Immoral System

Chapter 234: Requests And Payments 1

That morning, Amelia Morgan did not go to Dazzle or any company owned by her. But to a high-end luxury club called Cryptos, located in West Alina.

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By the entrance, the guard only looked at him briefly before allowing her entrance.

She didn't stop at the receptionist desk, but went straight to the elevator. The elevator boy asked her which floor she wanted to go but instead of answering him, she pressed the button by herself, the one with the number 5 on it.

Upon arriving on the fifth floor, Amelia headed left. When she stopped at room 514, she took out her membership card, and the room booked in advance opened up for her.


Amelia stood at a loss for a few moments before bowing her head lightly. "You must be Sir Gu. I am Amelia Morgan, the one who requested to meet up with Your Grace."

Gentle bell-like laughter echoed in the place. Behind her, the door of the luxurious room had already closed and so the pleasant voice was trapped inside, sounding louder to her ears.

"You don't need to be so polite, Miss Morgan. Let's treat each other as a bosom friend. Or even, lovers."

To be honest, the woman felt her heart skipped a few beats as she heard his words. She didn't know why it was the case. But she did feel the racing organ inside her chest which didn't even beat this fast for her current fiance, Marc Goldwin.

She raised her head to look at the person seated on the sofa bed in front. They were the only ones in the room. The man did not bring any other person with him while she too was strictly told not to tell a soul of this meeting.

While walking towards him, she somehow found herself unable to break eye contact with him. The man's eyes were so captivating and mesmerizing. And she was getting lost in them.

Amelia, after several seconds which felt like an endless eternity, finally found her way on the couch opposite the man.

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With legs crossed and hands placed on top of each other on her lap, she tried to appear more confident and in control when she spoke up.

"I thank Your Grace for hearing out my request. I'm fully aware that your time is precious, so please allow me to go straight to what I want to issue to your organization."

The man with mesmerizing eyes and smile gestured his hand for her to continue. "Go ahead. I'm all ears to you, my beautiful lady."

Amelia ignored the weird reaction of her heart and nodded.

In front of her, the man toying with her emotion threw her an admiring glance. It stemmed from the fact that the woman before him did not immediately lose her rationality.

The wondered if this was due to her genes, a perk of being born to a prestigious family which was already more than a thousand years in history.

Or was it something she honed by being a ruler of a business empire?

The man caressed the red gem on his left thumb ring. He was quite intrigued.

"Two weeks ago, I commissioned several of your mercenaries to help me with a mission. However, they failed. And I believe it is because of a high-level hacker who always helps my sister."

"Hmm. I think that's where you issued a task to kidnap a popular actress and have her defiled by a few of my men. So she's actually your sister? I didn't know."

Amelia did not act fazed by the questioning tone of the man, continuing, "I simply want that super hacker to leave my sister's side. No matter what ways employed."

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A chuckle came to her as a reply. "You're giving us too many options to choose from then."

The phrase 'no matter what ways employed' meant so many. If the goal was only to separate that helper to her sister, what kind of separation would she prefer it to be?

He laughed, "Since you're leaving it to us to decide, we will have no choice but talk first about the amount you can afford and then make it our basis for the decision."

"50 million credits."

"Barely enough for the second gentlest separation that I can think of. Are you sure?"


The one called Mr. Gu gave her a wide smile. Anyway, the amount was still huge considering the fact that all he would have to do was take away Alessa Morgan's subordinate. The method he planned to use was that one which would not cost him any immoral points.

Right. This Mr. Gu was an immoral host. In fact, he was the one sent to this country to trap the organization's traitor for a while until the target girl was abducted.

Since he was at Alina City, Alessa Morgan got lucky. It was his own leader who made him hear out this beautiful Country F woman's commission.

It was because business was still business. His organization leader wanted them to not truly do honest mercenary works, but train their abilities as they do missions.

Mr. Gu crossed his legs that were wrapped around by his black trousers. He leaned a bit forward and tilted his head to the side.

"Since we're now okay with the payment part, let's now go to the next one. Do you know, or perhaps, have a list of people who you suspect as her helper? I hope you do since it will be another payment if we will be the one to conduct the investigation, " he said with a wink.

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Amelia felt again the irritating jolt in her heart so she first took a deep breath, and with her bountiful chest heaving up and down once, she nodded, "I only suspect one person. And he is a known actor in my country."

"Let's hear out the name," Mr. Gu went back to sitting properly, slightly tugging at his necktie.

"Chris Meyer."

The man only noted it in his mind but did not think too much of the name.

Apparently, this immoral host was not fully informed of the details from two weeks ago yet, hence, he remained acting as if the job this time wouldn't be much of a trouble.

"Okay. I remember. So since this actor is your only suspect, just in case I find out that the person is actually not him, there'll be an additional fee on top of your initial 50 million."

Amelia felt it was odd that their talk was going this smoothly.

But she chose to believe that everything would be fine since according to her research, the man in front of her was a higher-up.

She was referring to him as 'Your Grace' because, from the information distributed to the true elite of every country, these organization higher-ups were people that were akin to gods who could do miracles or catastrophe.

It was rumored that if a higher-up like the one she had met up willed it, families of great ancestries like hers could be rooted out within a day, no, perhaps even an hour.

That was how frightening and powerful they were.

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"I understand," she replied. Then after getting too self-conscious from the stares and the oddities in her body, she asked, "Your Grace, would it be alright if I get us some drinks?"

"Lady's will."

Amelia stood up then headed towards the mini-bar of the suite. The man watched her from behind, his gaze settling on her perky buttocks which stood out as walked, emphasized by her tight black skirt.

After picking one of the best red wines available, the woman marched back with two empty wine glasses in one hand and a bottle in the other. She was also the one who served the drink which Mr. Gu politely accepted.

He took a whiff of the rich aroma that permeated in the air and then brought it to his lips.

Then, he asked. "Now that we're done with the talk about the hacker, how about we move on to the next person you wanted to talk with me about?"



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