Luo Shuyu gave him a slight smile: "Mr. Zhou, I'm in Gucheng now, and Zhou Jia was arrested in the capital. You must also know that the distance between the capital and Gucheng is not short. How can I help you?"

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  Zhou Ping: "This I don't care, I know that you and the third prince are very affectionate. If you are imprisoned by me here, he will definitely find a way to rescue my brother. Moreover, I have news that even your Emperor Daxia doesn't know. I think if this news reaches his ears, how do you think he will deal with the third prince? "

  Luo Shuyu asked him: "What news?"

  Zhou Ping poured tea for himself and said, "We, Zhou kingdom people, have been in business with the jade mine business owned by Guiyan Kingdom, but in the past year, this jade mine business suddenly stopped, they can no longer supply us, the third prince's imperial concubine, you must know what's going on, right? "

  Luo Shuyu asked him back: "The business between your two countries can't go on, so why do you ask me? Someone who only cares about the backyard?"

  Zhou Ping: "Don't be modest, I have stayed in Gucheng for a while, and this place was not necessarily better than any city in Daxia. I have also inquired about your deeds. If people like you are called people who solely engrossed in the backyard, then there will be no one who really cares about the backyard. "

  Luo Shuyu: "Oh?" It seemed that this Zhou Ping had paid a lot of attention to him, and after carefully sizing up the way he dressed up today, everything was tribute to him, "Thank you for your compliment."

  Zhou Ping: "I admire you very much. If you are someone from Zhou kingdom, I think we would become very good friends."

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  Luo Shuyu: "I remember Princess Jiayang also told me that your Zhou kingdom is very tolerant to your gers, and I also appreciate the customs of your people."

  Appreciation was appreciation, and good places could be learned from, but it didn't mean that they could join forces.

  Zhou Ping realized that Luo Shuyu almost changed the topic: "I was almost taken away by you. The jade mine of Ha Chi's family was acquired by the third prince."

  Naturally, Luo Shuyu wouldn't tell him the truth: "Young Master Zhou, if you want to discuss with me how to buy clothes, maybe I can still discuss this matter with you, but what you are asking now is about the matter between the two countries, and it's still a business between your Zhou kingdom and Guiyan Kingdom. I really don’t know.”

  Zhou Ping: "It doesn't matter, I have already sent someone to send a letter to the third prince. Presumably he will tell me the truth, as long as you are here, he will definitely say it. I'm not in a hurry, but I'm going to cause the third prince's imperial concubine to feel wronged, because he must stay with me for a few days. "

  Luo Shuyu had confidence in Li Mingjin, so he just looked at Zhou Ping calmly.

  He had to say that the gers of the Zhou Kingdom were very courageous, they had the courage to act and dared to take the responsibility, but their methods were not right.

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  Using him to threaten Li Mingjin, the first step was already wrong.

  Was kidnapping people a secret method passed on from ancestors of Zhou kingdom? Compared with the actions of the two young princes, the second prince of Zhou kingdom's method was more tactful, and he knew how to find the fourth prince in a roundabout way. Of course, if Shen Mingyun hadn't become fat and had given birth to two children for the fourth prince, presumably it was because his secret skill to hook up with a married man.

  Zhou people's way of doing things was really different.

  Zhou Ping acted rampantly, however he forgot whose territory Gucheng belonged to. Immediately after Luo Shuyu disappeared, someone followed the suspicious carriage. Just after Luo Shuyu said a few words to Zhou Ping, the new house was surrounded by soldiers brought by Li Mingjin, not even a mosquito could fly out.

  Zhou Ping, who was about to talk to Luo Shuyu for a few more words, had just started when his guards ran over to report the situation outside to him.

  Luo Shuyu knew what was going on when he saw the changes in their expressions.

  Li Mingjin had already arrived.

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  Zhou Ping pretended to be calm and said: "As expected of the third prince who beat the Guiyan Kingdom to be in a sorry state, he could find this place so quickly."

  Luo Shuyu said: "If you let me go back, he won't embarrass you."

  Zhou Ping: "That's not necessarily true, but there is one thing I want to tell you. I'm quite envious of you. In addition to admiring you, I also admire the third prince. The man I want to marry in my dream is just like him." 

  Luo Shuyu didn't expect him to say this, this was the first ger who said that he admire Li Mingjin.

        He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this was to challenge him.

  Zhou Ping ordered people to watch Luo Shuyu, while he went to the front to meet Li Mingjin, with an excitement on his face that Luo Shuyu had never seen before.

  He showed his joy and anger, he was a sentimental person, but unfortunately, he was from the Zhou Kingdom.

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  As soon as Zhou Ping went out, Luo Shuyu heard a muffled sound coming from outside.

  After a while, Li Mingjin's tall figure appeared in front of him.

  Luo Shuyu ran towards him: "Your Highness."

  Li Mingjin hugged him and looked him up and down: "Are you injured?"

  Luo Shuyu was very happy to see him coming, and then Zhou Ping's excited expression just now flashed in his mind, he said to Li Mingjin: "No, let's go back quickly, don't go to see the person who kidnapped me."

  After finally finding someone, Li Mingjin was willing to listen to Luo Shuyu: "Okay, let's go back now and let Lin Haiming tie the one who kidnapped you back and you can do whatever you want." He thought Luo Shuyu was afraid, after all, this was the second time something like this happened to him, " An Shi failed to protect you, punish him!"

  An Shi who hid in the dark and protected Luo Shuyu: "..." It was the first time he experienced An San's pain.

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