I'm The Vicious Cannon Fodder In The Book Chapter 82 Part 2

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  Shen Mingyun brought the second prince of Zhou kingdom to help the fourth prince. The process was not unpleasant, however it made Shen Mingyun feel a little boring, because it went too smoothly, and there was no conflict related to him, and the system didn't give him a task.

  Shen Mingyun, who wanted to lose weight by climbing a small hill, was very puzzled now, so he asked the system: "System, after I brought the second prince of Zhou kingdom to the fourth prince, why don't I have any other tasks, there is no points either, it's difficult for me to buy props, if I can't change my appearance, how can I be promoted to the Empress' road?"

      He was used to relying on the system's props to achieve his goals, but now since he didn't have enough points, he couldn't afford any of the props he liked, and all he could buy were basic props, which didn't work at all.

  However he had already determined his future now. He and the fourth prince had the same purpose, one wanted to be emperor and the other wanted to be Empress.

  The system told him after five minutes: "Because the current development is going well, there is no need to issue frequent tasks for the time being."

  Even if the task was issued, Shen Mingyun might not be able to complete it.

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  Shen Mingyun looked into the distance, suddenly he remembered to ask something to the system: "I have only read three chapters of the original novel. Can you tell me the original plot of this novel, who is the villain, and who will ascend the throne in the end?"

  The system: "The system can't reveal to the host what you don't know. If it tells you all the development process, then there's no need for you to do tasks to earn points. This is the principle of balance."

  Shen Mingyun: "Is that so?"

        Shen Mingyun always felt like he was being fooled, but he quickly convinced himself to believe in the system. He was a big man, but after experiencing such things as miscarriage, childbirth, confinement, and giving birth to two children in three years, no matter what the truth was, he also didn't really care.

  He didn't care, anyway, he was living a good life now, and the position of Empress was expected to be his, as for what kind of methods to achieve it, that was not important.

  He firmly believed that he was the protagonist, and his growth path must stand out from the masses!

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[与众不同 yǔ zhòng bù tóng: to stand out from the masses (idiom); unique, outstanding]

  The system: "That's it, the host doesn't have to worry. After the matter about the crown prince is over, many tasks will be released for you soon."

  Shen Mingyun: "Why do we need to wait until then?"

  System: "Because right now the crown prince already has no place to stand. With the help of the second prince of Zhou kingdom, it will be a matter of time to solve the Yan family."

  Shen Mingyun: "But now the fourth prince seems to be not very willing to ask for help to the second prince of Zhou kingdom."

  The system: "Although I can't tell you the future direction of development, I can tell you that the second prince of Zhou kingdom will be the help of the fourth prince's future ascension to the throne. You have to work hard to make them form an alliance."

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  Shen Mingyun: "I see."

  Wasn't it his specialty to form an alliance between two people?

  If the second prince of Zhou kingdom could help the fourth prince now, then in the future, when the fourth prince ascended the throne, he would definitely gave back to the second prince of Zhou kingdom. He also knew that the royal family of Zhou kingdom was also very chaotic. The second prince of Zhou kingdom must want to ascend the throne, otherwise he wouldn't be like the little prince of Guiyan Kingdom, he went to the capital to seek help.

  It was a pity for the little prince of Guiyan Kingdom, he was really unlucky. After arriving in Gucheng, his identity was exposed, in the end he was arrested immediately. Back then he said to make him dumb so he didn't need to talk, however he just refused to listen. Now he didn't know whether he was dead or alive. Anyway he was also his brother and his fate crossed with his, so he still felt uncomfortable for not being able to save him.

  It was all the fault of the third prince and Luo Shuyu, they just didn't deal with him.

  Thinking of these two people, Shen Mingyun asked the system again: "The third prince and Luo Shuyu are the villains of this book, right? Because as long as they are close to me, I always feel that they are against me everywhere. They never make me have an easy time, and the flesh on my whole body is also thanks to them."

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  The system timely promoted the weight loss pills in the mall: "The host can buy instant weight loss pills for 999 points, which will allow you to quickly return to your slim figure within a day."

  Shen Mingyun looked at the pitiful remaining 500 points, he gritted his teeth and said, "Then quickly arrange tasks for me, the points are not enough!"

  The system:"……"

  It was the first time it heard Shen Mingyun urge it to issue a task.

  The fourth prince came to look for Shen Mingyun, and the servants around him were about to tell Shen Mingyun about this matter, however when they saw Shen Mingyun who was lost in thought, it was not easy to talk. They often found the fourth prince's imperial concubine stared blankly like this, so they kept their calm in the face of the unexpected.

  The fourth prince was secretly delighted. After many observations, as long as Shen Mingyun entered a state of trance like this, good things would definitely happen.

  However, back then when his figure was not so round, he was a beauty who lost in thought in the quite place, but now he looked a little sluggish, and he also habitually opened his mouth, as if his saliva was about to flow out in the next moment.

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