The two lit a candle and found the screen standing in the center of the room. Luo Shuyu exclaimed: "I think two years is not enough to embroider the picture on this screen. It's so exquisite. Is this Suzhou embroidery?"

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  Li Mingjin: "It should be, it looks pretty good."

  Luo Shuyu: "Your Highness only knows meat, these embroidery methods are rare." His fingertips lightly touched the embroidery surface, "It's so delicate, I want to keep this screen."

  Li Mingjin: "Then let's find someone to embroider one later. The one that is more beautiful than this one. I always feel that this picture gives the feeling of pettiness."

  Luo Shuyu: "It's okay, the implication is very good, and it will definitely come first in triennial palace examinations tomorrow." Holding a candle, he looked for the face that Li Mingjin mentioned was similar to the empress, which was on the upper left, "Your Highness, I found the face you mentioned before, it really looks alike."
[独占鳌头 dú zhàn áo tóu: to come first in triennial palace examinations (idiom, refers to the carved stone turtle head in front of the imperial palace, next to which the most successful candidate in the imperial examinations was entitled to stand); to be the champion; to be the very best in any field]

  Li Mingjin said proudly: "Yes, I said that it's very similar. The empress always looks at other with anger. She is very fierce and not kind at all."

  Luo Shuyu was amused by what he said: "She can't do anything about it, if she is too cheerful, it doesn't match with her identity as an empress. I'm done watching, let's go back?" He carefully blew out the candle.

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  Li Mingjin didn't want to stay longer in the Fourth Prince's Mansion either. He had just looked around at the treasures in this storage room, but none of them were attractive.

  Three cuckoos sounded outside, and Li Mingjin hurriedly left the storage room with Luo Shuyu in his arms.

  The two quickly hid in the rockery outside.

  They didn't expect that they would hear what they shouldn't hear.

  "Your Highness, will the Fourth Imperial Concubine find out if we do this here?"

  "What are you afraid of him? As long as you are still in this mansion, sooner or later you will be given a title."

  "I listen to Your Highness."

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  Li Mingjin covered Luo Shuyu's ears, and then quietly led him back the same way.

  It was only then that Luo Shuyu suddenly realized that this was the reason why the security measures in the Fourth Prince's Mansion were not strict.

  This fourth prince appeared to be very affectionate towards Shen Mingyun, but in fact he had already betrayed their feelings.

  It seemed that their plan to separate them was still very successful.

  However, he suddenly felt that Shen Mingyun, who didn't know the truth, was a bit stupid.

  Leaping down from the wall of the Fourth Prince's Mansion, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu returned to their carriage parked not far away.

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  Luo Shuyu pulled down the black mask on his face, and took a deep breath: "I'm suffocated."

  Li Mingjin: "Is it exciting tonight?"

  Luo Shuyu thought he was talking about going to the Fourth Prince's mansion to see the screen, so he nodded and said: "It's exciting, it's the first time I look at such beautiful screen."

        Li Mingjin shook his head, leaned closer to his ear and said, "I mean, should we also try to do different things in other yards at night?" He didn't care about the fourth prince's betrayal of Shen Mingyun, it was someone else's housework after all.

  Luo Shuyu gave him supercilious look: "..." He refused, there must be a lot of mosquitoes in summer!

  The two of them ran around outside in the middle of the night, sweating all over, so they took a bath together before fell asleep.

  There was no stimulation in the wild, but the bath was also very good, so Li Mingjin was quite satisfied. As for Luo Shuyu, he had already fallen asleep sweetly. However he dreamed that he was being chased by mosquitoes, because in the dream he was dragged outside by Li Mingjin to do some embarrassing things.

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  He hadn't come back for six years, but Luo Shuyu still felt comfortable at the home where he had lived for many years.

  Housekeeper Sun was loyal to Li Mingjin. Even though they had been away for so many years, the house had been taken care of, and everything was still the same like before they left. The flowers were still the same flowers, and the trees were still the same trees. Luo Shuyu, who just came back to live for two days, already found a familiar feeling.

  The home was still the same home, and it was different from the temporary home in Gucheng.

  There was no need to pay respect to empress or empress dowager, Luo Shuyu woke up naturally after a long sleep.

  Today was Emperor Tiansheng's birthday, Li Mingjin got up early to go to the court. At noon was the banquet between Emperor Tiansheng and his courtiers, Emperor Tiansheng would receive gifts from the common people and officials, and at night was the family banquet, it was the time for the royal children to show their talents.

  Luo Shuyu sorted out a bunch of special products they brought back from Gucheng. He would bring them when he entered the palace in the afternoon. Some were for Concubine Mei and Concubine Wei, some were for other concubines of Emperor Tiansheng, all of them were gifts.

  He had heard that Shen Mingyun was quite good at conducting himself. He sent dozens of rouges and face powder in his store to the palace. The concubines liked his generosity and were willing to speak for him in front of Emperor Tiansheng. Shen Mingyun took advantage of it and gained a lot of goodwill from Emperor Tiansheng.

  Moreover, Shen Mingyun also had a son and a daughter, and he often brought his son and daughter into the palace to show his presence in front of Emperor Tiansheng. In this aspect, he had done a good job, which was probably the reason why the fourth prince could tolerate him so much.

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