Chapter 4: To Survive (2)

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Translator: 安贝-Peggyan

Both Xiao Rang and I shouted out in unison. I summoned a huge bird upon seeing that Xiao Rang was chocked so badly that his face and eyes turned red. The bird flew over and fell on Han Yuan. Therefore, Han Yuan had to deal with the tough bird while controlling the huge hand. In the end, he cast a seal after letting go of Xiao Rang.

He called up an Ice Phoenix. With a thunderous roar, it crushed my huge bird into pieces in a blink of an eye and then hurtled toward me. I sneered and summoned another huge bird. However, the result could be anticipated that it was immediately crushed again.

Han Yuan said with a twisted smile, “Your Highness, as long as I bring your head back, I’ll be the half-owner of the Imperial City. Thanks. Hahaha!”

I said with a sneer, “How could it be so easy?”

As the Ice Phoenix roared, its huge wings covered all the sky, which made the surrounding temperature actually drop a lot.

“Still deny it, huh? All right, I forgive you.” Han Yuan folded his arms and watched the Ice Phoenix rushing at me swiftly with a bright smile on his face. A smile appeared on my lips, too.

Bang! The huge collision noise almost knocked my heart out. I had myself almost killed by the Ice Phoenix, but I also said that it was not easy to kill me. Almost at the same time, I heard that noise caused by a sharp tool penetrating a body.

When I threw a glance, I saw that a huge knight’s spear pierced through Han’s heart. Behind Han was Xiao Rang whose lips were bleeding.

Han Yuan fell onto the ground with a bang. The Ice Phoenix originally ran after me and wanted to kill me in an instant. The moment Han Yuan was unable to sustain the seal, the domineering Ice Phoenix turned sprays and dripped on the snowland.

I stood up and walked over. I felt my heart was out of place and couldn’t help coughing blood.

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Han Yuan, the elder of the Imperial City, knelt down with his body pierced thought by a knight’s spear out of his carelessness. However, he was still breathing. As long as he was given a few months, he would get a full recovery.

Han Yuan, rather different from just now, stared at me with his eyes full of begging for mercy. But, when he looked at Xiao Rang from time to time, his eyes were full of the solid resentment.

“Your Highness, please let me go,” said Han Yuan while looking at me.

“Let you go? But who can let me go?”

“Your Highness, please think it through. If you kill me, you’ll be an enemy against half of the Imperial City.”

“I find it no different from being an enemy of one person,” said I with a smile.

“Your Highness...” He couldn’t speak anymore. I used the rest of my spiritual power to generate an Ice Sword with which I immediately cut his throat.

“I can’t let go of you.”

When I killed him, his warm scarlet blood all sprayed on my face. I felt a little scared, but I cleaned my face and told myself that I would eventually get used to it.

I said to Xiao Rang, “Help me up.”

My spiritual power had been maxed out, and I couldn’t cast the Blizzard Seal anymore.

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I turned around and faintly said, “Are we going to die?”

Xiao Rang said while shaking his head, “No, we won’t. Your Highness, please believe me. I’ll pay whatever it takes to keep you safe, even at the cost of my life.”

I nodded at him. Out of the blue, I wanted to give the world a desolate smile. But, I hold back, because my heart hurt.

When I got recovered, we finally became safe after we had used the Blizzard Seal in a row. There were more ones catching up with us but ending up with being killed by us, of course. These battles made me more skilled at using the wizardry and made Xiao Rang get a more physical body. As a result, I, together with Xiao Rang, enabled to kill an enemy in an instant, and then we turned around, leaving after wiping off the blood on our faces.

We didn’t know that a great stir was caused in the faraway Imperial City of Snowland because of us.

The Imperial City of Snowland-

“Leng Yan, Your Majesty, what should we do?” Beneath the throne was an aged augur who knelt down. His white beard was left on the ground coiled several times, apparently showing his age.

“What do you mean?” asked my father in a deep voice.

“Your Majesty, the boy cursed by fate killed Elder Han Yuan.” The aged augur was named Xi Guang who was the oldest augur and was able to talk anything in front of my father.

“What do you mean by a boy cursed by fate?” My father stood up right away on hearing this. A huge Snow Swirl appeared beside my father with a thunderous roar toward Xi Guang.

Xi Guang slightly trembled. “Your Majesty, I augured that the boy would bring a disaster to our clan. See, because of him, we almost fought against the Elf Clan again and almost tore up the agreement we reached a thousand year ago.”

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“The boy is my child. I’ve heard that he generated an ice pillar leading to God.”

“Your Majesty, please trust me. That’s a symbol of evil. Your Majesty, I’ve augured for you since you were a prince, so please trust me.”

“He’s my kid.”

“Your Majesty, he’s cursed by fate, and we can do nothing to change it.” Xi Guang buried his head even lower.

·“...a...l...l right.” My arrogant father sat down, but his joints started sounding. He thought in his heart that he really got old.

“Well done. Your families are safe now,” said Leng Chen, the eldest prince, with a smile. “You’ve done the job well. Has he made an order?”

“Yes, he has. Your Highness.” The palace where Xi Guang was now was called Sunrise Palace which always witnessed the first ray of sunrise in the entire Imperial City. Now, Xi Guang bent his knees as humbly as before.

“Really good.” Leng Chen smiled all the time.

Xi Guang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he eventually shut his mouth while slightly shaking his head. “Your Highness, may I leave?”

Leng Chen’s eyes became sharp immediately, and then a huge Snow Swirl also appeared beside him. But, his swirl seemed a little weaker than his father’s.

“If you leak this matter out, I won’t spare you.”

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“I know, Your Highness.” Xi Guang, who had stood up earlier, abruptly got his knees down again. “I know that.”

“That’s right. You can excuse yourself.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

The night befell gradually. On the snowland, the daytime was abnormally short while the night became very long, for the sun was always covered by the mantling snow. When it turned dark slowly, Leng Chen sat on the chair in silence, and even the snow beside him was as quiet as a docile pet, lying on there quietly.

“Your Highness, has our plan worked out?” After a while, as a gust of wind suddenly passed the hall, and a man with a vague look showed up and got one of his knees down before Leng Chen.

“Yes, it has. Xi Tu, you’re really smart.”

“Your Highness, thanks for your appreciation. I’d like to be the sharpest spearhead of you.” Xi Tu knelt down with an invisible smile on his lips.

“Hahaha...” Piercing but fervent, the laughter of Leng Chen echoed in the spacious Sunrise Palace.

“I almost make it, my father.” Leng Chen lowered his head and smiled.

The Snow Swirl started running in an instant and passed beside Xi Tu’s face, leaving a bloodstain on it.

However, Xi Tu kept smiling.

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