It was late at night, and all the people in the Imperial Palace fell into sleep. There were only the footsteps of the Imperial Guards on the patrol arising in the tranquil palace.

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“Your Highness, do you really want to do this?” asked Xiao Rang.

Neither of us slept. He guarded at the door and wouldn’t sleep until the daybreak.

“Do you think Leng Chen will send his men to the mortal world to chase after us?” I asked him.

“Yes, I do.” His reply was rather resolute.

“Then I’ll do this,” said I.

Xiao Rang stared at me with confusion.

“I’ll go back with my army.” I walked to the window and looked out at the night.

A figure sat at a corner against the moonlight who raised its head and looked up into the sparse stars in the night sky.

I saw clearly that it was Jiuyang. The wind at night fluttered her hair just like her heart at the moment that was rather hard to calm down.

How many people’s hearts were peaceful in the Imperial Palace?

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Since my sleepiness was gone, I stepped out my sleeping chamber. Having sensed me approaching her, she wiped her eyes with her hand before I came to her.

Did she cry just now?

“Why are you here alone so late? ”

“Why are you also here?” She turned around and asked me.

“The night sky here is different from where I was born,” said I in a calm voice after I sat down.

“So it is. This is the mortal world that can’t be comparable to the snowland.” Her voice was a little indifferent as if she deliberately expressed her disaffection toward me.

“I can’t recognize those constellations. Otherwise, I probably practice divination.” I snapped my fingers and made a cold fire. How sad she was against the blue firelight!

“I can also do that.” As she spoke, she stretched out two fingers and began to reckon something. I immediately fixated my eyes on her attentive eyes, for the way we practiced divination was totally different from hers.

“It’s the Kun Diagram tonight. A dragon appears on the field, which is beneficial for those people of high moral standing.”

“What do you mean?” I didn’t understand.

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“In other words, a dragon appearing is good for the king. This is the manifestation of divination of my father and you.”

“I still don’t get it.”

“Are you a divine spirit? How can you not understand this?” Jiuyang was rather furious, pouted her lips, and rolled her eyes at me. “My father is in trouble, and he needs a competent man to help him.”

“You mean me and Xiao Rang?”

“I don’t know.”

“It can’t be me, because I’m not a dragon.”

“Why are you not a dragon?”

“There is no dragon in our place.”

“You’re so stupid. In our mortal world, the dragon stands for the emperor just like my father who is fated to be the king. You say you are the second prince, do you? Thus, you also have a dragon fate.”

I smile. I wasn’t a prince anymore. I was exiled from my own kingdom since childbirth. Those who wanted to ruin me never stop chasing after me all the way along.

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“Did you say that you wanted to go back? How do you go back?” Jiuyang looked at me nervously as if I would leave at any time without saying good-bye.

“As the prince, I need to go back where I’m supposed to go.”

“Just by you two? Do you think you can go back to your Imperial Palace alive?”

“I’m a divine spirit.”

“You’re indeed a divine spirit in the mortal world, but you’re still the same as your fellows, aren’t you?”

That made sense. I was here with the wizardry that didn’t exist in the mortal world. Once I was back on the snowland, I would be confronted with those wizards just like me. In that case, I wouldn’t think that I would be in a more advantageous position. At most, I was a little more powerful than them.

“I’m done talking to you. If I had known it would be you, I would’ve...” Jiuyang turned around and ran away before she finished her words.

I knew that she cared about her promise. “You don’t need to take it seriously.”

“I do.” She stopped and said without looking back, “As the princess, I’ll always honor my promise. It’s you who help my father defeat the King of Kingdom Liang, so I’ll marry you for sure.”

“Then you don’t say that easily,” said I calmly. I turned my wrist and pulled back the cold fire.

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“You!” She ran back and kicked hard on my foot which also hurt herself.

Xiao Rang tried to stop her upon seeing this. However, he snickered when he saw that she asked for a snub.

“I need an army,” said I thoughtfully.

“My father only has 30,000 soldiers left to guard our kingdom.”

“I need as many as soldiers to help me regain what I’ve lost.”

“Oh, you are just thinking of yourself. Ironically, my father pins his hope on you.”

“It’s terrible if you count on the others. Perhaps, the hope will turn you into desperate tomorrow.” I learned this deeply from my life experience. Thanks to those years’ experience, both I and Xiao Rang became independent. We did everything to survive. To survive was the top priority.

“You can recruit men and buy up horses. Since you’re a divine spirit, you’ll definitely figure a way out, huh?” said she with a sneer.

The conversation between us ended unhappily.

The night was so tranquil that people couldn’t sleep soundly.

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