The harem was also making preparations for Emperor Tiansheng's birthday, which was on June 6th.

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  It was the Qingming Festival, Emperor Tiansheng led a group of royal children to the cemetery to visit the grave, which was a rare outing for the royal family.
[清明节 Qīng míng jié: Qingming or Pure Brightness Festival or Tomb Sweeping Day, celebration for the dead (in early April]

  Concubine Mei and Concubine Wei, who liked to stay in their own yard, were taken out of the palace. Ty settled in another courtyard to tread the green.
[踏青 tà qīng: lit. tread the green; go for a walk in the spring (when the grass has turned green); spring hike season around Qingming festival 清明, 4th-6th April]

  Concubine Wei and concubine Mei rarely had the opportunity to go outside, the two stood by the river, staring at the sparkling river, then they looked at each other and smiled.

  Concubine Wei asked Concubine Mei: "Concubine Mei, I haven't seen the Third Prince for a few years, do you ever miss him?"

  Concubine Mei: "Which mother doesn't miss her son."

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  Concubine Wei: "Did you mention to His Majesty that the third prince should come back to celebrate his birthday?"

  Concubine Mei picked up a pebble and threw it into the river: "Never."

  Concubine Wei: "It's good not to mention it, someone will mention it for you, I guess His Majesty also misses the Third Prince."

  Concubine Mei: "Actually, I don't want him to come back."

  Concubine Wei: "If they don't come back, we won't even have the chance to watch the river flow like this in the future."

  Concubine Mei remained silent, and continued to pick up pebbles and throw them into the river, making a thumping sound.

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  After a long while, Concubine Mei said: "There is a lake called Moon Lake in my hometown. When I stood above it at night and watched it, it feels like there is an extra moon on the ground. The moon is within my reach. When I was young, I especially liked to sit there while playing the flute."

  Concubine Wei: "I heard that you were called the Moon Princess back then, so it came from here."

  Concubine Mei: "It seems so, however I really hope to see the Moon Lake again in my lifetime."

  Concubine Wei found a big stone and sat down: "When I was a child, I was very fond of martial arts, I liked swords and guns. I even beat my second brother until he begged for mercy. He even had no shame and reported to my mother.
If I hadn't been born as a ger, my brothers and the others would have nothing to do now. "

        Concubine Mei asked him, "Is it still possible to raise a sword now?"

  Concubine Wei laughed heartily: "That's natural, I'll dance for you."

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  Concubine Mei got up and said, "Wait a minute, I'll play a tune for you, and you will dance with a sword."

  She found a leaf to use it as a flute, and Concubine Wei found a stick to use it as a sword. The two of them were by the river, one played music and the other danced with the stick, the two of them looked in harmony.

  At the end of the song, Concubine Mei smiled a little. She hadn't been this happy for a long, long time.

  Today's outing was a catharsis for Concubine Mei and Concubine Wei for many years. The two had opened up their hearts and talked a lot about their youth. Although they came from different countries and had different genders, both of them yearned the same thing, they yearned for freedom.

  When Emperor Tiansheng brought a group of royal children back to the courtyard from the imperial mausoleum, Concubine Mei and Concubine Wei returned to their previous appearances. The first one was not interested in anything, and he acted like a gentleman, while the other was very interested in wild vegetables, and even intended to collect wild vegetables and bring them back to the palace to make qingtuan.
[青团 Qīngtuán or Tsingtuan: a form of dumpling that is green, originating from Jiangnan but common throughout China. It's made of glutinous rice mixed with Chinese mugwort or barley grass, usually filled with sweet red or black bean paste.]

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  Lunch was served in another courtyard. The fourth prince took the other younger princes to hunt, while Concubine Mei and Concubine Wei accompanied Emperor Tiansheng.

  Emperor Tiansheng looked at a pile of prey waiting to be dealt with, and then said with emotion: "In terms of hunting, the third child won the first place in previous years. He likes hunting the most."

  When the fourth prince heard Emperor Tiansheng mention the third prince who was almost forgotten, his heart skipped a beat, but he still agreed on his face: "Hunting without the third brother is a little less enjoyable."

  Emperor Tiansheng couldn't help nodding: "Yes, he always hunted the most."

  Now among his older sons, one was guarding the imperial mausoleum, and the other hanged himself to death. It was understandable that Emperor Tiansheng would sigh with sorrow. He almost watched the two grow up little by little. On the contrary, he was less involved in the childhood of the third and fourth princes.

  The more stable his life was these days, the more Emperor Tiansheng needed the scene of family harmony. He even envied the life of ordinary people with three generations living under one roof.

  Emperor Tiansheng took the initiative to mention the third prince. After the Qingming Festival, he still dreamed of the third prince who was sitting by the lake and crying when he was a child.

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