Immoral System

Chapter 162: Emptiness

Every life has equivalent karma.

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So it just makes sense that every death has too.
In fact, sometimes, the latter was in a sense, worse than the former, as it never fails to repay all debts and keeps no calendar when claiming its dues. 'You reap what you sow.' There's a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone.
Sofony was not and would never be included in the list of exceptions.
'I was not even properly warned... No, I don't even want to imagine this possibility... Why? Why can't it just lash back directly at me?'
Sofony had long known that she would receive retribution soon for taking so many lives these past two months. Felicity's father, those prisoners, the city mayor, Clarissa's mafia men... It seemed their souls were already haunting her down so fiercely that their accumulated resentment had reached the point of claiming the lives of her loved ones.
Still, she couldn't accept the most recent punishment given to her by the heavens. Her mind and soul was screaming of unfairness, testified by her cries which she couldn't control and couldn't even care less to control and stop.
'Is Gio really dead?'

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Her heart frozen by both grief and helplessness shuddered for the nth time. Her head couldn't stop shaking, same with the endless tears running down her wet, almost bloodless face.
She wanted to die.
Without her, he would still be alive, showcasing the world his terror and splendor, making countless ladies fall in love with him and gentlemen to fear or envy him.
'I don't want him to die!'
Another voice inside her head replied,
'Haha, but it's because of you that he died.'
'No, he's not dead!'

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'Leo, your enemy bombed him to death. He escaped the fire but got skewered by a large metal pole in the end. So in short, he's dead. Totally dead.'
'No, no. Shut up! Someone, tell me... I'm begging someone to tell me that he is not...'
In front of the burnt wreckage of the Golden Residences, a luxurious silver car stopped, revealing Harry and Cindy who rushed over to the place the moment they got wind of the tragedy that befell their recently gained daughter's main residence.
Heartbroken by the sight of Sofony madly crying and threatening the medical personnel who just declared Gio dead to revive him, Cindy trotted over in her high-heeled sandals and brought their young lady to her tight embrace. Harry approached the oldest-looking white wearing person nearby, seeking to get knowledge of the situation. In reality though, the head of the Silver family already had an inkling of what caused the Albarez heir's death.
Looking at the bloody and grotesque gaping wound Gio got from who knows what at the left part of his chest, even if the deep gash in his thighs and stomach didn't deliver the killing blow, the crushed chest that was also caving in slightly would still have definitely induced Gio's imminent death. It would just be impossible to survive with a very injured heart, and probably lungs, like that.

Harry shook his head and then joined his wife at pacifying the girl struggling to break free from Cindy.

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When no change of behavior showed from Sofony even after five minutes or so, Harry signaled one of the fairly idle paramedics nearby to give Sofony a shot of something sleep-inducing. The crying girl did not really show resistance as she was still in a very shocked stated and lost in her own world. However, to the amazement of the female paramedic, two syringes worth of sleep medicine had to be used on her since the first one did not give them any result. Only after the second shot did Sofony calm down, losing consciousness in the arms of her worried adoptive mother.
"Mr. Albarez is already on his way here. I've already instructed the people to properly take care of Gio's remains." Harry was referring to Conrad who agreed to come in order to play his role in the matter.
Cindy forced a smile, sadness, and pity glimmering from her eyes which already had wrinkles on the sides despite remaining beautiful and full of vitality, "I think I'll bring this poor girl in the hospital first. I'm afraid the shock and trauma she got from this incident will need her to undergo some therapy and psychological counseling."
The Silver family head nodded to his wife. Glancing at the pale-faced girl looking so grief-stricken even in her sleep, he waved over to their driver and signaled him to help Cindy carry Sofony in the car.
He said, "Go then. I'll stay here to greet that man, for protocols as well. I'm sorry, my wife for this trouble. Don't worry, I'll join you later in consoling and pacifying her at the hospital. Right now, more than anything in this world, at times like this, the grieving needs their family support to get by something this heartbreaking."
"I'll be fine. Let me take care of the rest. I'll remain by our daughter's side until she wakes up."
The Silver's madam glanced one last time to the former glorious Golden Residences then with the help of their family driver, they carried the asleep young miss to the car whose face was still pale and tear-stained, and with the last stream of tears welling up from the edges of her eyes.

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