun was trying to help him. The second prince of Zhou kingdom wanted to cooperate with him, but the two sides were still in the process of testing.

        The fourth prince himself had to consider the future, if he could make good use of this cooperation without being discovered, naturally it couldn't be better, but if his father found out about the matter between him and the second prince of Zhou kingdom in the future, then he wouldn't be able to enjoy his current status.

       It was possible that he would be imprisoned in the royal courtyard like the first prince, or his fate might be more miserable than the first prince. After all his father was very fierce, it was also possible to be demoted to a commoner.

  But the second prince of Zhou kingdom had already come to his place, so why not take a gamble? As long as he didn't leave handle behind, who would know that he was cooperating with the Zhou people, right now the most important thing was to gain the trust of his father and pull down the crown prince and the Yan family.

  As long as the crown prince was abolished, it was his chance. Now who else was suitable for the position of crown prince besides him?

  Of course it was also possible for the third brother, but he was far away in the north. Father hadn't seen him for several years, how much sincere care could he have for the third brother. Perhaps father didn't even remember the third brother's appearance anymore.

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       Not to mention, in terms of heirs, at present he had a son and a daughter, they were very much loved by father, what did the third brother have? The third imperial concubine of his family didn't lay eggs. They had been married for more than five years and their children hadn't been seen yet.

  It could be seen that heaven was helping him.

  The more he thought about it in this way, the fourth prince felt that the round Shen Mingyun was very pleasing to the eye. Although Shen Mingyun was a bit lecherous and liked handsome men, at least he never made any mistakes in major matters, and he had been helping him.

        Although he still had a little doubt about his daughter's life experience, as a daughter she would get married immediately after she grew up, but at least his son was confirmed to be his, and the other was not important.

  If he could successfully ascend the throne, there would be no powerful wife's parents' home to influence any of his decisions. There was no need to give up the position of the crown prince to others, and there was no need to suffer this kind of humiliation. On this point, he really admired his father, Emperor Tiansheng, who could endure so much for the sake of the Li family.

  The fourth prince had imagined a lot about the future. Combined with everything he had successfully obtained now, he was quite optimistic, and the plans for the future were almost in place.

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