Immortal Demon

Chapter 5

Lawless Land

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“Good morning! Youngsters, we will be in the Lawless land soon. This is the last place we will pass to enter the cultivation world, the Lawless land is around 2,000 meters. It takes two days to pass, we will not stop the carts as long as we are aboard. We will rest for a night midway, murder in the Lawless land is not prohibited, mortals are no exception. There are numerous bandits, the demon clan with intelligence included. Some killed mortals accidentally and fled from cultivators to there seeking shelter. They would commit daylight robbery, chase after all forms of transportation, and take all your property. Therefore, after breakfast please quickly finish your business. Otherwise, you would either awkwardly conduct it in front of your cart companions or hold it in till the night.” yelled a middle-aged coachman that seems to be in his 30s.

As his words are spoken, everyone became nervous, including Lin Tie. After all, they are 15-year-old teenagers, have not experienced much in life, could not calm down at all. Ye Feng was the only one practicing sword arts. His hands did not even tremble once, not the slightest bit concerned.

At this time, a female coachman saw the tension, raised her hand, gesturing towards the people gently saying: “Everyone doesn’t have to be so nervous! The predecessors all went through this path, this is also the last area. Passing through means walking on the road of immortal cultivation, becoming a respected cultivator. Failure means you and the heavens will never to entangled again. Most dare not to rob the Verdant Ox carts, making the path generally safe. Besides, the Lawless land does not allow cultivators of Foundation Establishment and above. The Lawless land is in the range of the mortal country’s protection array, only cultivators of the Qi gathering realm are allowed in. Once someone from a higher level is in the range, the array would be activated, and the person is killed instantly. We can take care of the average bandits of the Qi gathering realm, but we should still be careful. After entering the Lawless land, we may encounter daring bandits that do not give face. Everyone needs to obey our instructions. We only have 5 people, protecting 50 of you means we are bound to make mistakes. There are always some every few years that would run all over the place in fear once they meet bandits, they are then buried there, this is not a joke!”

“Very well, let’s go to the forest to finish the business. All girls follow will follow me to enter first, when they are done, it will be the boys’ turn.” She turned and walked into the right side of the forest with another female cart driver.

“Ye Feng, stop training already, we will be at the Lawless land soon! How can you still have the mood train!” Lin Tie turned and saw Ye Feng training the sword diligently in the tent even after everyone left. He immediately became anxious.

Ye Feng kept on training, not pausing in the slightest, knowing Lin Tie only wanted to chat with him to ease his tension.

“Brother Tie, what are you nervous about? You are known as the little devil whose courage can suppress the heavens in your family’s slave district. All of the beautiful girls there have been molested by you at least once. After you became an adult, you even snatched the wife of a fourth-grade qi refiner. At that time you were not afraid of the fourth-grade qi refiner beheading you in rage disregarding your father’s reputation, yet you are now shaking in fear.”

Lin Tie sounded in agreement, blushed:“ Who said I am nervous! I am just worried about you! Hmph! Isn’t it just Landless land? Hong fu qi tian, I was able to avoid the assassination attempts of the fourth-grade qi refiner, I can endure this!”

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(T/n: Hong Fu Qi Tian = fortune greater than heavens. I didn’t translate it as it would sound out of character if the English ver. is added into the sentence.)

Ye Feng continued to train, completing the very last movements, breathing out a foul scent. “Haha, then that‘s good,” he said casually and turned walking into the tent.

Lin Tie listened to Ye Feng’s words filled with elaborence and impatience, wordlessly thought: Humph, to think you would disdain me for rambling too much. Little guy, you‘d better use the restroom, be careful not to wet your pants on the cart.

Ye Feng ignored Lin Tie and walked into the tent. As he tidies up the bedding, he mentally said system page and glanced at his stats.

Name: Ye Feng

Lives: 2 (3 if counting current life) (When a death occurs to the current body, the system will transfer the soul to another, counting as 1 resurrection.)

Fixed gender: Male

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

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Body constitution: 1

Spiritual root: Grade four

Cultivation level: first stage of Qi gathering

(the raws only said level 1, will change if my interpretation is wrong.)

Bone age: 15

Soul state: Normal

Body state: Normal


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Yin Yang Qi Devouring cultivation method is utterly horrifying. Six days ago Ye Feng’s attributes were still at 0.5, numerous demonic beasts were devoured in the period of time. His cultivation rose to stage 1 of Qi gathering, his attributes become 1 as well, the speed of his advancement is similar to that of a rocket. You should know Lin Tie has been cultivating for quite some time but he has not reached stage 1 of Qi gathering.

