Li Mingjin had seen Shen Mingyun's ability to escape when he was in Gucheng. If Luo Shuyu didn't have the foresight to let him arrange the veterans with first-class responses in the battlefield to supervise Shen Mingyun, Shen Mingyun would have run away long ago, and his daughter in his womb might have been killed by him.

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  Li Mingjin: "Then you can pay attention to him more. After all, you are not familiar with those ladies. If he takes the opportunity to do something, you can take precautions. Why don't I give you a personal guard."

  Luo Shuyu couldn't help but give Li Mingjin a supercilious look: "You're worrying a bit too much. They are all ladies who know how to be polite. Even if there is a conflict, Qingwang and the momo can handle it. It will be too exaggerated if there are so many people who follow me" Finally he changed the subject, "Why don't we talk whether the birthday gift for father is enough or not, it can't be too outstanding, however it also can't be inferior."

  Li Mingjin: "Don't worry about this matter, we had prepared it properly when we were in Gucheng, and we definitely won't be in the limelight. I also have found out what the fourth brother will give to father."

  Luo Shuyu became interested immediately: "What will he give?"

  Li Mingjin pinched his chin: "Kiss me, and I'll tell you."

  After many years of marriage, Luo Shuyu definitely wouldn't take his trick. He slapped his hand away and took a bite on his fingertip: "Do you want to say it now?"

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        Li Mingjin didn't feel any pain at all, but his fingertip was itchy, he held Luo Shuyu's waist tightly and said, "A screen embroidered with a picture of fairies playing music."

[屏风 píng fēng: screen]

  Luo Shuyu: "Isn't that good?"

  Li Mingjin said: "If you see the picture on that screen, you probably can't say anything."

  Luo Shuyu: "What? Is there still big hidden meaning inside?"

  Li Mingjin: "Anyway, I don't know if the fourth brother has noticed the face of a fairy inside the picture. Because, I think the face of that fairy resembles the empress. It's alright if father doesn't look at the picture on the screen carefully, but if he does and still minds, then the fourth brother may do bad things with good intentions. "

  Luo Shuyu said curiously: "I want to see how the appearance of that screen."

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  Li Mingjin suddenly made a suggestion: "If you really want to see it, I'll take you to see it tonight. It may be included in father's internal treasury after tomorrow." Then he raised his chin, signaling Luo Shuyu to take the initiative.

  Luo Shuyu was moved by what he said, and he offered to give him a kiss: "This kiss is my reward."

  Li Mingjin: "Thank you, master." They should eat first and then talk again.

  Compared with Gucheng, the night scene in the capital was a little different.

  Gucheng would give people a taste of desolation. Gucheng in June was not very hot, and the people in Gucheng still needed quilts to cover at night, while in the capital, people lay on the beds covered with mats, opened the window a bit, fanned themselves with the cattail fans, and fell asleep slowly.

  When Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin were in Gucheng, when there was nothing to do at night, Li Mingjin would take Luo Shuyu to visit other people's rooftops.

  The first time Luo Shuyu was on the roof of someone else's house, he was quite nervous. He was afraid that the owner of the courtyard would find out, so he rushed Li Mingjin to leave quickly. He only felt relieved when Li Mingjin told him that the courtyard was unoccupied. 

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       The second time, he became more natural. It was easy to see if there were any traces of people living in the courtyard, but later Li Mingjin told him a horror story about a scholar and a goblin. He was so frightened that he almost kicked Li Mingjin off, however he accidentally kicked a tile. After the master's of the house woke up, the other party thought it was a thief, so Li Mingjin had to take Luo Shuyu to flee and hide, as if being hunted down, in the end they successfully sneaked back to their mansion.

  The third time, they became familiar with jumping on other people's roofs, and Luo Shuyu also made an agreement with Li Mingjin, he was not allowed to tell horror stories, and he also not allowed to tease him!  So this time they could enjoy the unique night scene in Gucheng. In the end, Luo Shuyu fell asleep leaning on Li Mingjin's shoulder. Staying up late was really not suitable for him.

  Tonight, they were going to challenge the fourth prince's residence. In order to avoid the fourth prince's massive military force, Li Mingjin asked the hidden guards to explore the way in advance and find the most convenient way to get in.

  The screen was not placed in the fourth prince's study room, but a room dedicated for storing treasures.

  It was night, and Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu neatly put on their special night clothes.

  Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu gently landed on the wall of the Fourth Prince's Mansion, and Ansan gave them a secret signal. If it was safe there would be gu gu, and gu gu gu if there was someone.

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[咕 gū (onom.) for the sound of a bird]

  gu gu.

  Two sounds, it meant safe, so they could go in.

  They had to say that the security of the Fourth Prince's Mansion needed to be strengthened. They walked around the rockery, around the pond, and through a long corridor. They didn't see a few guards along the way, and they came to the place where the screen was placed smoothly.

  Opened the lock was the hidden guard's specialty, and the door opened with a click.

  An San whispered: "Master, I will keep watch for you outside, take your time, if you want to take it away, I can also arrange more people."

  Luo Shuyu: "..." We just came here to have a look, not to be a thief, so there is no need to take it away.

  Li Mingjin kicked the long-winded An San out: "You're the one who talks too much."

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