Immoral System

Chapter 244: She Who Traveled To The Past 1


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A real but brief trip into the past, again.

When the kidnapped woman freed herself from Sofony, she did run. And towards the direction of the man who was only calling for her in his mind.

However, no matter how fast she had gotten due to the stat candies that Ver discreetly fed her before, there was still no way for a non-host like her to best a Teleporter like Sofony.

Even if adrenaline really empowered her briefly to the realm of deities, it surely wouldn't let her traverse more than twenty meters within a second. Not even if she jumped with all she had.

This was not to mention that she not only cross that mentioned distance in the hallway... but also turn to the left and enter the door there to arrive in front of the wounded pretty-faced man just in time to shield him.

Even Sofony would not be able to do that. Unless she teleports and makes things simple for her life.

So how did she arrive before the Level 5 woman in the room? 

What truly happened?

The case was, Wendy actually did not only hear Ver's voice in her consciousness, or imagination.

There was also another one. Feminine. Soothing to both mind and ears.

It only asked her once,

'Would like to go to where he is now?'

That time Wendy was no longer in her right mentality to question how that voice emerged inside her brain.

She was barely awake.

This was why instead of thinking too much about it, she listened to the inner voice from within and answered yes to the one that asked her.

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Unfortunately, that was also the last thing that she remembered.

Everything then blanked out.


It was not the gentle and pleasant-sounding chirping or crying of the birds that woke up Wendy from her sleep.

It was the heavy knock to the door. The strength of the person knocking must be great if he or she could generate sounds that loud it could even rouse those supposed to have already taken their eternal rest.


When that high-pitched voice entered her ears, Wendy was already awake. Or at least, she was no longer totally asleep.

Her senses began to send signals and information to her brain, telling her that she was in her very comfortable bed.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

The huge place was dark maybe because the heavy and thick maroon curtains were blocking the little amount of light coming from the two lamps above.

A couple of moments later, her nose finally realized that there was a faint fragrance lingering in the air. It smelled like smoke, but had something soul-calming and pleasant mixed with him.

A guess came into her mind, 'An incense?'

"Milady, I'll be entering. Please excuse my intrusion."

Her face unconsciously crumpled. It was not due to the words the person calling her milady said.

The presence of incense in her room was what caused her to frown.

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Weird. People around her or even those barely acquainted with her knew her extreme dislike of the smell of smoke or fog, or anything similar.

Where was she?

She remembered having a bad dream about being abducted and almost dying of a silly death - lack of oxygen. 

Since she was fine, it meant those things only happened in a nightmare.

However, where was she?

She loved the very fluffy and soft bed, but totally not the weird-smelling incense.

Sounds of footsteps echoed near her. It prompted her eyes to open.

When she looked around, she saw that a person in a maid uniform approached her and said,

"Milady, please wake up now. Breakfast will be served in thirty minutes. The master and the mistress wouldn't want to see you late again."

'Who's the master and the mistress?'

She groggily rose from the mattress and held her forehead.

When she asked those question, she suddenly felt an extreme headache attacking her. It felt like her skull was breaking or being forcefully split open.

She wanted to groan, but no voice came out of her. What?

Fully awake and aware of her surroundings, cold sweat began to form and roll down on her back.

She held her breathe.

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The room looked very ancient. The kind which she suspected would only appear in a medieval setting.

As she roamed her eyes around, she saw so many oddities that rivaled the presence of incense in her room.

'... Draperies, old-fashioned oil lamp, four-foster bed with a very ancient feel, Oh, good lord... Where the heck am I?'

The headache immediately disappeared, as if it was just a passing joker. However, it left her so many confusing things to worry about.

The first thing was, when she asked who the master and mistress was, her brain could now answer her,

'Duke Eduard Seymour. Duchess Irina Seymour... my father and mothe----'

As one part of her brain was answering, another part suddenly chimed in,


Another bout of headache ensued and then when it stopped, feeling like she lost all strength in her body, she collapsed again in her maroon themed bed.

Now that she thought of it, everybody knew she loved the color sky blue. So why the heck was she in a bed of red?

When that annoying part of her brain began to answer again, she felt like the sky had collapsed before her eyes.

She began gasping for breath, so much that the maid who came in to check on her became alarmed and started to shout,

"M-Milady! Milady, are you alright!?"

The reaction of this black and white uniformed woman looked so silly like she was more afraid of her current condition than her.

Wendy cursed in her mind. She felt so confused. And at a loss.

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Thankfully, the other part of her brain was working well and had dictated her to act normal, or at least, make an excuse now for her past behavior.

With a forced smile on her lips, and a hand grabbing tightly on the chest part of her sleepwear, she said in a voice that sounded so distant yet familiar to her,

"Martha, I'm sorry. Please tell them I can't come to join them for breakfast. I don't feel really well."

When the maid whose age was in the early twenties nodded at her and hesitantly left, she buried her face in the soft and fluffy pillow.

Unease and fear flooded her whole system.

It was so alarming suddenly finding that in her memories, she knew the name of this female stranger.

But what was more alarming was she found out that if the memories were correct, it meant that she was no longer in Alina City, or anywhere in Country F.

God knows how she badly wished that the other woman denied that she was Martha...

Unfortunately, the maid nodded, confirming to her the very fantasy-is far-fetched reality that she was now in the past, or in another world.



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