Immortal Demon

Chapter 4

Yin Yang Devouring cultivation method

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*light gore warning*



Dawn’s light radiated onto Ye Feng’s face, slipping through the cracks of the tent.


Ye Feng slowly opened his long and narrow eyes, listening to the sound of cooking made by the coachman. Lin Tie and the rest of the youths have not woken up yet, sleeping soundly in the quilts.


Ye Feng thought a little, snaked into the makeshift bed again. He pulled out the dark green necklace, scan locked on the object in sight.



Item category: magic tool

(Item category ranking: magic tool<magic treasure)

Grade: 1

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(highest grade is 10)

Name: according to the characters engraved on the item, chain of attraction

(T/n: a.k.a regular chain with fancy name.)

Additional function: first realm dao skill, xuantu wood blade.


Xuantu wood blade? Grade 1 magic tool? The additional function is a technique of the first realm, a technique of the Qi gathering realm, and here I thought that it was some kind of treasure, but it turned out to be pretty average huh.

The sound of gongs rang from outside the tent, “Wake up! Everyone quickly finish breakfast, we will be continuing our journey right after. We will be in the cultivation world after a few days, the faster we get there, the less anxious we will be.”

Ye Feng heard the gongs, hurriedly tucked the necklace into the inner garment pocket, climbed out of the bed to wear his pants and shoes. As he is dressing, Ye Feng felt warmth from two currents of qi circulating every one of his meridians. Yesterday night, he cultivated for an hour, receiving little true yang qi and abundant demonic yin qi. He will be practicing at this noon as well, which would then allow him to absorb more true yang qi.


The Yin Yang Devouring cultivation method truly is created by the Hunyuan spirit, able to absorb true qi and demonic qi at the same time. It also ensures that the speed of absorption is faster than any cultivation method that can only absorb a single type of qi.

There are numerous supplementary cultivation methods, an example would be the dual cultivation that requires one to be at Foundation establishment or higher to find a partner that can act like a furnace, allowing them to cultivate for another hour. However, the double cultivation method, Ye Feng‘s institution believes that the practicers of this art understand as well. Through the explanation of the coachman, he knows cultivators place great importance on the wealth partner law land, the partner ranking in second place will surely attract the attention of others.

Lin Tie writhed out of the quilt, stretched, and began to dress. Ye Feng took a glimpse, this guy slept bare, Ye Feng was dumbfounded.

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After breakfast, Lin Tie casually swiped his mouth stained with oil, burped, “I’m stuffed, Ye Feng, I going to train, wanna join? Not to talk bad of you, although we will be cultivators soon, the family’s martial arts should still be practiced. You only think about eating food and beauties all day long, how can that be good? If you trained daily like me, you would not be defeated by the two brats.”

“Erm...” Ye Feng recalled a little, after a meal, the coachmen would allow the youths to train for a while. People of this world only have two meals a day, breakfast and dinner. The coachmen will train during these periods as well.


Training in martial arts is still useful for cultivators in the qi gathering realm, they may not have the power to defeat a qi refiner. The cultivators in realms higher than qi gathering can easily defeat a qi refiner.


Ye Feng nodded, the two entered the storage compartment of the cart. Ye Feng took out the cold iron sword given by Ye Su. Mimicking the other youths, he found an open space and started to train his sword skills. Ye Feng is practicing the sword skills of the clan, the Yin Yang Devouring only has three moves of external martial arts that only require demonic qi. A sword move, palm move, and foot move, all are overpowered. Practicing in public is not an idea, how can he explain the reason why he has two types of qi by then.

The Ye clan’s sword technique and the dao skill are both external cultivation. External cultivation does not have the same limits the internal cultivation style has. The length of time a person can externally cultivate is according to the amount of qi in their dantians, to the time l to refine the qi of heaven and earth into yours.

Ye Feng’s demonic qi is exhausted after training the sword skill(needs a revision of the name of the skill) He gasped for air roughly, looked at Lin Tie with unconcealed jealousy, Lin Tie’s demonic qi was still aplenty. Ye Feng returned to the Verdant Ox cart and started to replenish his demonic qi with the help of the Yin Yang Devouring cultivation method, not planning to train anymore.


Minutes later, the people boarded their assigned carts. The coachmen put away the tents, resuming their journey.

