Immoral System

Chapter 205: Towards The Beguiled City 2

'... He must be aware of many more things about the system than I expected.'

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She ordered the system to lock down every exit in the place and 'it' smoothly executed it. The other people who saw the empty elevator suddenly going up became dumbfounded. Those rushing to stop the man in a loose white gown halted their steps and stared blankly at that same sight. But the lady didn't pay them any attention since even if something happened, it would be as easy as pie to erase everyone's memories or control them to shut their mouths up.
Gio watched the scene with a blackening expression. A few seconds later, he turned to the woman and started taking huge strides towards her with steps as heavy as an elephant's.
Craziness showed in his pale face. The woman who initially didn't raise her guards up felt a bit of dread tingling her senses. She initially thought that no matter how dangerous Gio Albarez as a non-host, there should be no way he could bring real threat to a host like her, that the real danger should only be from the high-level system user who didn't make a move even after this man became close to Host 137.
So what was with the warning bells in her brain?
A shadow flickered in front of the woman. It was already too late when she tried to teleport away. Or actually, there should be no problem with the timing of the teleportation... As a host, the woman prided herself on being very responsive to every trouble her senses had warned her about hence even if it was a sure-kill attack, she should have been able to get away from it.
Yet before she could get a grasp of what happened, her body had already been lifted up four feet from the ground. The look of surprise on her could be said as very fascinating and amusing to behold.
Gio's iron-like grip held her by the neck.

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'T-this? When did he---?'
Fear crossed the woman's countenance when she realized that his strength greatly exceeded hers. How? She was a Level 6 host! For Pete's sake! How devoted could that unknown backer be towards this cold and demonic man to increase his physical stats to this extent?
Her hands went to her neck, attempting to release the grip strangling her. She summoned all her strength and focused them on her legs. Her fair and blindingly white legs swept to the side and kicked the emotionless man.
When no change occurred apart from the leg that was hit budging probably not more than five centimeters on the metal floor, her eyes turned just as murderous. When even body swap got canceled for some unknown reason, sharp weapons concentrated on the non-host's position rained down from the ceiling.
Gio suddenly tossed her up to serve as a shield. Still, to ensure he wouldn't be hit, he also jumped back numerous times.
The Original immediately teleported away and then spat that word out. Her hand automatically rubbed the neck almost broken by Gio's hand.

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When she reappeared near the gigantic aquarium which was at the opposite side of the underground lab, her beautiful orbs no longer held any semblance of the kind and smiling expression they first had.

Gio got up from his crouching position as lithe as a panther. The same craziness did not vanish away.
He was thrown in the ocean. He got separated from Sofony. He woke up in a very unfamiliar place, in an ominous-looking laboratory even. And before all of the above had happened, almost everything he worked for in his life had been blown up and even now he didn't know what happened to his girl and people.
His patience had simply snapped and this annoying woman and her laboratory just added to everything angering him.
Gio regretted not immediately breaking the woman's neck. If only she didn't manage to teleport away... If only her physique was not that of a Level 6 system user... What a tenacious trouble.
A bespectacled doctor appeared by his side and tried to syringe him with a sleep drug. Like a wild beast, Gio shoulder threw the man without holding his strength back. To the horror of everyone, including Clarissa's Original, when the bespectacled doctor landed on his back, his spine and the back of his skull seemingly cracked and caved in due to the impact, fresh blood pooling swiftly underneath.
Gio ignored the disbelieving stares, asking everyone else around, "Who here has access to the other exits?"

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The medical staff and other workers exchanged glances. However, none of them said a thing even if they wanted to.
The man who had already caught his breath after the extraneous move turned to the woman in the red coat.
"You mind-controlled them? Huh?"
A massacre ensued. Well, not really a massacre since everyone was still alive, probably.
It was quite a bloody and miserable sight. Yet Clarissa's Original only watched the bloodfest from afar, beads of sweat settled on her forehead.
She still couldn't erase from her mind how her skills got nullified when he caught her. If her guess was correct, he wanted to bait her out, to make her approach and attack him in an attempt to save her people.
But given how perceptive and unfeeling she was, why would she do so? 'What's with this situation?'
"You still don't want to let me out?"

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She gulped when she saw him walking over with a crazy grin on his bloody face.
"With how knowledgeable you are, you should have already guessed how out of the norm I am... Why don't you stop trapping me here before I have your name on my blacklist? What can you say, the girl who faked her death and heartlessly left her clone to die somewhere..."
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