The purpose of Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu's return to the capital was to attend Emperor Tiansheng's 60th birthday banquet.

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  The time for them to come back was neither early nor late. Three days later, there would be a birthday banquet. On that day, Emperor Tiansheng would receive birthday celebration gifts from all parties, and it was also a good opportunity for various countries to conduct diplomacy.

  Although Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu just returned, both of them were well aware of the movements in the court.

  After they made some inquiries, during the lunch banquet with the ministers, someone might mention the establishment of a new crown prince to Emperor Tiansheng, which must be implying the establishment of the fourth prince as the new crown prince, however this matter couldn't be mentioned explicitly.

  Li Mingjin was not busy with socializing right now. If he started to act now, he would definitely be targeted by the fourth prince. For now, the fourth prince still had a good face in front of Emperor Tiansheng, and Emperor Tiansheng still trusted him in major matters.

       After all, they joined hands to solve the former crown prince and Yan family. Emperor Tiansheng couldn't immediately play the trick of destroying the bridge after crossing the river, and threw the fourth prince aside after using him.

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[联手 lián shǒu: lit. to join hands; to act together]
[过河拆桥 guò hé chāi qiáo: lit. to destroy the bridge after crossing the river (idiom); fig. to abandon one's benefactor upon achieving one's goal]

        Furthermore, it was impossible for him to do such a thing now. He couldn't pull the fourth prince down again, unless he could live for another ten years, and then trained another capable new crown prince.

  The only sons that Emperor Tiansheng could afford now were the fourth prince and the third prince, and he felt that he was also fortunate since he still had two good sons.

  Although he still had other princes who had just grown up, in terms of ability and merit, they were naturally inferior to these two princes, so Emperor Tiansheng wouldn't take them into consideration.

  Before Li Mingjin went to Gucheng, the "father-son relationship" between Emperor Tiansheng and him was not deep, and at that time he still had the first prince and crown prince beside him. So naturally, he didn't have time to take Li Mingjin into consideration, and he also didn't understand his military talent.

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       However today was different from the past. In his eyes, the third child was also very good. Now he was one of the candidates he could consider for the new crown prince. He was a good seed. He also heard that he he hadn't been sick for a long time.

  However, Emperor Tiansheng wouldn't mention these matters to others. Establishing the crown prince was a major event.

  In the eyes of the officials below, it was too difficult to guess the emperor's thoughts.

  Having experienced the matter of the First Prince and the Crown Prince, most of the officials didn't dare to stand in line casually, for fear that a wrong guess would bring disaster to the whole family. Some officials were even afraid of being implicated in royal matters, so their children’s marriages should be kept as far away as possible from the center of imperial power. For the officials of Daxia, survival was really too difficult.

  Li Mingjin didn't go to the court the second day after he came back, he was not in a hurry to express himself.

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  He listened to Emperor Tiansheng's arrangement and stayed at his mansion for a day or two, and he even wanted to rest for two more days. In the end, he decided to wait until Emperor Tiansheng's birthday before going to the court to show his face, not sooner or later.

  Before he came back, he discussed with Chen Rong about the following matters. He had to have a reason to stay in the capital, and he had to operate well. He could do something secretly during the days when he was not in the court.

  Compared to Li Mingjin who was busy secretly, Luo Shuyu was busy in the bright side.

  Before he packed his luggage, he received a lot of invitations inviting him to the banquet, and these official wives acted with undue haste.
[操之过急 cāo zhī guò jí: to act with undue haste (idiom); eager and impatient; over-hasty]

  Among them was invitation from Shen Mingyun. Unexpectedly he actually wanted to hold a banquet. As a matter of fact, what kind of banquet was he going to hold?

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  The content inside was very Shen Mingyun's style, it was still the style from modern times. Although it was an invitation card, but the theme was the new product launch conference of a certain product.

  If Luo Shuyu hadn't read the novel, he wouldn't have known what this new product launch conference was, and he would definitely make jokes when he arrived at the scene. It was also possible, Shen Mingyun who was so clueless, would laugh at him on the spot.

  In the end, he still had to go. If he didn't go, it would be too disrespectful to Shen Mingyun. The most important thing was that Luo Shuyu needed an opportunity to appear in front of others. Since Shen Mingyun sent this opportunity to him, he would feel sorry for himself if he didn't grasp it well.

  Luo Shuyu replied to the invitation the next day, he told Shen Mingyun that he would participate in the new product launch conference he held soon.

  Li Mingjin was "staying idle" at home. He told Luo Shuyu that he didn't need to go if he didn't want to, but Luo Shuyu smiled and said: "Your Highness, I have been free in Gucheng for many years, and sooner or later I have to adapt to the atmosphere of the capital. At least at this time, I can't do things that are too unreasonable. I haven't attended the banquet held by Shen Mingyun before, but I still want to see what he can do. "

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