Immoral System

Chapter 206: Towards The Beguiled City 3

A blacklist was mentioned... hence even if the woman felt so conflicted and unwilling to let the man go, she couldn't say or do anything due to his obvious threats.

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What else could she do? If even the non-host, him, could take down people under a Level 6 Host's nose, what more of his true backer? What if this time, he summons that unknown higher-ranking host to show her where her proper place was?
It was really hateful. And it was even more hateful because she had to watch Gio Albarez walked away from the first floor's lobby in an untroubled and nonchalant manner like his blood-stained loose white robe was not something to give a damn for.
She didn't know if it was only due to his confidence that even if someone sees him in the streets, no harm or police would come to him since at most, he would only be mistaken for a vengeful and wandering male ghost.
After all, it was a very unholy hour and most people were asleep.
'But... do I just really let him leave like that? Without at least clarifying how he knows of my real identity despite not having any other meeting prior to that one from Ever Victorious?'
Before the person completely disappeared into the darkness, he turned around once to warn her with a cold glare.
He said, "... I think I can guess how your mind works, woman. But if I were you, I won't appear before me in the future again. Or at least if you can't rein yourself in, before you do anything, make sure you first check if you can inquire any of my information from your system. Goodbye."

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The woman breathed in some cold air, but raged so much within. She was at Level 6 and could get information up to Level 8... So why else wouldn't she had access to his information?
Sometimes it was just so annoying that her head had quite a bit of smartness in it since it immediately allowed her to understand the hidden meaning in between his lines...
Such a fine specimen. Why couldn't he be hers?
'I couldn't connect to George and the rest? Not only Sofony or that Conrad?'
It was the afternoon of the next day. Or technically it was still the same day since the debacle happened around 1:30 am.
In between that span of time, Gio had solved the issues about his identity and other necessities. To be honest, his mind was still not as clear and calm as his usual self. And maybe that was why he went around looking for a local gang to beat up and extort. Given his physique and knowledge in combat, it had not been a real challenge. He was just not sure if the masked people he beat up were really from a local gang.

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Anyways, he made them provide clothes, food, intel, and phone for him. Unfortunately, when he dialed the number of everyone from Alina City, the calls wouldn't go through. His guts began to scream at him that something terrible had happened, or at least, something had gotten wrong. The feeling of being in the dark about many matters was similar to having force-fed many squirming bugs, unpleasant and abhorrent. Hence, he made a request to arrange him a flight to Country F as soon as possible.

"I'm really so irritated," Gio absentmindedly spoke up, which terrified the two people in front of the sofa where he sat at. These black-masked guys were the one he picked up from the underworld men showed to him by the leader.
"Great Sir, may we know what we could do improve your mood?"
"Please tell us, and we will do our best to accomplish it for you. We are not really from Country J but our means and abilities are far-reaching and encompassing."
Gio fell into deep thoughts. A few seconds he asked, "Your leader said he'll be getting me a private plane. What time will be the departure?"
The two exchanged glances. They momentarily felt conflicted because they didn't know what to answer. How would they know? They were not informed!

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However, they were aware of what this man was capable of, so what else could they do? Apart from bullshitting their way out?
"Don't worry, Great Sir. I'm sure within an hour you will be on your flight back to Alina City of Country F."
"Right! Please relax and allow our leader to arrange everything for you."
The impatient cold-faced man replied, "I don't care if you two are only bluffing or not. But if that plane didn't arrive within an hour, I'll have your secret society ousted. Anyway, none of you seems to be honest people. I'm sure that wiping you all from the face of the Earth will merit me a lot of good karma."
The two assistants and the others nearby who heard the irate man had their faces paling to the point that they were as white as a piece of paper.
'An hour, huh?'
Gio stood up and walked out of the mansion which he didn't know how the group of masked man had obtained. They said they were not locals but since they could get a nice place like this for themselves, at least they did seem efficient and capable.

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A black car had been prepared for him before this. He got into that and had one of the assistants to drive it for him while he fiddled with his phone to locate the two people related to Sofony who were probably still staying in this nation.
He just hoped the student exchanged program meddled up in a hurry by Sofony had not yet ended.
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