Immoral System

Chapter 229: Somehow Found You 1


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Sofony had brought Wendy out of the room.

She could not possibly fight him with Wendy on her back and thus her best course of action was to immediately go out of there quickly.

The space-sealing barrier could only hold off that bastard man in black within ten minutes.

'I must get Wendy away from here fast!'

That time, Wendy was not totally unconscious.

Her body was hot, and she knew she was drugged.

This was why all this time, she was calling for Ver, yet the man's figure couldn't be seen.

The girl might have a tough heart, but she also could feel fear.

She was in despair because she felt weird but couldn't move her body which was now being carried by an unfamiliar woman.

In between her bouts of consciousness and unconsciousness, she asked the woman.

"Who... are you?"

Sofony did not answer.

When she came out of the other teleporter's sight, she brought out a slick black metallic and cylindrical item which she bought from the system for two hundred fifty-thousand points, a one-time use item which could help her teleport Wendy with her.

"Let's save the explanation for later. What's important for now is to leave this damnable place."

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Wendy barely heard the woman's remarks. What again? Save... Explanation... Leave...?

Her head was too fuzzy, and even her thoughts were barely coherent.

The heat from her molten core was making her feel so uncomfortable and needy.

As an intelligent girl, she knew what was happening to her body and what it was currently craving for. Yet because she knew that she felt so much fear.

"... Ver..."

In her hazy mind, she seemed to have seen him. And he was calling out of her.

'... What will happen to me? Why... are these... happening to me?'

The voice once again resounded in her ears. She didn't know if it was only her imagination, but that annoying but caring man seemed so distressed and heartbroken when he called out her name.

She couldn't help but want to see him and come to his side to flick on his forehead.

But where was he?

Why does she feel like she knew?

Small, innumerable white ball of lights began to float from the ground. Sofony had already activated her ability.

She was about to press on the button on the black cylindrical device when suddenly, the girl on her back flinched.

To her surprise, and without knowing how it became possible, Wendy shrugged her off and freed herself from her.

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The drugged woman, of course, fell on the ground since she forcefully separated herself from the person supporting her.

Sofony swiftly turned around, canceling the Teleportation. 

"Wendy, I beg you, please, don't be a handful now!"

The female system user bent down a bit to hold up the wavy-haired flushed face beauty. And she was once again about to try warping when Wendy flung her hand off and stood up by herself.

"... He's... calling for me..."

A second later, Sofony just found the other girl running towards a certain direction.

It had been so long since they met and Sofony was not aware that another host had regularly fed her friend some stats candies.

And so when Wendy, who was still quite fast despite the influence of the drug, bolted away, the person left behind became very dumbfounded, not expecting the speed she would see from Wendy.

'... What the heck? Is this something she got from Country J? Their PE teachers could make even a fragile girl be this lithe and fast?'

Sofony shook off the stupid thoughts then teleported. It was obvious that Wendy was not being herself! And she had to either find out the truth about her condition or bring her away!


How did the girl arrive so fast in a room which was twenty meters away from their initial location?

The question stupidly lingered in her mind due to the system which never really learned to read the situation.

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But then, when she somehow had a guess of what just happened to Wendy, her eyes narrowed.

The place she emerged at was dark. Everywhere in this dungeon was.

But through her vision, she realized that she was at the entrance of another room.

Wendy was next to the injured young man she saw and almost killed half an hour ago.

No. Actually, Wendy was not beside him, but in front. And a meter before them was a voluptuous woman about to stab the two with her twin daggers.

It was the keeper, or branch leader who was pissed off at the red-faced and panting girl who emerged to deflect the killing blow she had almost delivered to the traitor of their organization. It was a couple of seconds after the device locking the space of that room expired.

"Go away!!!!!!!!! Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

In fury, Gloria, the desert branch keeper shouted and lunged forward. Her blows were meant to kill. And Ver saw it.

"Wendy! Run away!"

The man who had now recovered from the shock of Wendy emerging and coming to his side from the shadows immediately shouted, summoning all his strength to push the girl. However, the barely conscious girl kept shielding him with her petite body.

He badly hated himself for being a host with no more points to avail himself a proper defensive device.

Gritting his teeth, he told the system to body swap Wendy with anybody from the outside world.

But before his system could execute the order, a hypnotic voice rang from the dimly lit and open doorway.

"If you think I'll allow you, b*tch to do that, you must be dreaming!"

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And before the voluptuous woman could reach the girl whom she initially thought would only serve as a bait to lure the traitor out, another person suddenly appeared next to her and delivered a very sharp and powerful kick on her stomach.


The dungeon keeper let out a loud groan as her body collided with the wall. A few seconds later, her body spasmed.

But since she was also a system user, she didn't have to suffer long from the aftershocks and other effects.

However, when Gloria recovered from the blow and the pain dealt by Sofony's high heels on her midriff, despite dying to show her anger in full glory, she regrettably found that the place was already empty of anyone else's presence.

'Eh? Where did those pieces of sh*t go?'

After confirming that her targets were no longer around, the woman madly shouted. Unfortunately for her, only she could hear her screams due to the space-lock put in place.

A taste of her own medicine!



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