Chapter 85 Back to the capital

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  It was a big event for the emperor to go out of the palace. Not only a ceremonial weapon was arranged, but he also had to be escorted by the imperial guards.

  With such a big battle, it was difficult for people not to pay attention. In the whole capital, and even in the whole Daxia, only the emperor had this kind of treatment.

  The common people who were not sensitive to recent discussion were talking about why the emperor suddenly went out of the palace without any warning. According to the past experience, before the emperor went out of the palace, he must first send someone to clean up the pedestrians on the road he passed by, so as to prevent the common people from bumping into the nobleman.

  But what happened this time?

  The common people didn't understand, why didn't they clean up the common people on the road first, were they not afraid of collision?

  What's the hurry?

  The desire to gossip was always very strong, as long as someone paid attention, then someone would definitely seek gossip. Curiosity was a common feature of human beings.

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  At this time, Li Mingjin didn't know that Emperor Tiansheng was about to meet him at the gate of the city, and it was really unexpected that Emperor Tiansheng came out of the city to greet him suddenly.

  Before Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu reached the city gate, they saw the ceremonial weapon in front of them.

  It was only after getting closer that they found out, it turned out that Emperor Tiansheng had come to meet them in the city gate  suddenly.

  Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu didn't have deep feelings for Emperor Tiansheng, but this didn't mean that Emperor Tiansheng wouldn't unilaterally think that he had deep feelings for them.

       Before approaching Emperor Tiansheng, Li Mingjin whispered to Luo Shuyu, "Yu'er, you must act very affectionately."

  Luo Shuyu: "I know, Your Highness will also show the emotion you felt when you left Gucheng. It's better to hold back your tears if you can."

  Li Mingjin paused: "I'll try my best." Facing his father, it was really too difficult for him to show the emotions when he was moved by the common people in Gucheng, because his father had never done anything to him.

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  When he was a child, he didn't hug him very much, he never covered him with a quilt even once, he didn't teach him how to write, he didn't teach him the principles of being a human being, so he really couldn't be moved.

  Luo Shuyu was even more difficult than Li Mingjin. He had no relationship with Emperor Tiansheng, but no matter what, he still had to squeeze out two tears of homesickness when he returned to the capital.

  Fortunately, Emperor Tiansheng came out of the palace on a whim today, and the Luo family didn't follow, otherwise he might want to kick Luo Renshou instead of crying because of him.

  The carriage finally arrived in front of Emperor Tiansheng. After Li Mingjin helped Luo Shuyu get out of the carriage, the two walked hand in hand in front of Emperor Tiansheng.

  Li Mingjin raised his voice a little to show that he was more excited than usual: "The son pays respect to father!"

  Immediately afterwards Luo Shuyu also called Emperor Tiansheng and saluted.

  Emperor Tiansheng was really excited. He looked at Li Mingjin and then looked at Luo Shuyu: "It's good, it's good, it looks like you haven't changed, but I feel like you have changed. "

  Li Mingjin: "Father, didn't you feel that your son has become stronger?"

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  Emperor Tiansheng pinched his arm: "It's strong, but did you get injured on the battlefield?"

  Li Mingjin said lightly: "It's just a skin trauma, father doesn't need to care about it."

  Emperor Tiansheng: "You child, how can your father not care about it? Your parents are responsible for your body, hair and skin!"

  Li Mingjin knew that today he had to perform a father-son relationship with Emperor Tiansheng. Although he was very unfamiliar, the training in Gucheng these years was not fake. After saying a few more words, his understanding of this "father-son relationship" became more and more in place.

  Emperor Tiansheng was very satisfied. The third son of his family finally came back. He was not fat, but he became a little stronger, a little darker, more masculine, and more stable. He already had his own momentum.

  Then he looked at at Luo Shuyu, his temperament had also become more unusual, he hadn't lost his etiquette because he was far away from the capital, and his way of handling things always paying attention to everything concerned, which made people feel very comfortable.

[面面俱到miàn miàn jù dào: pay attention to everything concerned (idiom), take care of everything; handle everything]

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  In comparison, the imperial concubine from the fourth child's family was a bit rude.

  Just as they were performing the royal family's father's love in front of the common people, the fourth prince rushed out from the city.

  The fourth prince excitedly said: "Father, I heard that you came out to pick up my third brother. I haven't seen my third brother for a long time, so the son also followed out."

  Emperor Tiansheng not only wanted to see the harmonious relationship between father and son, but also wanted to see the harmonious relationship between brothers. He had been hit too hard these years, and now the behavior of the fourth prince was exactly what he wanted: "Get up quickly."

  The fourth prince stood up, then looked at Li Mingjin. He hesitated whether to give him a hug or not, Li Mingjin saw his intention, so he hugged him actively, and tightened his hug tightly. The fourth prince's face was slightly stiff, the third brother must use too much strength!

  However, the fourth prince also learned from the side that Li Mingjin's growing strength had something to do with him staying in Gucheng, and it was probably because of fighting on the battlefield.

  Suddenly he noticed the difference in physical strength between him and the third prince. However, he relied on his brain to win, not physical strength. When he thought about it this way, he felt relieved. The third brother had been in Gucheng for so many years, so there was no need for him to be too powerful in the capital.

  And this time the third brother came back because of the order of father, and his return to the capital wasn't because of his own initiative.

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