The next morning, Concubine Mei woke Emperor Tiansheng up and reminded him that it was time to go to the court.

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  Emperor Tiansheng suddenly remembered the dream he had last night, so he asked Concubine Mei: "I want to ask my third son to come back to spend this birthday with me, what do you think?"

  Concubine Mei kept her cold face as usual: "You can call him back if you want, why do you still need to ask the concubine?"

  Emperor Tiansheng nodded, and there was really no need to ask her: "My concubine is right, so let him come back, and let the imperial doctor take a good look at them. Why haven't they had a baby after all these years?"

  Concubine Mei frowned and said: "The concubine doesn't want to take care of the grandson and affect the concubine's farming."

  Emperor Tiansheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard her words: "You don't need to look after them, as long as they can give birth to one, I will send them a dozen momos to watch."

  Concubine Mei: "Then listen to Your Majesty."

  Seven days later, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu received the imperial decree from Emperor Tiansheng asking them to return to the capital to celebrate Emperor Tiansheng's birthdays.

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  They could finally go back to the capital.

  Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu had already prepared everything they would face next.

  One mountain couldn't contain two tigers. The fourth prince and Shen Mingyun were now the ones occupying the capital's resources and connections. After many years of development, Li Mingjin had a large army in his hands, therefore he would also bring a thousand soldiers back this time.

[一山不容二虎 yī shān bùróng èr hǔ: One mountain cannot contain two tigers (idiom); Two strong people are incompatible and cannot coexist in the same place.]

  There were still more than two months until June 6th, they had to leave in May, and they could only arrive in the capital a few days before Emperor Tiansheng's birthday.

  Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu packed their baggages very quickly. However, even though they left early, but they didn't want to rush back to the capital. Instead, they had to take a detour to their mining area and military training place first.

  The military training had always been left to the third party, and now was the time to test them.

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  When Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu returned to the capital, the affairs of Gucheng were handed over to other officials, and the heavy responsibility of defending the city was handed over to General Wei. Whether they could come back to Gucheng this year was another matter.

  They left the capital at the end of the 15th year of Tiansheng, and they returned to the capital after six years.

  No one could have imagined the changes in Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu during the six years since they left the capital. There was no need to take the initiative to mention these to others, and those who could see would know the difference.

  On the day they left Gucheng, neither Li Mingjin nor Luo Shuyu expected that so many people would walk to the gate of the city to see them off.

  Although this was just returning to the capital to celebrate Emperor Tiansheng's 60th birthday, they felt that the third prince and third prince's imperial concubine, who could let them eat their fill, wear warm clothes, and avoid the wars, might not come back here for the time being.

  Therefore they were really reluctant.

  The people sent baskets containing eggs, vegetables and fruits to the guards one by one.

  "The Third Prince's imperial Concubine, I wish you and the Third Prince a happy marriage for a hundred years!"

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  "The third prince, you must come back and continue organizing our ice cuju competition this year!"

  "Why do you want to leave? Isn't our Gucheng good?"

  "That's right, are you coming back?"

  "What shall we do when you leave?"

  Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu were both sitting in the carriage. They didn't ride horse today. They poked their heads out of the carriage window and waved to the people who were seeing them off.

  Luo Shuyu said: "Everyone go back, we will come back."

  For some reason, Luo Shuyu's eyes were not red, but Li Mingjin's were a little red. He kept his head down and didn't speak. During these years in Gucheng, it turned out that the common people remembered everything he did.

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  Luo Shuyu looked at Li Mingjin with a smile: "Your Highness, why are you crying?"

  Li Mingjin pulled down the curtain and turned his face away: "Who is crying?, a man will not shed his tears lightly."

  Luo Shuyu handed him a handkerchief and asked: "Are you really not crying?"

  Li Mingjin didn't look directly at Luo Shuyu, but Luo Shuyu put his arms around his shoulders: "Your Highness, everyone has their own weakness and will be touched, it's not something to be ashamed of. Morover, I'm the only one who sees it, are you still afraid that I see it?"

  Li Mingjin took a breath: "I'm fine." When he looked up, he found that Luo Shuyu was still smiling, "What's so funny?"

  Luo Shuyu said: "Why can't I smile, the common people have lived up to our help to them, I'm happy, and I'm also very happy that Your Highness can get the support of so many people. I didn't see the wrong person, I didn't choose the wrong person, and they also didn't follow the wrong person. "

       Li Mingjin, who was so comforted by Luo Shuyu's few words, hugged Luo Shuyu tightly and said: "I also didn't choose the wrong person, we won't be so free after returning to the capital."

  Luo Shuyu said: "I'm not afraid. No matter how hard it is, we must make it through. As long as I face it with Your Highness, every day will be sunny."

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