At this time, Zhou Ping, who wanted to see Li Mingjin, ran to the gate, he walked all the way while planning the dialogue with Li Mingjin in his mind. However when he ran to the gate, he found that the person who was blocking the gate was not Li Mingjin at all.

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  He asked Lin Haiming who was holding a sword: "You are not the third prince Li Mingjin, what about him?"

  Lin Haiming was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he said without the slightest pity: "Take him."

  Zhou Ping: "..."

  Although Luo Shuyu was not injured, however the kidnapping did indeed exsist, and Li Mingjin wouldn't let the mastermind go.

  On the way back, Luo Shuyu explained to Li Mingjin about Zhou Ping's origin and his purpose of coming to Gucheng.

  After returning, Li Mingjin said: "His purpose is not to retrieve Zhou Jia, but Guiyan's jade mine."

  Luo Shuyu: "Those spies are his people?"

  Li Mingjin shook his head: "Not necessarily, Zhou Ping's work is so high-profile, he is too evasive, and he doesn't seem to be a person who can do meticulous work."

  Luo Shuyu: "In other words the mastermind of those spies haven't been found yet?"

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  Li Mingjin: "Well, but it should be those people." He looked at Luo Shuyu worriedly, "You will bring more people with you when you go out in the future."

  Luo Shuyu smiled: "Your Highness, don't be nervous, this time was just an accident, and the city is still very safe."

  Li Mingjin: "Yu'er, the city is not safe now, and the enemy's spies have already sneaked into the city."

  Luo Shuyu: "Then we can't lose our lives because of these spies."

  Li Mingjin was also concerned about this chaos: "Then let's arrange the security of the city properly."

  Luo Shuyu: "Well, Your Highness, do you think Zhou Ping will really expose our acquisition of Guiyan's jade mine to the emperor?" He was a little worried about this matter now.

  This time it was Luo Shuyu's turn to be upset.

  Li Mingjin was not worried about this matter: "Firstly, he has no evidence, and secondly, Does the emperor not to know how to judge? Would he rather believe an unproven rumor than trust his own son who he felt is not scheming?"

  Speaking of scheming, Luo Shuyu laughed, which child born in the royal family was not scheming.

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  However, in the eyes of Emperor Tiansheng, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu were indeed relatively simple. Their images were different from other princes, in other words they could be used. Before, Concubine Mei still hadn't joined them, but now she planned "scapegoat" and successfully won the trust of Emperor Tiansheng.

[替人受过  dài rén shòu guò: scapegoat, to take the blame for sb]

  Even if Emperor Tiansheng had doubts, so what, there was no evidence. It was reasonable for any prince to hide something to save his life, and this jade mine belonged to Guiyan Kingdom, not Daxia, so Emperor Tiansheng had no reason to blame Li Mingjin.

  However, Zhou Ping's appearance reminded Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu.

  It wasn't that no one knew what they did, as long as it was related to interests, it would be known to others.

  Maybe they stayed in Gucheng for a long time, they felt a little too comfortable, therefore they forgot the dangers of the outsiders. They had to be prepared for danger in times of peace, they couldn't live too "secure" like this, they couldn't let themselves adapt to this kind of life, because the future would be more thrilling than the present.

  Just as Luo Shuyu calmed down, he heard that Zhou Ping had been captured by Lin Haiming, and now he was being secretly imprisoned. The little prince Ha Chi from Guiyan Kingdom lived next door to him.

  Li Mingjin didn't have to explain the disappearance of these two people to anyone.

  They all sneaked into the Daxia Kingdom quietly, and he didn't know what would happen to them if they were released back, so it was better to lock them up, and there was no shortage of their bowl of food at present.

  Ha Chi was already used to the current life. Zhou Ping had never seen Ha Chi before, therefore when he learned that his neighbor was Ha Chi, he was very surprised!

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  This fat man was actually the Prince of Guiyan Kingdom. Shouldn't he a handsome and strong man? Sure enough, he shouldn't believe in rumors!

  Zhou Ping was successfully captured, but the spies in Gucheng were still there.

  While Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu were busy with the spies in Gucheng, the fourth prince who formed an alliance with the second prince of Zhou kingdom, he felt like receiving a godsend, and it took half a month to capture the first city.

  Afterwards, Emperor Tiansheng sent more troops to the fourth prince. At this time, the reputation of the fourth prince was unprecedentedly high, and his deeds of suppressing bandits were spread everywhere.

  In less than three months, all the occupied cities were taken back, and all the plans of the Yan family fell through. Prime Minister Yan was brought back to the capital to wait for his punishment.

  In October of the twentieth year of Tiansheng, the fourth prince and Shen Mingyun returned to the capital with victory.

  In November of the same year, the crown prince surpassed Emperor Tiansheng in terms of food and clothing. Not only was he extravagant and lustful, but he also formed a party for personal gain. He colluded with the Right Prime Minister's Mansion and many other officials in an attempt to poison Emperor Tiansheng, and the crown prince was directly abolished.

  In December of the same year, the abolished crown prince hanged himself in the Royal Courtyard.

  Since then, the empress and the empress dowager chanted scriptures every day and paid homage to Buddha.

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  Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin, who were far away in Gucheng, were very sad. They all knew that the crown prince must not have hanged himself. He was a stain in Emperor Tiansheng's life. Therefore after the fall of the Yan family, the crown prince couldn't live on.

       According to the information given by Concubine Mei secretly, the reason why Emperor Tiansheng didn't abolish the empress was because he already had his own plan. After a hundred years, Emperor Tiansheng would leave with the Empress.

  As for the empress dowager, who also participated in all this, she didn't have a good life for a few years.

  During the civil strife in Daxia, the civil strife in the Guiyan Kingdom was about to subside, and the first prince almost controlled the entire Guiyan Kingdom.

  On New Year's Eve, Ha Chi, who had been imprisoned for nearly a year, returned to Guiyan Kingdom.

  At this time, Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin were writing couplets together in the study.

  However They didn't know how long such days would last.

The author has something to say: The Third Prince: Wife~ Today you are a little police officer who locked up by the underworld prince. Later you will fall in love with me, so you expose your identity as an undercover agent. I have to lock you up, abuse your body and mind, you can't escape this time.

Luo Shuyu: I escape through the window, fall from the eighth floor, and then become paralyzed. You feel guilty all your life.

The Third Prince: ...

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