Immoral System

Chapter 226: Rage 2

While the woman with a sensuous figure made it seem like Wendy would be dying or violated soon, in reality, the non-host woman was never the type to back out or let people easily trample on her.

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There were also the protective measures Sofony and Ver had left her.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

The friendship ring given to her by her best friend a few years ago got upgraded through the system. It could now ensure that no host under level 6 would be able to hypnotize or mind-control her into doing something against her will.

So here was the question. Was acting shamelessly in favor of tumbling in bed or floor with some random strangers something that was not crossed out in her list of unspeakable and disgusting things to never ever do?


"What did you say? Are you asking me? Or commanding me? Screw you! Get away from me too, bastards!"

And so this was what she responded when the man in black tried to hypnotize her into submission.

She was trapped in a glass room with four burly men with bodies that ripped of unsightly huge muscles.

They looked like extreme bodybuilders, the type that would never be able to flex their arms to reach something pasted on their backs.

And they expect her to be okay with losing her precious v-card to them?

Which sane member of the fairer sex would want to?

Especially if the other parties looked like sex maniacs?

'F*ck my life! These creepy men are provoking my bad tongue!'

She felt thankful that her traveling bag was with her when she got transported to this damnable place.

When the men drew close to her, she pretended to step back.

A second later, the glimmer in her eyes changed into something sharper and piercing.

Then when the men with disgusting smiles on their faces were not expecting it, she charged full speed and strength towards the nearest man while swinging her trusty suitcase.

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She swung it using her full strength empowered discreetly by Ver through the stats candies purchased from the system shop!


When the hard surface of the makeshift weapon connected to the face of the nearest men, she also immediately turned to her left where another man was trying to ambush her.

Her high-heeled shoe planted itself on that goon's groin area. This was what caused that sharp pained cry to echo within the place.

"Ooops, sorry. I swear it's not intentional!" Wendy sarcastically remarked. 

Outside of the huge prison-like elevated glass room, the man in black who teleported the woman in here through a device looked at the scene with slightly widened eyes.

This male system user felt surprised that a female non-host who was not a supporter could be this courageous and strong.

The condescending look he was initially giving Wendy turned into mild admiration.

'What an interesting woman.'

Now it was a little bit understandable why that traitor who had the same headstart as him fancied her.

Regrettably, it was only a little bit, because no matter how strong or brave this non-host was, it would never amount to even a percent of what a female system user like Gloria, this place's keeper, worth.

Ver Drilon was nothing but a stupid fool for liking this weakling.

Now he knew why people like him should not invest feelings to someone who could easily die to a hostile party's attacks.

'So what if she's quite an admirable non-host girl, huh?'

In front, an odd sight of a woman standing with four older macho men down on the floor passed out could be seen.

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It had only been a minute. Were the men sent from the upper grounds actually weaklings?

Well, it doesn't matter. It was still impossible for her to escape.

With her humble chest heaving up and down, she took several deep breaths and then swayed to the glass wall separating her from the outside.

She angrily bumped a fist on the glass wall while shouting something to the man in black.

The soundproofing of the glass cage prevented him from hearing her.

However, he knew what she was saying.

"Release me from here, you scoundrel!!!! Let me out!!! Let me out!!! LET ME OUT!!!"

It was easy to lipread. And that was how he knew.

'I was called a scoundrel today, huh.'

The man didn't know what ghost possessed him to not do anything to the girl anymore aside from watching her curse out and rage on inside the glass room.

The sight of her pretty and sweaty face distorting in anger as she punched, kicked, and struck with her bag the seemingly indestructible transparent wall looked very entertaining.

He couldn't help but laugh in both amusement and mockery.

Anyway, he was safe from being scolded by Gloria, since he was sure that keeper was busy keeping Ver Drilon away from this room.

Also, he was doing his job properly.

See, he just sealed off the cage and did not let air in.

He wondered how long the woman would be able to hold on.

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Would her courage and strength triumph over the lack of what her lungs always craving for?

He badly wanted to find out.


The man in black was correct.

Ver was indeed trapped somewhere on the same floor but could no longer explore due to the device locking him inside.

The young man lost his rational and began going all out against the woman who unfortunately turned out to be more powerful and resourceful than the injured him.

The prolonged confrontation had left him bloody and weary.

Before he rushed to this place, he had fought with another guy who also constrained him in a space similar to this.

The toll on his body kept increasing, the fatigue and lost blood haunting his consciousness and gradually making him drowsy.

However, he was not willing to give up.

His fears for his girl would never let him have his rest and peace.


The more he thought of what the woman had hinted him earlier, the more he wanted to blow this place into smithereens!

He tried casting his real Level 5 skill to the other, yet the casted curse was easily deflected since the woman also had it.

In desperation, he asked the system,

'What can I exchange for two Body Swap items?'

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When it answered the most useful but currently sealed skill that he had in his arsenal, he only went silent for a couple of seconds, before agreeing.

Then when Ver heard its confirmation, he distanced himself to his opponent laughing demonically and then activated the newly exchanged device.

In his ears, he could still hear the system's announcement,

<System: Two body swap devices exchanged with the skill, Teleportation. Initiating exchange...>

When it asked him who the target to register, he didn't hesitate to tell Wendy' name.

In front of him, Gloria, the voluptuous woman watched him with a ridiculing expression.

As someone in the know of how the immoral system works, how could she miss out on the functions and limitations of every item she could get her hands on?

And so she watched as Ver lost more color on his face and coughed up more blood when he heard that the space device entrapping him was the upgraded version of the normal which also didn't allow body swapping.

"Ah... Look at that handsome face. I love the look of disbelief and lack of hope in it."

With a lovestruck expression, the woman voiced this out to the despairing man who didn't know what else to do or sacrifice to get himself out and save Wendy.



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