Immoral System

Chapter 243: Rage 5

The fourth day comes.

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Ver woke up after a three hour long sleep and then began looking again for Wendy's figure.

She was still lying in the bed, unconscious, her breathing that was steady, slow, and almost barely noticeable told him that she was still alive, and perhaps, fighting, no matter what kind of fight she was currently facing.

"What time is it?" His head felt very fuzzy.

He lacked sleep, badly. For more than three days he didn't even dare wink in fear that the woman in the bed would show movement. He was afraid to miss that. 

In other words, the three hours he had just now was the only sleep he had ever since they returned from C Empire.

Not even Chris could hold a candle to his perseverance since that man at least managed to get an hour or two every day in his week-long stay at Country Y.

"Sir Drilon. It's 5:17 am in the morning."

At the same time that the system's voice rang inside his head, the middle-aged business suit cladded man told him this.

He weakly nodded. "Thanks."

"Would you like me to ask someone to get coffee or any light breakfast for you?" Jone kindly asked. The man was normally stoic since he was long trained to be like that. 

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However, the agent's heart was not made out of stone. The system user's dedication to the unconscious girl gave him a nice impression. A pity was mixed within, of course. As he witnessed every day how this guy broke down in sobs and gibberish pleas.

Ver simply nodded. He was thankful that the man in his forties was quite the considerate one.

'He must probably aware by now that I won't leave this room.'

Jone offered to ask a maid or housekeeper to bring them food since he too couldn't leave.

The order given to him was to watch over the young man and ensure that he wouldn't do anything stupid to Wendy Gomez.

Ver knew it too. It was just that he couldn't be bothered to care.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Yeah, who cares if that best friend of Wendy had a bad impression of him due to what he did and said? Anyway, it was not like he didn't have a point back then. And even if he didn't have, weren't boyfriends not allowed to worry over their girls?

That Sofony must be single to not know this simple piece of information. Pitiful.

Unfortunately, even if she was, he didn't have the time to help her out.

He shook the stupid thoughts out of his head and then pinched the spot in between his eyebrows. Thankfully, that gesture helped cleared his mind a bit.

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It made him remember that for four days straight, Wendy hadn't shown even the slightest of movement, much less wake up even once.

That woman called Sofony told him that when she rescued the non-host from the man in black who he suspected as Gavin, Wendy said that 'he' was calling for her.

That made him fall into deep contemplation. Aside from him, who could she refer as 'him'.

But how did she hear him when they were quite apart? Maybe she was simply thinking of him?

'Alright, Ver you idiot, deceive yourself more... Remember, she arrived very fast when that bitch Gloria is about to cut off your neck.'

After telling this to himself, he went back to watching the sleeping woman.

And it just so happened that his gaze fell on the hand by the side, on her right forefinger which moved for a bit.

He saw the forefinger twitch, or tremble, or whatever that movement was called.

His eyes didn't deceive him, right?

After being in utter disbelief which then got replaced by extreme happiness and expectation, he shot up his stool and bolted to the nearby Jone.

"Sir, Sir! I saw her hand moved! I saw that she moved! Call the stay-in doctors please!"

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Startled by his shout, Jone nodded and then went to the next room where the doctors were currently staying. The doctors were those Sofony invited from Gio's hospital, all reputable for having managed to wake up several comatose patients before.

At the doorway of the adjacent room though, the doctors were already coming out and rushing towards the patient's bedroom.

The agent felt like slapping himself for forgetting that there was a bell or some sort of alarm installed in Wendy's current room. That guy must be feeling so panicky to forget it and only remembered it after Jone went out.

'Forgive him. He's too excited, maybe.'

When Jone went back after tailing the last doctor who got out of their room, he was surprised to find that the young man was arguing with the first male doctor he saw rushing towards the place.

'What's the matter?'

His question immediately got answered by Ver's shout.

"I'm telling you, she really moved! With my two fully functioning eyes, I saw her finger moved! Why is she not waking up!?"

"There's no problem with her vital signs. It's the same as the last time that I saw it."

"How is it connected with the situation!?"

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Jone saw the man in white coat patiently explained to the red-eyed man the reason but Ver was just not listening. Or accurately put, he couldn't accept what just happened.

Hope was given. But it also vanished not long after, faster than lightning.

It was just so cruel.

"Mr. Drilon. Let's just be glad for now that she's showing signs of recovery. If you did not see wrongly earlier, it means that she has a high likelihood of rousing from her comatose state. It's something we should be happy for," the doctor kind-heartedly replied. 

The young man went silent. But his balling of his fists then running of his finger through his hair in a frustrated manner spoke enough of the turmoil he was feeling from within.



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