The shopkeeper stood stiffly behind the counter, his eyes kept wandering, and the flesh on his face was trembling.

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  An Shi noticed something was wrong earlier than Luo Shuyu, he whispered to Luo Shuyu: "Master, something is wrong here, I will protect you and leave."

  Luo Shuyu said very calmly: "It's okay, just pretend nothing happened."

  An Shi: "But I want to protect your safety!"

  Luo Shuyu: "Don't worry, I have the measure." He pretended not to see everything, and picked up three books casually. Afterwards he went to the front desk to check out, "Shopkeeper, wrap it up for me, I want these three books."

  The shopkeeper wiped the sweat from his forehead, his voice was trembling: "Yes, yes, the honored guest, please wait a moment."

  Suddenly, all the people in the bookstore who were pretending to read the books drew out the knives hidden at the bottom of the books and pointed at Luo Shuyu: "The Third Prince's imperial concubine, please come with us!"

  Luo Shuyu pretended to be exaggerated, and turned pale with shock: "My God, who are you? What do you want to do?"

  The assassin: "You will know later."

  Luo Shuyu gave An Shi a wink, telling him not to move.

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  The assassin pointed at them with a knife and dragged them to leave from the back door of the bookstore, and then directly tied them to the carriage.

  A quarter of an hour later, Li Mingjin knew that Luo Shuyu had been kidnapped!

  Who dared to kidnap his wife in broad daylight, and it was still in his territory!

  Of course Luo Shuyu didn't make the decision to leave with the other party impulsively.

  Firstly, he knew that apart from the dark guard beside him, Li Mingjin also sent people to follow him at any time, and they would regularly reported his movements to Li Mingjin; Secondly, the people in the bookstore had obvious intentions. They knew in advance that he was going to the bookstore. Even if An Shi could lead him to break through, both parties would suffer, and he might fall into a difficult situation. Therefore he would rather go with the other party than made wind and rain through the town.
[满城风雨mǎn chéng fēng yǔ: lit. wind and rain through the town (idiom); fig. a big scandal; an uproar; the talk of the town]

  In the process of being sent to the carriage, Luo Shuyu calmly speculated who wanted to kidnap him.

  The spies from neighboring countries, or the people sent by the crown prince or the fourth prince.

  Luo Shuyu's eyes were blindfolded, so he deduced their position at the moment according to the direction of his body swing. They didn't go out of the city, but moved towards the south of the city.

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  The south of the city was a relatively affluent area in Gucheng, and the Third Prince's Mansion was also in this direction. It seemed that the other party had a clear mind and knew that the most dangerous place was the safest place.

  The person who kidnapped him was not only high-profile, but also very smart.

  No matter who it was, Luo Shuyu wanted to know what the other party's purpose was.

  The carriage stopped, and Luo Shuyu was helped out of the carriage. The other party respected Luo Shuyu and used the word "please" throughout the process.

  This was a newly built house in the south of the city.

  After Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu came to Gucheng, the population had been increasing every year, and many rich families from other places were also willing to come to Gucheng to develop.

       When there were more people, the original houses were naturally not enough to live in, so some people bought land and build houses by themselves. The houses were all newly built, even the roads were newly repaired, and many previously uninhabited houses had been bought and renovated, and now there were people lived in these houses, full of life.

  Probably because the little stories about Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu in the capital had spread to Gucheng, so many people wanted to get closer to them, therefore they bought houses nearby. However, those who lived here were either rich or wealthy.

        It might be assumed that the person who wanted to bring Luo Shuyu here was also the same.

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  Who is it?

  Luo Shuyu couldn't understand it.

  He was placed in the main hall, and a servant brought him high-quality new tea. Luo Shuyu smelled it, and it was very fragrant. However, in an unknown place, he chose not to drink.

  After a while, a graceful figure appeared in front of Luo Shuyu.

  He was a very beautiful young man, wearing the most popular summer clothes nowadays, using the most refreshing spices this summer, even the hairpins are the new styles from the best shop in Gucheng, and all of this made Luo Shuyu feel very familiar.

  Because, he had them all.

  The beautiful young man bowed to Luo Shuyu, "Zhou Ping has met the third prince's imperial concubine, and you are as calm as I imagined."

  Luo Shuyu looked at him expressionlessly, he said: "I don't know you."

  Zhou Ping nodded: "Of course, the third prince's imperial concubine has never met me, but I have known you for a long time."

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  Luo Shuyu thought about his surname, and suddenly said: "Your surname is Zhou, and you are from the Zhou kingdom."

  Last time it was the fake princess of Zhou kingdom who kidnapped him, and this time it was also someone from Zhou kingdom who kidnapped him.

  Zhou Ping's eyes were full of approval: "You are as smart as the rumors say, you must already know who my brother is."

  Luo Shuyu: "Princess Jiayang is your brother."

  Zhou Ping smiled and said: "Yes, his name is Zhou Jia. The name princess Jiayang was only used by my father to marry him off. I'm curious, how did you convince him to let you go? It's said that you were already held hostage by him. "

  Luo Shuyu: "He didn't have a way out at that time, and only by letting me go he could survive."

  Zhou Ping flicked a lock of hair that fell from his forehead: "But he was captured by you in the end."

  Luo Shuyu said with reason and evidence: "He assassinated the current crown prince, whether it's an ordinary person or a prince of another country, he should be punished if he committed a crime in the Daxia Kingdom. Does Mr. Zhou think it's justified?"

  Zhou Ping nodded: "There is indeed no contradiction in what you said, but after all, he is my brother. I want to take him back to Zhou kingdom. I think the third prince's imperial concubine can help me."

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