Immoral System

Chapter 237: Devil's Hour 5

South of Alina City. Specifically, in the abandoned mental hospital there.

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It was a very eerie night.



Clouds were so thick people would just be compelled to wonder when the rain would fall down raging from above.

Under the blanket of the pure black sky, a man covered in thick layers of clothes walked into the small gate entrance escorted by one of the staffs manning this weird and uncanny place.

Lights were on ahead.

But on the pathways where they were currently, only the scant illumination from the masked escort's flashlight allowed the older man not to accidentally trip on stones or anything unspeakable that could cause one to slip and fall down.

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"It's been three years since I last saw you. How can you stand guarding this place? Everyone here is either lunatic or sociopathic. Look, the place is so spooky too. When are you going to resign?"

Out of boredom, the older man, Conrad Albarez began to talk to the other.

The masked escort carefully and respectfully answered, "Sir, I am planning to commit the rest of my life here."

"What? Did they hypnotize or mind-control you to do that? How heartless of them!"

A cough came to him as a reply, and it was not from the young man accompanying him to the walk.

It was from a red-eyed, bearded doctor dressed in all white who suddenly appeared by their left.

When Conrad saw him, he only got surprised for a second. Then, a smile immediately appeared on his lips as he greeted, "My friend. You finally learned a tiny bit of what hospitality means! I'm glad to see you."

The youngest of the three men politely excused himself from the scene, leaving them to catch up with each other since even though they had spoken just recently, the last time they met was three years ago when Conrad's nephew got thrown to who-knows-where.

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"I really can't believe the self-proclaimed ultimate magnate of Country F actually knows how to wear other clothes apart from business suits. Tch. Tch. Still, it's hard to not relate you to the stupid old man before who visited our abandoned mental hospital at 3 am just to unwind."

Conrad checked the time through his wristwatch and saw that the witching hours was approaching again. With his lips twitching, he said,

"I didn't come here to get lashed out by your sharp and merciless tongue."

"Oh? I thought you are. That because you got bored of the usual scoldings through the telephone, you went all the way here to be scolded personally."

"... The next time that I come here, I'll make sure to bring linguists with me. You always talk alien."

Annoyed, Fred glared at the man and said, "Albarez people are really good at irritating me! My wife's soul is calling me inside the lab! So hurry up and spit out what you want to say!"

'... This lunatic fool.'

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Resigned to the fate that he would not be invited to a drink or even on a chair, the mild-tempered old man sighed.

"I personally come since what I want to ask you are somehow sensitive and should not merely go through phone."

Fred looked bored and took out his tumbler and chugged on the coffee stored there. The man always had some ready since he needed it to stimulate or awaken his sometimes sleepy mind.

Conrad chose not to get worked up on not being offered even a sip of anything.

He continued, "... I think people from C Empire are starting to make a move on your daughter's mini-faction here. Are you aware?"

Fred sneered and asked, "So? What if I am or not? What do you want me to do? Go out and wipe out those bastards? You're making me question your intelligence again, my dear supporter. I have a more important matter to take care of here. Also, isn't your nephew an invulnerable bullet shield? Show his worth now that I let him reunite with my Sofony!"

A vein almost popped up in Conrad's forehead. At that time, he admired himself for holding on until now when faced with this insane man.

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With knitted brows, he questioned,

"... Are you sure you won't get involved? That organization from C Empire is led by that fake pacifist?"

The smell of coffee faintly lingered around them. 

After swallowing another mouthful, Fred casually answered, "That old geezer won't dare anger me. We're both people from the previous period who no longer have any chance to improve. The difference between us is that I'm at a higher-level and could kill him if I want to."

The doctor laughed and said, "But if you're very worried, how about you use the second favor now?"

"... Bye. I'm leaving."



Original Link:'-Queen

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