Immoral System

Chapter 231: The Announcement 1


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Sofony massaged her aching forehead.

It was wee hours in the morning when the system loudly notified her of this.

She felt anger rising from within because she knew it did this on purpose.

Why else would it speak loudly in her mind as if it was on a megaphone? And around 2:30 am too?

She had barely fallen asleep! Naturally, because her man did not let her off for coming home later than she promised. Accurately speaking, he did not let her off without doing her seven times all over the penthouse.

She was tired because this morning, she went to work.

This afternoon, she confronted a whole base to save Wendy.

Before leaving that place, as she did not want to spend a sky-high priced teleportation device on them, there were a few people whom she carried out of the place on her back and arms.

Then when she went back, Gio was with her. But they didn't manage to have homemade meals done. And had to settle with deliveries.

Even though she knew Gio was only joking around, she let him have her way on her as a way of making up to him. And this quite turned into a bad move since while it was pleasurable; she actually gave the man the permission to tire the heck out of her.

Every immoral host was still human, this was what the whole experience had taught her.

When she finally collapsed from exhaustion, before she lost consciousness, she asked the system why the man had higher stamina than the system host, her.

Of course, an irritating laugh was all she got as a reply.

Remembering the most recent announcement, she mused, 'So I raked in around 4 million points today...'

Instead of feeling completely happy about the farmed points, the woman felt a tiny pang of something inexplicable in her heart as she knew more than half of it came from taking lives instead of saving lives.

'In my estimate, around 500 organization members are there... which meant two million five hundred thousand is from the bugs and insects killing those people. And only one million five hundred from the people saved.'

She sighed.

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This was her reality now.

She felt thankful that at least the people she was removing were really those which the world could do without or else, she would have to resort to self-hypnosis to chase away the annoying pang of guilt which would surely strike her hard if ever that was the case.

Sofony knew that her heart had now hardened.

But while she now had fully accepted her current self and identity, she only made use of her abilities for matters that wouldn't kill or harm the innocent.

She was a sinner.

But who said that sinners couldn't be good? Or principled?

In a sense, everyone was a sinner. It just so happened that she was now someone who lived in crimes on a daily basis.

The world should probably thankful that at least, she was not adding herself to those of her kind who only knew how to wreak havoc and destroy lives and properties on earth.

No. She was someone who had no problem punishing and going against her kind, not for a reason not backed by her rationality.

In the past years, she came to realize that while the damnable devil in her head was really very annoying and bad, a double-edged sword and a nasty being which could blind others and also its own host, at least it could be controlled.

If her estimate was correct, she now probably could wield this double-edged sword at least around fifty percent.

'Is this something to be proud of?'

She scoffed in her mind and then snuggled into Gio's naked chest.


The word came out of him in a reprimanding manner. When she checked, her man's eyes were closed, and so she felt bad for disturbing his sleep.

She whispered softly, "Hmm."

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And then closed hers too.

Yet before she did, she called out to the devil AI in her mind, 'User Interface.'

When the system complied with her request, she went straight to checking if she could now access Gio's information from the List of Partners' Tab.

Her heart was dying to know how his talk with his uncle goes and if that bearded middle-aged in a white lab coat was someone really related to Conrad.

There was a longing to know how he passed their three-years-long separation as she had a hunch that all the details about his empire-building outside of Country F were merely him glossing over the minor matters.

When she found out that nothing was added to it and that all it had on the records was still those from three years ago, she became very frustrated. The woman asked her system,

'... Why are there still no updates? Are you being glitchy again? Is there an ongoing system upgrade or maintenance? Or are you simply being plain useless?'

Instead of being offended, her system AI only laughed. She knew it intended to make her angrier.

To calm her down, she willed to close that tab and switch to her real interface.

Before she fell asleep, she saw her stats, her eyes settling on her total points: 5, 371,095.

As she looked at the figures floating in front of her, she pursed her lips and thought,

'Such a high figure composed of random numbers.'

'Yet behind this string of numbers, deaths are actually its foundation.'

'... So distasteful...'


Name: Sofony Mendez

Official Name: Host 137 (Immoral System)

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Age: 21

Pleasure Points: 5, 371,095

ATTRIBUTES (Basic Human - 10)

Strength: 57

Stamina: 62

Intelligence: 63

Dexterity: 58

Charm: 68

Luck: 54


* Studying - S+

* Lovemaking – A+

* Singing - B

* Dancing - B

* Acting – S+

* Cooking - B

* House Management - C+

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* Hypnosis - SSS

* Makeup Application - B

* Business Management - SS

* Modeling - A+

* Cloning – B+

* Hacking – SS

* Luck Stealing – SS

* Lock Picking – A

* Immoral Aura – A-

* Piano – S

* Curse Casting – A+

* Teleportation – B+




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