Ye Feng is now stronger than the previous him, his body is full of muscles. It‘s just that he is wearing leather robes, trousers, and long boots that cover them. Otherwise, people would be surprised.

None of the other youths' attributes surpassed 0.9, Ye Feng is now the only Qi gathering expert if you exclude the coachmen. With the Yin Yang Qi Devouring method, he believes he can take down a coachman in desperate times.

Recently, Ye Feng hunts the weaker demonic beasts as training for the Yin Tang Qi Devouring cultivation method’s leg arts. The cultivation method is completely different from the general standards, the opposite Qi type is activated when utilizing a technique of the method. It cannot be considered as a pure Qi refining method nor a body cultivation method, but a lethal method.

The method’s leg arts cause the two Qi to surround each other, it can morph into a tornado form of the Qi devouring method. The style is similar to a television show Ye Feng used to watch named “Feng Yun” protagonist Nie Feng’s wind god’s kick. However, it is not as bloody as Ye Feng‘s attack which grinds the target into mincemeat when the tornado reaches them.

The Yin Yang Qi Devouring cultivation method is just as terrible when it comes to escape methods, containing a secret method. Yang yin mutation teleportation array can teleport Ye Feng 10 meters away from his starting point in any direction with solid ground. Once Ye Feng cultivates to the second realm, the maximum distance he could travel is multiplied by 10 times, traveling by hundreds of meters. Every higher realm archived causes the teleportation distance to be multiplied by 10. As long as Ye Feng is not instantly killed, no one can chase him!

There is only one disadvantage, the destination is set randomly. Except for the inability to teleport into rocks or onto branches, there is a large possibility of being teleported into demonic beast territory or the side of an expert. A moment of carelessness may cause him to be teleported to the territory of a demonic beast multiple times stronger than him, Ye Feng may very well be bitten to death before he could react.

Everyone solved their problems at hand, packed up, and boarded their carts nervously. Although Ye Feng was not nervous, he still squeezed into the spot next to the four windows, sharing the windows with Lin Tie. Ye Feng is ready to see the famed Lawless Land personally. The reason the mortal country does not send troops to suppress it, and the cultivation world‘s tacit acknowledgment of its existence.

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By the time the group traveled 100 meters, Ye Feng found the answers to his questions. Lin Tie stared at the scene outside of the windows, Ye Feng is also a little dumbfounded, the Lawless land is actually a desert! No wonder the past 100 meters have so many trees, vastly different from regular areas, the entire path is filled with trees. You simply cannot find a place with no trees except for the path itself, it turns out mortals planted trees to prevent desertification.

The reason Ye Feng did not consider this place as a desert where mortals struggle to live is due to the ox that is used to pull the carts, not camels. He was suddenly enlightened, that is the mindset of the people of earth. This place is different from earth, the impossible turns possible. The verdant ox is worthy of being the most common beast used by cultivators, being gentle and domestic. Able to walk on flat grounds, forests, shallow streams, mountainsides, and desert. Its speed does not decrease in the slightest when pulling a cart in a desert. Because its fur is too thick, every half hour the coachmen would sprinkle some water on it to help it take a shower and cool down.


Lin Tie spent half an hour watching the scenery, the outside world is still an endless desert, he could not watch any longer. It made him a little sleepy, he yawned and sighed:“ So this is the Lawless land, not even a hint of human activity can be seen. And here I thought there is a bandit every 50 meters, a stronghold every 100 meters...made me worry for half a day. You can continue, Ye Feng. I’d rather mediate than practice sitting.”

Ye Feng shook his head, not answering his words, the sense of crisis grew in his heart. There must be an oasis in the desert, bandits would not last long without it. Those bandits can endure the hardships of the desert, they are definitely difficult to deal with. They lack good food and aromatic meat, their daily could be only eating coarse grains grown from the oasis. In their eyes, passersby are like fragrant oil in the mouse‘s eyes. Even if they drown in the oil, they still cannot refrain from scooping a handful. Ye Feng doubts they would give any face to the passing coachmen.

Another thirty minutes passed, it is finally noon. Ye Feng stopped paying attention to the desert on the outside.

“Then go and mediate, personal strength is the best guarantee. By the time we reach the depths of the desert, we must be prepared. If not, there is a large possibility of being shot to death in the cart by hidden weapons.” Under the questioning looks of the other youths, Ye Feng took out two beds full of bedding and snuck into it to mediate. With the protection of the cart and the quilts, hidden weapons would not injure him much.


Translator: Just realized I made a misinterpretation of Qi refiners, they seem to be different from cultivators in terms of strength, similar to some concepts of martial artists having less power than a cultivator of the same realm in cultivation novels. I’ve decided to add a section of extra info below chapters when references are used in the story.

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