Immoral System

Chapter 232: Somehow Found You 3

When the next day dawned, instead of coming out to have his regular jogging, Chris spent time in the kitchen trying to make something to eat.

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Chris went silent. He couldn't retort.

There was indeed smoke coming off his kitchen's stove, and the thing lying at the bottom of the casserole was nowhere near something which could be called 'food'.

The system that 'saw' his twitching lips felt proud and began to flame him again.


Chris' insides hurt.

Aside from the smell, the sight too was very unbearable.

So he averted his eyes.

He couldn't help but wonder if all the luck he had in his body got turned into unluckiness when it comes to this skill just so a half-host like him wouldn't become too much of a game-breaker.

'Why cooking out of all possible life skills?'

He cursed out.

That was when the childish thing in his head tauntingly added,

'... Can you die, please?'

Without a choice, he could only take out his phone and bother someone for help.

When the call went through, he said his hello and then went straight to the point.

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"I'm sorry, but can you cook something light but still filling?"

It was very early in the morning, at least for the call's receiver who almost barely and subconsciously pressed the accept button.

However, when she heard the voice coming from her device, her sleepiness flew away and her upper body immediately rose from her comfortable and fluffy bed.


The woman asked just to make sure.

"Ah, yeah, this is me. I need help. It's about making a light dish. But if you can't, I'll probably just do a search on the web and see if there's a place-------"

"Aaaaaaah! No need! I'll come over! I'll also bring some ingredients from my home."

And before he could even express his gratitude, the woman who feared that he would say anything otherwise hung up the call.

He stared blankly at his phone for a couple of moments before tilting his head to the side and flexing his neck a bit.

After pocketing the device, his gaze went back to his literally dirty kitchen.

Then headache assaulted him, together with the system.

"... I guess, I just have to throw all evidence into the garbage can outside."


It had always been annoying, but at least, it used to be a bit obedient and timid.

Just who taught it to poke fun at others?


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Chris greatly appreciated that Alessa arrived a little more than twenty minutes after they talked.

He saw that she was only in skintight jeans and blue oversized shirt. Her hair was tied up, and she only had some lip gloss and foundation on. Since she just also woke up, her face looked very fresh and innocent. It was quite a contrast to the times she was in full makeup.

She was carrying an eco-bag which he assumed held the ingredients she was talking about earlier.

"Sorry for the trouble... Come in."

The woman giggled then walked into the penthouse.

Chris let her through before following behind her.

"It's an urban legend that Chris Meyer, the great actor, couldn't make anything edible."

After they reached the kitchen, she laughed as she faintly smelled something inexplicable which made her nose wrinkled.

The man was silently staring at her.

Alessa's laughter intensified as she looked back to him while taking out what she brought with her.

He helplessly shook his head then asked,

"I could have just asked you to recommend me something to order, but since you're already here, please help me out and cook something that is light and easy to digest."

The woman flipped the ends of her long hair back to make sure that no strand would fall off on the countertop as she worked.

"Leave it to me, though I am a Morgan, Aura taught me how to move in a kitchen. Also, I've acted in a restaurant themed TV drama a month ago."

He watched her for some time and then strode towards his refrigerator in the living room.

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He was about to take out soya milk there to give her when the system reminded him that it was early morning and cold drinks were not good for the stomach.

'Damn... That escaped my mind.'

He scratched the back of his neck then walked back to the kitchen empty-handed.

"Hey, I'm just waiting for this one to cook over the fire." She said as if reporting her progress to him.

Chris nodded, his steps didn't pause as he went to his auto-drip coffee maker- the only appliance in this place which he didn't fear would explode or malfunction in his hand.

Before, he mused if this was the case because he would be only using it for brewing something bitter.

A few minutes later, while the woman was dozing off at the table near the stove, his shadow loomed over her through the lightning.

That alerted her and made her open her eyes. Just in time to see him extending his hand to her.


"Oh." When she accepted the mug and took a sip, surprised got written all over her since it was actually almost exactly the same with what her assistant Aura always brew for her.

With wide eyes, she inquired, "How did you know my preference for coffee?"

"I guessed."

His eyes went to his own mug.

He wouldn't ever admit to anyone that he paid points for this, guilty of his first silly decision earlier.

On the other hand, Alessa suspiciously glanced at him and wondered if he asked Aura some time ago.

She made a mental note to confirm this with her assistant, unaware that once she does, her assistant would only think of her as a weirdo.

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Time passed by. As Alessa prepared the food and switched off the stove, he heard the system clamored in his head as though it beheld something beyond amazing.


He really felt like killing it.

As Alessa headed for the dish cabinet, he intercepted her and did the work himself.

A minute later, the woman got surprised to find out that he was heading to the guest room while carrying the tray.

She realized one thing.

"So the porridge and light snacks are not for you?"

The disappointment in her voice did not escape his hearing.

He shook his head and thought for a moment. He knew he had to show her the reason to not make her feel so down.

"Come with me."

Despite feeling a bit dejected that her hard work was not actually for him, she did follow him into the guest room.

It was where she froze real good as she looked at the small innocent looking boy tucked into the bed there who was oddly already awake at this very early morning.



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