Immoral System

Chapter 227: Rage 3

Just when the Level 5 host serving as the keeper of this branch of the organization was engrossed in her laughter, another woman appeared by the staircase of this basement level.

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Her long glossy hair on her back blended with the darkness behind at the same time that her impossibly fair and smooth-looking face got shone upon by the flickering candle lights.

The beautiful reddish glow gave the beautiful face an ethereal look. It made her look a bit more sensuous and mature than usual.

When her right high heeled shoe made contact with the steps of the stairs, she immediately looked around.

If her guess was correct, this was already the lowest floor. And Wendy should be somewhere in here.

When Sofony went past the wall of the staircase and stepped into the hallway, it was revealed that she was actually dragging a bald muscular man with her.

The face of this person looked so pitiful. There were many bruises. His face was swollen and the eyes looked like a panda's. His burly body too was so bloody and miserable.

"This is the last place, right?"

She only heard muffled grunts in between sobs and incomprehensible mumblings as an answer.

Her face hardened.

The place was dark so she had the system enhanced her vision.

"Left or right?"

In fear of what she would do if he didn't answer immediately, the incapacitated man hurriedly pointed his trembling fingers to the left.

That side was where important host prisoners were held, while the left was where huge prisons meant for slaves were, and since the woman was looking for someone who seemed important, he didn't hesitate to point to the first direction.

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Sofony grew disinterested with the person when he repeatedly nodded. That was what frightened the man the most.

When he began to hear the scary and hair-raising sounds of ants and insects coming down to their location and she started walking to the left without dragging him off, his face paled in fear and he grabbed onto the woman's fair legs.

The man did that because his own tendons were cut off!

He wouldn't be able to walk anymore!

Which means if the woman doesn't carry him with her, the army of man-eating insects would catch up to him and devour him alive!

He, despite being a baldie, doesn't want to die yet, no matter how irrelevant his baldness was to the current situation!

"Iiiiinnnnggggghhhhh!!!! Hnnngggh! HHnggg!" His desperation manifested as unknown words which only served to worsen the irritation the unnerved woman was already feeling.

Sofony evaded the baldie's hands. She quickened her steps in order to get to the first room, leaving the man crawling.

However, no matter how fast he crawled, it was still nowhere as fast as his normal walking pace.

Shortly, the sounds of man-eating bags got nearer and nearer until when the bald looked back to the staircase, the insects were already there, inching closer and closer until they were already at the hallway.

He sobbed. And backed away to the corner, hugging his knees.

"Gnnnngggg aaannnnnhhgggg! Nnnnnggg!"

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Yet the creatures have no mercy and only view him as their prey and food. Anyway, he reeked of blood and sins. It should be okay for them to eat him and erase him from the world, right?

And so a minute later, when the sobs and cries of pain stopped, and when the few layers of the armies of insects left the spot where he used to be, only bones and some non-chewable muscles remained, telling anybody who would perhaps pass by in the future that a life was lost there.

As for the insects and bugs, this was already the last floor the moving blank blanket would be able to gorge themselves at and so they didn't let a single minute be wasted away. They eagerly searched for new victims to feast upon.

Meanwhile, Sofony saw the man who came with her to this place panting and kneeling on one knee.

Her brows rose up a bit, but she immediately left as she didn't see the person she was looking for.

Finally, when the girl came into the biggest room in the underground dungeon, a man in black came into sight.

A second later, she saw a huge glass cage where the red-faced Wendy was seen slumping next to the wall, slowly and madly gasping for breath.


Sofony's eyes greatly dilated at the sight. She recognized her friend at first glance and she didn't like the situation Wendy was in.

'I have to release her from there!'

In a split-second, a gun appeared in her hand and fired at the glass to break it.

The man in black subsequently noticed her. But before he could do anything to deflect the bullet heading for the cage, Sofony had already shot another at him. This time with the tricky poison of different substance and mixture.

"Who are you?!"

Of course, the man who asked, while surprised, seemed to be not as idiot as Chris as to get hit by that kind of attack.

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But because his attention got focused on dodging it, the one fire at the glass successfully connected and broke it off.

Sharp noises of a whole pane breaking and a woman crying out while gasping consequently echoed out.


The immoral host teleported by Wendy's side and caught her before she made contact with the shards filled ground.

Sofony was too concerned about the friend she hadn't seen for years. Hence, the anger she felt when she caught sight of her almost dying from asphyxiation made her lose a bit of reason and bombard the man with sharp objects while sealing the space around him.

She was not yet senile to not remember that a teleporter had brought Wendy to this place.

But maybe she had become crazy enough to use the most expensive device on her collection which could also lock up the skill Body Swap.


With his escape plans blocked, the man could only bring out a low-level barrier inside the locked space so he could save his skin from being made a porcupine by the raining needles and blades.

Sofony saw him cursed, but so what?

If her friend's condition only didn't seem so bad, she would have gone all out and punished this man her way!

"Damn it! Wendy's not only deprived of air for so long. She's inhaled some weird substance!"

'Just cure her!!!!!!!!!'

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She madly shouted at her damnable system which never ever managed to read the mood or try to be considerate of her situation.

Angry that her own system was not cooperating at this crucial time, she picked up Wendy and carried her out of the room.

As for the four men who thankfully didn't seem to have done anything to Wendy, she was too incensed to let them off that easily.

Since the system reminded her that they loved that damnable substance, fine.

Before completely leaving the accursed room, her yes shone an ominous glint.

Fortunately, for the command this around, the devil in her head cooperated and did not make her any more pissed off than she should be.

These scumbags...

"Let them hallucinate all they want and have their fun while doing their fellow brothers behind!!!" Her malicious voice echoed out.

She hoped they die from doing the deed so much. Die happy. Die embarrassingly. Macho men dancing to the oldest rhythm in the universe which should only be done with someone from the fairer sex as a partner.



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