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A Female Thief

Alarm bells sounded suddenly in the Imperial Palace almost daybreak. According to the imperial guards, someone sneaked into the palace and stole a treasure.

The thief was so audacious that he dared to sneak into the palace alone. Confronted with the imperial guards that outnumbered him, he cast his Flying Skills and jumped onto the roof.

As I was about to ask Xiao Rang to go out and sound out the situation, I heard the footsteps on the roof over my head. I casually cast my wizardry and pierced a hole on the roof. The thief, who trotted on the roof, missed his footing and directly fell off.

It turned out the thief was a female. Her pitch-black clothes tightly wrapped her body, exposing her gender.

The moment I wanted to ask her something, she rushed forward and put a knife around my neck.

“Don’t shout out, or I’ll kill you!” She hid behind me and threatened me.

I wasn’t afraid of her threat at all, but I was abruptly intrigued by her motive.

“What do you want to steal?”

“It’s none of your business,” said she coldly.

“You can’t get out of here, for they’ve blocked the doorway,” said I.

“Since you’re here, I don’t think they dare to act recklessly,” she replied.

“I’m not that important to them as you thought.”

“Stop talking nonsense. Can the common people live here? This is the Imperial Place, so you have to be important.” She gave me a push. “If they rush inside, you ask them to back down.”

I nodded my head and secretly cast a seal with my right hand, generating an invisible swirl. I didn’t know why I did this, but I only felt that there had to be a great motive that drove her to sneak into the Imperial Palace alone so late at night.

The imperial guards filed in my palace and completely blocked the doorway.

“Divine spirit, sorry to startle you. We’re searching for a thief, please...”

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“Back down, or I’ll kill him,” shouted she.

However, the imperial guards couldn’t see her, for I had hidden her into my invisible swirl.

“I saw her escape from here,” said I with a poker face while pointing at the hole over my head.

I could feel that she trembled and her hand holding the knife trembled, too. The sharp edge of the knife slightly touched my neck, leaving a shallow wound on it.

“You are the divine spirit who defeated the King of Kingdom Liang half a month ago?” asked she in surprise.

“It’s me.”

“They just now...”

“As a divine spirit, I have my ways to prevent them from seeing you.” I smiled. I almost forgot that I could still smile. Since we had long led a life where we were chased, both Xiao Rang and I became numb. Apart from indifference, there was only cold blood left in our bodies. But now, I smiled at a female thief. I felt extremely confused about my abnormal behavior.

“You...” As she spoke, Xiao Rang was back. As soon as he saw me held as a hostage, he quickly brandished his spear out.

“Wait!” I raised my hand and wanted to stop the spear. He immediately pulled back his spear upon hearing my voice. However, the power released by the spear still unavoidably swept over her.

She was blown away and hit the screen against the wall hard. Then, the latter one was broken into pieces.

“Your Highness, she’s ...” said Xiao vigilantly.

“I know, and I’ll handle her.” I walked up to her who suddenly stood up with her knife flashing past me. I almost had a wound left on my face.

The black cloth she used to cover her face drooped, revealing a dainty face that was as white as tonight’s moon. Her black eyes shone with smart light just like the spiritual stone the wizards used on the snowland.

“Ah!” She lowered her head and slightly shouted after realizing that she disclosed her true color. She covered half of her face with one hand.

“Needless to cover your face again, for I’ve seen it. If I wanted to kill you, you would’ve died already.” I broke up the seal under my feet and asked Xiao to be on guard at the doorway.

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“Why not turn me in just now?” She asked me.

“I don’t kill those with unknown motives. If you tell me your motive, I’ll consider whether I kill you or turn you in.”

“I,” She pursed her lips and bit them slightly. “I just want to take back what belongs to me,” said she with a sufficient reason.

“Since it belongs to you, why not pick it up in broad daylight?”

“As a divine spirit, how can you understand the common sense in our mortal world? I’ll leave here if you don’t kill me.” She straightened out the cloth-wrapper hung behind her back.

At the moment, I saw that there was a cloth-wrapper on her back. “Did you get what you wanted?”

“Of course. It’s easy for me to get it. If the capital hadn’t been surrounded by Kingdom Liang, I would have got it earlier,” said she with great pride.

“What is it?” asked I with curiosity.

“Why should I tell you?”

“I won’t let you go if you don’t tell me. Otherwise, I’ll be treated as your accomplice. I don’t know how to explain to the King of Kingdom Wei.”

“You don’t need to explain to him. Both he and his brother are thieves who stole this from my ancestors,” said she a little furiously.

