Immoral System

Chapter 230: Somehow Found You 2

If there was one thing which puzzled the heck out of Sofony after she brought two people away with her, it could only be why did those two seemingly middle-leveled hosts did not respond whatsoever when she raided all of the floors of that place.

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Was it that they don't give a damn about their peripheral members?

Or was it because one was too engrossed with stalling that pretty-faced guy while the other was busy watching for how long Wendy would be able to endure the lack of oxygen?

She took a deep breath.

And said to herself that this reason seemed so f*cked up, but if this was really the case, she would thank the heavens because if those had teamed up against her, or if even only that guy in black had gone up to stall her for time, she didn't know what her friend would have become.

Now, Wendy and that guy who led her to the hidden headquarters were already far away.

Her points down to more or less a million when she had those two brought to one of the hospitals belonging to Gio's Ever Victorious.

The doctors there who her and promised to take care of the two patients.

But not content or satisfied with just the doctors looking out for them, she phoned George and made him send a few bodyguards over.

After some time, she reappeared on the ground floor of that same desert hideout. And to her surprise, she chanced upon Sofia and Chris arriving at the entrance of that place.

"I'm glad that you two have come," she said.

This was after commanding three-fourths of all the creatures she summoned to congregate on the lowest level and flocked on the room where the two enemies could be located.

As for the remaining one-fourths she sent them to scour the upper floors and take care of the remaining members.

"What happened?"

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It was Chris who asked after seeing the bloody spectacle.

His face showed distaste, scrunched up due to the heavy stench of bugs and blood.

Meanwhile, Sofia's face showed a dreamy expression. She felt extreme admiration towards her Original who seemingly had settled the matter here.

"Save the questions for later. This is one of that group's bases and there are many people around. Don't worry, these little lives won't hurt you. They're all purchased by me. Just help me get out the victims here. They're all over the place."

Sofony took the initiative to go to the upper floors.

But before she did so, she told the two,

"Please make it quick. We only have around eight minutes to bring everyone out of here. I've trapped two hosts underneath, but they seem to be at the same level as me, so just move fast."

Chris' eyes widened only for a second before realizing how tight they were on time. He was a very righteous guy hence he only nodded then went down the first basement to do his part. Anyway, all he would have to do was check for survivors and help free them.

Sofia was not as compassionate. But any order from Sofony was more than law for her.

And so the impromptu rescue operation began.

But as for where the poor souls enslaved and mistreated in this place would go after, that was something to worry about later.

Of course, not by Sofony, since the woman had already done the best she could.

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There was just a limit to how far she could go for people she didn't know.


More or less six hours passed after the incident in that hideout's basement.

Gio came for her since he was worried about Sofony, but everything had already been settled then. All aside from the two system users who she trapped in the lowest basement level.

Probably incensed and greatly infuriated by the states of the victims maltreated and tortured, Chris bombed the place.

But the explosives he used were from Sofony, yet those explosives were really from that other guy who in her own understandings, actually came to save Wendy.

However, it was hard to tell if the bombs had killed those two worrisome enemies for good.

Sofony doubted since she knew when she activated the devices, if her calculations were correct, that time, the barrier or whatever space-lock entrapping them there had already expired.

There was a high likelihood that the voluptuous woman and man in black escaped through teleportation.

'Well, better than nothing... At least, that annoying and damnable place is wiped off of the face of the earth,' she could only say to console herself.

"What's your relationship with Wendy?"

Several couple of hours passed since that desert hideout was reduced to piles of rubbles.

Sofony gave the person a glare. The person who asked was the young man she saved alongside her best friend.

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They were now in one of the townhouses she bought within West Alina. Wendy had been brought upstairs. The doctors, in the end, were quite useless and could only alleviate a few of her symptoms.

This was why when they all came back, they learned that it was actually this worrywart guy who truly cured the woman.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

But she quite had a slightly bad impression of him. It was because she gave a hard time earlier when she tried to bring Wendy to this place.

Back then, he said,

"I don't trust you! What if you have bad intentions towards her?!"

She felt like this bold and annoying stranger was testing her of something, but she couldn't make sense of it.

In the end, she could only narrow her eyes at the man, but still let him come with them.

Just now, the male system user, whose face and body, were wrapped in bandages questioned her of her relationship with Wendy.

Weird. Shouldn't she be the one asking him that?

"Whoever you are, if I were you, don't give me that attitude or else, I'll toss you out to the ocean and have the sharks there feed on you."

"I'm only asking," the man narrowed his eyes. "What if you're an enemy pretending to be her friend?"

"... Is your head alright? Which stupid person will rescue his enemy from people who could help her eliminate that enemy?"

Sofony was irritated at the guy because she was having a hunch that he was the real reason why Wendy got kidnapped.

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"That man in black jacket didn't recognize me. And nothing obstructed me on my way to the basement. It means they're not expecting me to come there. So why is she kidnapped by those nasty people? If not for me, what else could be the reason?"

Ver did not reply. His eyes went to the girl peacefully sleeping in the bed, all while balling his fists until his knuckles turned white.

His reaction told Sofony enough of what she wanted to know.

Bluntly, she said,

"You are wanted by those people. And I don't want to know why. But I'll let Wendy decide whether to stay away from you or not. I won't erase her memories of that encounter until she makes the decision for herself."

Afterward, she gave the man one last glare and stood up from her chair.

Ver was not that stupid and grasped the hidden meaning behind the evil eyes she directed him. Warning.

Sofony was not okay leaving her friend's security to the injured and points-poor system user so she had Jone, one of Gio's trusted men to be on the lookout.

But Ver was too worried for Wendy to pay attention to that. He stayed by the woman's side until the morning formally comes.



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