Immoral System

Chapter 235: Requests And Payments 2

Amusement and mirth danced in the man's eyes when her face briefly turned stern and cold, must be from thinking who that next subject was.

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"Yes, Your Grace. This time it's a real assassination and elimination request. The name is Sofony Silver, from one of the middle elite families that are now trying to catch up with us."

"I think I know that person."

Mr. Gu's forehead creased, the name rang a deadly, or at least, dangerous tune in his ears. It was like he had already heard of the name before from a colleague, another immoral host.

"Sofony Silver used to be the acting CEO of Ever Victorious Corporation, a business empire here in Country F backed by the Albarez."

He nodded.

Amelia continued, "The real owner of this corporation is that Gio Albarez who disappeared three years ago and just recently returned. In his absence, the one who took over Ever Victorious was not Sir Conrad, the Albarez family head, but this woman."

With ruthlessness flashing on her face, she added, "That woman is competent. But I hate her. And I wish her dead. Like my sister."

"Oh. This is going to be a double assassination then, right? Our organization has yet to complete the last one. But don't worry, since I'm already here I am up to the task."

Once again, this immoral host did not bother checking who the targets were, thinking that he had the time after this meeting to worry about all of that.

"So is there anything else you want to add?"

The woman who finished downing her red wine in one gulp shook her head. After placing the wine glass atop the coffee table on her left, she stood up and respectfully bowed.

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"Please accept this bow of mine as an advance thanks to Your Grace's help."

A chuckle resounded from the person she had lowered her proud head to. Not long after, his voice which suddenly seemed different from the business-like tone earlier changed into something hair-raising yet very pleasant to the ears.

"I already said not to be polite, since today, we will be lovers..."


Amelia raised her head in puzzlement, warning bells echoing repeatedly inside.

However, to her shock, the man who was supposed to be on the sofa vanished.

When she was about to look around and search for his figure, he found her head unable to turn to the left any further. Something wet and hot made contact with the skin on her neck.

Mr. Gu was behind her? When did he arrive there?

The sensation caused her to hold her breath. She suddenly felt weird. It was a very hateful and foreign feeling. She also felt fear as till now she couldn't comprehend how this person reappeared behind her.

The lips that kissed the woman's neck moved. Amelia took a deep breath and asked, "Your Grace, what... are you doing?"

When she finished asking a hand wrapped itself on her waist, locking her in the man's embrace. A husky voice made way into the ear that was now being nibbled by his lips.

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"My time is precious, like you said. So I will be collecting the payment for this from you. For making me come to meet you."

Amelia looked down in both bottled up embarrassment and anger. Yet she couldn't move. And even if she could, the fear of what this man was wouldn't let her do so.

"Ah..." The woman wanted to die from shame when that voice came out of her lips.

And she wanted to die more when those lips got forcefully stolen.

Her body was suddenly carried.

A minute later, they were already in the bedroom of that suite.

The lady didn't know what was happening to her but when his hands and kisses descended upon her body and slowly and teasingly unclothed her piece by piece, she felt like her mind was no longer hers.

Why was she not finding the touches and strokes sickening?

The man took joy in her tears and suppressed moans and gasps.

"My lover, you have a very beautiful voice and body," laughed the guy.

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"T-this is insane," she shouted as she squirmed under the man.

His eyes glowed faintly when it met hers. "Wrong, my love. This is merely the law of nature. I like you. So I have to make you like me. Sadly, our time is limited so I can only think of this method to show my love and have my love be reciprocated. Let's just indulge in each other, okay?"

"I..." The next words failed to come out.

Amelia, at this point, was already completely mind-controlled and could only think of executing his order, to surrender to her primal instincts with him.

"No... please... Ahhh..."

When the man buried himself in the woman's core, he didn't immediately move. The fragile barrier he felt down there made him curious so he took a while to ask his system about it.

He then held her head and laughingly whispered to her ears,

"My lover, despite being poisonous and heartless to almost everybody, it's funny how you are trying to dedicate your purity to someone sleeping with women left, right, and center. I think that you are too pitiful, so let me be the partner who will love you and your body until tomorrow morning."

A single tear flowed down the woman's eyes and the immoral host gladly licked it.

After that, he began moving his waist, he didn't pause, until the smell of blood mixed with something thick and pungent. He enjoyed the tightness and slippery folds that wrapped around and teased his enlarged member inside her.

With wanton abandoned and disregard to his strength, he moved and plowed deep, until the bed also began to creak.

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Thankfully, it was every woman's natural ability to cater to a man's desire inside them.

This was why despite the initial pain, and some uncomfortableness from the hit womb, the woman's body learned to adjust until she was no longer writhing and moaning in pain, but pleasure.

A few minutes later, Amelia Morgan convulsed, her naked and sweat-filled body arced under the man, burying the hard and warm object he inserted inside her core deeper.

This was the first time that the twenty-nine years old first miss of the Morgans experienced sexual gratification. It was very foreign, yet sweet, and addicting.

She faintly remembered inhaling something sweet and arousing before she completely became out it? Was it what really gave her that addicting aftereffect?

The answer came when the man commanded her to spread her legs again. The mattress began to tremble again.

And this didn't stop even after the bodily pleasure had completely broken her mind for that day.



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