I stretched out my hand, and a weak cold fire was kindled on my fingertips.

Apparently, she was intimidated by my trick. “All right, but you have to let me go if I tell you.”

I didn’t reply to her.

“Hey, you haven’t promised me yet!” She was waiting for my answer.

“OK, I promise that I’ll let you go.”

“Well, that’s a deal. It’s a Dragon-subduing Bead. Whoever gets it can summon a dragon out of Ling Abyss. I’ll bring it back to my people and rebuild my kingdom.”

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“Dragon-subduing Bead?” It was the first time that I had heard of it.

“Yes. Since I tell you, can I go now?”

“Why did the King of Kingdom Wei possess it? If it can really summon a dragon to help rebuild your kingdom, why did he not use it to fight against the King of Kingdom Liang?”

“This is what you don’t know. The King of Kingdom Liang dispatched his army to besiege the capital of Kingdom Wei. He didn’t have a chance to get out, not to mention that he had to go to Ling Abyss about five million meters away from here to summon a dragon.”

“Oh, I see.” It suddenly dawned on me.

“Well, I told you, right? I’m leaving.” She raised her hand, and then a grappler was fired out of her sleeve.

The moment she ascended to leave, Jiuyang ran here on barefoot in a nightgown.

“Arrest her, and don’t let her escape.” She immediately spotted the female thief who was ascending.

“You thief, get down and return the treasure to my father!” Jiuyang rushed forward and jumped to reach the female thief.

Xiao Rang stood aside and watched her jump like a flea, so did I.

The female thief escaped from here as wished. The exasperated Jiuyang vented her anger on me and shouted, “What kind of divine spirit you are! Why did you let her go instead of helping me catch her?”

“She said the treasure originally belonged to her.”

“But it’s in my father’s Treasure House, so it’s my father’s!”

“I’ve promised her that I’ll let her go.”

“Humph, who let you make a promise to her? She stole the treasure from my father, but you unexpectedly helped her!”

“She told me her motive, so I let go of her,” said I carelessly.

“You, you...Then you shouldn’t say those words easily!” She glared at me.

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“Ha! You quoted what I said to you just now.”

“It’s my line now, you unreasonable divine spirit!” Jiuyang was so exasperated that she wanted to step on my foot again. Out of expectation, she stomped on the lower hem of her nightgown, lost her balance, and fell into my arms. Her loose nightgown slipped onto the ground. It was the first time that I had such intimate contact with a mortal girl. She slapped me on my face before I could clearly see something, which almost drove Xiao Rang to drag her away.

“Since we’re kindred spirits, is it better for me to show my sympathy occasionally?” I turned around and said to Xiao.

“She’s a thief, but you still say good words for her. Are you her accomplice?” rebuked Jiuyang behind me while she wore her nightgown. “Did you actually conspire with the King of Kingdom Liang? You pretended to help my father to defeat him and took the chance to enter into the Imperial Palace. Then, you helped her to steal the treasure.”

“Don’t talk to my prince like that!” Xiao Rang came forward with his spear. With a little more force, he stomped the slabstone into pieces. Jiuyang was so frightened that she couldn’t help taking a few steps back. She stepped on the wooden thorns of the broken screen, sat onto the ground with her foot in her arms, and looked at us with sadness.

“Actually, it’s quite easy to apprehend her.” I squatted down, pulled out the thorn from the sole of her foot, and bound it up with the cloth thrown on the ground by the female thief. “There is still residual of the seal I cast on her body, so I can locate her.”

“Really?” exclaimed she.

As I nodded my head, I cast a seal with my hands. To my big surprise, I couldn’t sense the residual seal.

“How could this happen?” murmured I. I had misjudged.

“Do you locate her?” Jiuyang looked forward to my result.

“It seems that she blocked my wizardry,” said I.

“Humph, you did this on purpose!” She pushed me aside, stood up, and tentatively took a few steps. “I’ll tell my father.”

It was dawn after this. The sky turned bright, and the continuous clouds unfolded like a huge painting that had never been seen on the snowland.

Xiao Rang went off to get some sleep. When I stood alone at the doorway to enjoy the dawn, the picture of me encountering the female thief conjured up in my mind.

In order to obtain what she had lost, she sneaked into the palace alone at the risk of her own life. How about me? I had also lost what originally belonged to me, but I ended up running away all the way.

No, she was entrusted by her people to rebuild her kingdom. However, I was just a victim of a throne game. Although we had a lot in common, we were still different essentially.

I comforted myself with this to calm my heart down.

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