Immoral System

Chapter 238: Maila 1

The second morning after the rescue operation...

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The day was nice. At least the sky was clear and the chirping of the passing birds graced the surrounding to make it appear so peaceful and full of hope.


Inside Sofia Mendoza's bedroom, in the newly bought apartment that now looked presentable as a famous actress' house, wails and sobs could be heard, gloriously contrasting against the brightness of the day.

The actress entered with a tray on hand and walked towards her own bed which was now occupied by her good friend Maila Asuncion. Facedown, the woman was crying, or at least that was what people would normally assume due to the kind of sounds she was letting out.

"Stop wrestling with my bed." Sofia put down the tray of sandwiches and drinks on the table next to the bed. Afterward, she placed her hands on her waist and looked at the blonde woman with mild irritation and helplessness.

"It's not the end of the world, Maila. And stop acting like tears are really coming out of your eyes."

The other didn't listen.

If Sofia didn't pull up the woman by her shoulder, Maila would have continued assaulting her ears with her annoying wails.

"... Why can't you let me vent out my frustrations a bit?"

The accusing look the blonde's baby blue eyes made the black-haired actress' forehead twitch. She sat on the stool next to the table and picked up one of the glasses of lemon iced tea there.

"I beg you, just stop." The clone frowned. Maila was at least afraid of that face of her since it meant that she was closed to exploding which she only normally showed if the half-host actor was around.

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Speaking of that half-host actor.

While Maila did stop the stupid crying sounds, she looked down and sulked. "I just can't help it. I feel so down. You don't know how I feel when the man I always dream of working with and has almost worked with suddenly backed out. It's like I was made to ride a hot-air balloon and float so high, only to be tossed out later without any diving equipment with me."

The aggrieved woman gestured a heart in the air by putting her thumbs and forefingers together. Then she split her hands, gesturing a broken heart.

Sofia sighed and said, "Maybe you just don't know that your idol is a great bast------"

Before the woman who extremely hated the half-host could finish what she was saying, Maila interrupted her by shouting 'Hep hep hep!' loudly.

The blonde's grieving face turned stern. The look she gave Sofia made the latter asked herself if she just did a very big crime unknowingly.

"Don't ever say that word if it's to badmouth him! I'll fight it out with you!"

The clone's lips immediately began to twitch. In her mind, she exclaimed in frustration, 'Damn, brainless fan!'

She hated that outwardly she had to appear like the good friend that she was and say, "Maila, sorry. I was just hurt on your behalf. I also got incensed because I saw how excited you are to star in a drama with Chris Meyer. But then, this happened..."

The blonde's grief-stricken face returned. After a few seconds, she flopped down on Sofia's bed again and flailed her arms and legs in the air like she was fighting a very hated enemy.

Since Maila was only wearing a short-sleeved hanging blouse and a pair of denim shorts, the skin on his arms and legs were exposed, the smoothness and lack of scars or any blemish made the sight blinding. But of course, if her complexion was compared to the black-haired beauty next to her, she would appear two levels lacking.

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Sofia munched on her food while rocking her chair. The creaking sound it made annoyed Maila. The blonde woman got up and stared at the other fiercely.

"Sofia, I just really don't believe that my idol will back out without any good justification."

'My stupid friend, believe me, he will. He's a bastard.' Sofia did not voice it out. Instead, she asked, "What made you think so?"

Maila pumped her fists in the air repeatedly, but not out of exhilaration or anything. More like she wanted to punch someone in the face.

"I heard that his current project now is an action film. And his leading lady is that Alessa Morgan. I'm telling you, I can smell a conspiracy. That woman seemed to like my idol very much. What if she used her family influence to force his manager to back out of my TV drama so she can be in the same project as him?"

Sofia sighed. "Even if she did, there's nothing we can do."

Hate crossed Maila's expression when she said, "I really dislike her. Good for her that she has a great and family backing her."

'Wrong. Her boyfriend is the one backing her.'

She hated this conversation.

Sofia felt tired. Actually, even though on records and stuff, she appeared idle for the past two days apart from guesting in a noon-time show, in reality, she was tired from settling the matters of those refugees.

It was that damnable bastard's fault.

She remembered. That man found a kid whom he took away after requesting her Original that he had to leave to cure that boy.

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As a result, all work got dumped on her head. She could not possibly leave the trouble to her Original so she took it upon herself while hating that half-host who irresponsibly left halfway.

It was not easy having to pretend to be sympathizing with people she didn't know.

The only saving grace was that when she reported that she had finished the work yesterday, her Original gave her a smile. Sofony also let her have the day off. Of course, she didn't really care about the day off. It was that smile and praise which no amount of thanks and gratitude from those poor refugees would be able to prevail.

In the end though, she was tired. And she felt stupid for not just finding someone from the government or welfare association to help her with the matter.

"Sofy. I'm sorry for going all the way here only to rant at you."

'... Ah, thankfully, you're now being sensible.'

She shook her head and then said, "I understand how you feel, so it's no biggies. Disappointment cannot be helped since this is one of what you've hard all these years, but when the chance comes, you find that the one you badly wanted to get close to suddenly couldn't participate in this job."

Maila joined her in eating. She still looked like the food was an enemy.

"I really hate that Alessa..."

Sofia gave the woman a meaningful stare.

While this person was one of the very few which she treated okay, it didn't mean that she would bias towards her.

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'System, will her hate towards Alessa Morgan do harm to my Original?'

She asked to make sure. That Alessa could possibly become an ally's supporter so she had to ensure that Maila hating Alessa wouldn't bring any harm or trouble to Sofony.

It answered,

Sofia temporarily put the matter in the back of her head. Not.

The clone paid points to know if Maila had an unfavorable or distasteful intersection with Alessa Morgan, and was surprised to find out a very interesting piece of information.

Surprisingly, the friend who had been with her for three years was actually not only someone with notable blue eyes and mixed Western-Eastern beauty.

She blamed herself for not asking sooner.



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