Immoral System

Chapter 163: She Who Tries To Put Up A Fight 1


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A glittering pair of eyes swept around the place, alertly watching out for any signs of irregularity. Though unfortunately, it seemed the heavens were not on her side today as she had yet to catch sight of any of that.
'Damn! Is the person here?'
The one who spoke this irately in her head was hiding behind the low front porch walls of the cafe near the footbridge. Her location was well-concealed, and within the most appropriate distance to observe the happenstances in front of the burnt building through her eyeglasses.
Golden Residences was in front, and one of the greatest scenes there was about a girl syringed to sleep half-dragged by an old driver into a silver car. It just looked outright suspicious. Fortunately, an elegant looking woman was following behind them or else, it would have alarmed a few government officials and firefighters nearby. Also, the horrendous scene not far from these people also easily gave clues on why the beautiful girl fainted.
Annoyed that there was nothing else to see there, she closed her eyes and summoned her user interface. Just then, an irritating voice rang inside her head.
<system: hello,="" my="" stupid="" host.="" how's="" the="" first="" encounter="" with="" your="" clone.="" aren't="" you="" proud="" that="" she="" inherited="" your="" barely="" used="" acting="" skills?="" look,="" she's="" even="" thinking="" she's="" really="" you?="" hahahaha.="" this="" is="" real="" acting!="" this="" is="" real="" madness!="" oops,="" i="" forgot,="" you="" hypnotized="" her="" so="" she="" can="" play="" the="" part="" well.="" but="" it's="" just="" so="" laughable!="" i="" can't="" believe="" there'll="" come="" a="" day="" when="" you'd="" be="" this="" careful="" and="" thorough!="">
'Shut up!' In a high-pitched voice, the girl irritatedly responded as she wanted to concentrate on the screen that popped up in her mind.
<system: tch.="" i'm="" just="" saying="" the="" truth.="" and="" if="" you're="" just="" a="" bit="" smarter,="" you'll="" realize="" i'm="" actually="" complimenting="" you!="" why="" are="" you="" so="" jittery?="" you're="" so="" a="" killjoy!="">
It received no response as its host was already intently reading the details in the List of Partners tab. Only one page was there but it was as if this single page had an endless wall of text there since she did not move her sight away from the screen for so long. In reality though, she just couldn't stop rereading everything over and over again.

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She restrained her fury and self-hate as she mused to herself.
'It's saying that the corpse is fake. Despite the many variables and situations implied by this, the good thing is it means he is definitely not dead.'
She didn't know and didn't care how it was faked. But she bit her lips after realizing it could only be another host's work. It could be Leo Jones, the crazy bomber kid, or someone else. Perhaps it was Clarissa's unnamed Original retaliating. Or maybe there was a fifth host in this country finally starting to make his moves. If that unknown host was the culprit, he must be at the same level as Leo or even higher, to be able to inquire information about her from the system.

Sofony was fortunate this time to have unveiled her rows of X skill, learning it was cloning. The 'her' from before sealed her memories of the skill due to its nature and how it was created. It was a pitiful life, that was why. But it was precisely this clone of hers currently wearing her face that was helping her stage a play there. An 'another her' showing to the unseen opponent what the previous weak her would surely do if she sees a dead Gio ferried out of their bombed home.
This was only made possible by summoning the clone to this location, a feature exclusive to every Original. She also cast an illusion to hide the brief swap between them. In case the enemy could read minds, she hypnotized the clone what to think and react. Given that this move was a very risky one, since those higher level than her would easily see through the facade if they paid enough attention, she was very thankful that the other party was seemingly preoccupied with something to notice the change.
To be honest, even now, she was still probably not as bright as Wendy, but when compared to the previous her who perhaps would only cry and not even consider whether the Gio lying on a bloody pool was a fake, someone body-swapped or exchanged faces with... the current her could at least see conspiracies in situations like this and do something as a response.
Or maybe, she was just currently too obsessed and headstrong to easily believe that her lover would die. In short, the cause of madness was the same, but the way it manifested was the opposite of what her clone was showing there!
But luckily, her denial of the scene in front led to the discovery of the inconsistencies in the current situation. Leo Jones unusual appearance and words helped a bit, but it was mostly the tab presently flashing before her eyes.

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Slowly exhaling, she asked the system,
'This page is telling me that someone unknown, probably Clarissa's Original or another host, has taken him to another dimension. What another dimension?'
'If what I'm thinking is correct, perhaps this is what preoccupied the unseen enemy when I was swapping places with 'her'?'
With a heavy heart, she switched the current tab to the Shop, asking the system for a recommendation.
'Hey, devil, is there any item that can get me to where Gio is?'
The system scoffed, <obviously? what="" are="" you="" taking="" the="" shop="" for?="">
'Below 300k points?'
This time the reply was slower than usual, causing her heart to become more anxious than it already was. When it responded, she didn't know whether to curse it or not since it was obviously doing this on purpose, knowing she was feeling tense and very mindful of the time.
<system: hehe,="" 25="" points="" deducted.="" there's="" a="" one-time="" use="" teleportation="" item="" in="" the="" shop="" for="" only="" 100k="" points.="">

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The 25 points deducted were its recommendation 'fee'.
<system: why?="">
'You're laughing so it could only be a useless product. Can you be serious for once, damned devil!? We're tight on time here! That whoever targeting Gio and me is obviously hostile!'
<system: fine.="" that="" item="" can="" only="" be="" used="" on="" earth,="" and="" only="" within="" 10="" kilometers.="" but="" there'="" nothing="" else="" in="" the="" shop="" under="" 300k="" points="" that="" 'can="" get="" you="" to="" where="" he="" is.'="">
Sofony placed a hand above her chest and took a deep breath. She was close to exploding. However, she knew she couldn't since she needed every bit of calmness she could muster from herself. A second later, she asked,
'How about the skill shop?! I have a pass and I haven't used it yet! There should be something useful from there, right? You said, the minimum points needed to access it is 50,000 points! I have close to 300,000 right now!'
<system: ...idiot.="" there's="" no="" access="" fee,="" only="" a="" minimum="" number="" of="" points="" recommended="" having="" before="" browsing="" it.="" you="" only="" have="" one="" shop="" pass,="" remember?="">
After a sneer, the damnable system showed her the list of skills that could be bought from its store, and there were a plethora of choices to choose from. Hacking, Digging, Mining, Lock-Picking, Piano, Gaming, Programming, Cooking, Newscasting, Ghost-Making, Teleport, Body-Swap, Affective Disruptor, Eloquence. Name it and it's here. There were even skill names she didn't know what was used for. For example, Net Flaming, Zorbing, Slacklining, Human Grafting...

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Her eyes initially rested on two — Teleport and Body-Swap.
'Damn, both 500k.' She ended up cursing. Her points were nowhere near enough. Why was it never enough?
'What should I do? He's not dead yet. And I'm very grateful for knowing this. But if it's a hostile host who could even bring people to another dimension, then Gio's life must be in danger! Possibly even a great danger!'
'Damn you, Sofony! Think! Don't be useless this time! We can't afford to lose him!'
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