In this way, the group traveled for several thousand meters. At noon, Ye Feng sat at a corner of the cart, his demonic qi recovered. He moved to sit next to the window and admired the scenery in a daze. Ye Feng sighed in awe of the vastness of this world. The Verdant Ox cart travels thousands of meters daily, more than 10 days have passed since the journey began, meaning around 5,000,000 meters have passed. The group is still not in the world of cultivation yet, how long are 5,000,000 meters!? Starting from the north most Da Xing An Ling to the south most Shen Zhen is only 4,000,000 meters. This journey’s distance is enough to cross China, but it still hasn’t reached the world of cultivation.

Ye Feng unintentionally remembered the system introduction. According to the introduction, the Hunyuan universe had countless creatures in galaxies, but are all destroyed by the Dunyuan spirit. Only left with a single galaxy of creatures, generations of people on Earth are unable to cultivate. How many geniuses born were unable to live past 100 years just because they are born in the Hunyuan universe.


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He then thought of his grandmother that single-handedly raised him and Ye Feng’s countless ancestors, who was a martial art genius during her youth. She is also an old member of the Daoist society, many Daoist classics were comprehended by her. Once a Daoist book passes through her hands, she can understand the concept immediately. She even often helps with Buddhist sutra lectures. She could be said to be a person with a natural dao heart according to this world’s way of saying things.

A person can only have a dao heart when they have at least grade 8 spiritual roots. Grade 8 has a low-quality dao heart, grade 9 has medium-quality, and grade 10 spiritual roots have a high-quality dao heart. Those with dao hearts would never forget the contents of martial arts manuals and Buddhist sutras once they see it. When breaking through, they have a multiple times higher chance of success than others, but can only die of old age. These are all Hunyuan spirit’s blood disasters. (T/n: I think the author may have made a mistake, will revise in the future if it meant Dunyuan spirit.) There is a price to pay for everything you do, there is no free lunch in the world. The Hunyuan universe was damaged to this point, 2,899 galaxies with intelligent life were destroyed and burnt into ambers. I came to this world in the pursuit of longevity, I definitely will break the array at the same time. Even if I had to slay evil itself and flood the heavens, I would still kill you. (T/n: not very good at Chinese slang, after experiencing multiple typos made by the author, I’m not sure if the “flood“ is steal.)


A man commits wicked deeds, arson, murdering, fornication, and became the emperor. If one wanted to kill him, they would have to wage war on the innocent people and soldiers, but does that mean they would not kill him? Forgive him for his crimes? That is impossible, even if the price to pay for his death is the extermination of the innocent or ignorant people, they cannot waver. Heros may put away their hatred for innocent beings, but a fierce and ambitious person would never allow a nemesis who committed crimes to exist any longer.


Equipped with a sharp-edged iron sword,

Slaughter once angered,

Drink wine with pieces of face,

Chat with gods and ghosts,

Killing enemies thousand of meters away,

Willing to spend ten-week wage.

(T/n: literal meaning, wine containing flesh.)

There is a reason the Hunyuan spirit chose the ruthless Ye Feng, as his pathfinder chess piece, giving him immortality instead of a perfect person.

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Night fall, Ye Feng informed the coachman he is going to the forest to urinate. He stared at the wild boar demon from the depth of the forest next to the tent.


A while ago, Ye Feng saw the coachmen bring tonight’s dinner out of this forest and prepared to try his cultivation method out on a boar. His cultivation level wouldn't rise much by absorbing qi, it is much faster to snatch others’ cultivation for yourself.


According to the explanation of the Yin Yang Devouring cultivation method, a boar of this shape and size can be taken out by me with a sword or palm move. I will just try it out.


Ye Feng made up his mind, circulated his cultivation method, and stabbed the back of the boar that is eating a live goat. A beam of black and white rotating from Ye Feng’s sword tip, similar to tai chi and coiling dragon. With a speed no worse than lighting to the naked eye, grinding weed along the way, appearing right behind the back of the wild boar demon.


The demonic boar screeched in pain as the horrifying yin yang swirl wind devoured it in an instant. The yin yang swirl wind disappeared after devouring the boar completely, leaving a pile of meat paste, giving out a bloody stench.

Ye Feng‘s veins suddenly gained a cloud of demonic qi, the devouring skill automatically made the lower dantian create a suction force, the demonic qi flowed downwards using the veins to lower dantian.

My current cultivation is not enough, the yin yang coiling dragon sword qi is too small. If my cultivation was enough, a single flick of the sword would create a coiling dragon swirl with a proper size. It can swallow a much higher grade demonic beast than this grade 1 boar with barely any demonic qi. This method of getting demonic qi truly is swift. It only took 2 seconds to refine to demonic qi, the amount gained is equivalent to 20 seconds of meditation, 10 times faster than meditation. What an addicting method, it is no wonder the Hunyuan spirit self-proclaimed it as a magical method.


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