Chapter 5: Centenary Killing [I] (1)

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Translator: 安贝-Peggyan

"Your Highness, do we have to escape like this forever?" When Xiao Rang used his spear to penetrate another one, the target died immediately before he could beg for life. Totally unlike the little knight before, Xiao Rang was a living example of an excellent knight. After killing for many years, he had become calm and brutal.

"No, we won't run away anymore," said I with a smile. "Let's go to the mortal world, shall we? Xiao Rang."

Xiao Rang felt stunned first and then said with a nod, "Yes, Your Highness."

We went to look for the entrance to the mortal world. As a matter of fact, there was no need to seek, for it was recorded in the ancient books that as long as you followed along with the most bloody place, you would find it. The war between the mortals and divine spirits started right at the entrance, resulting in at least countless people being dead and wounded along the way. It was rumored thereafter that the souls there couldn't get reincarnated because the rich smell of blood prevented them from walking out of there.

"We walk along with the place filled with the smell of blood."

Xiao Rang asked, "Do you want to succeed to the throne?"


"But why, Your Highness?"

"Because I'm the most qualified one to be the King of the entire Imperial City of Snowland, am I, Xiao Rang?" The Snow Swirl around me started rotating.

"Yes, you are. I'll give you my life."

When we arrived in the mortal world, it was already summer. At the time, one kingdom was fighting against another one of its kind.

I said, "It's so like us. On our snowland, one kingdom also fights against another one."

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Xiao Rang said, "Yes, it is."

It took us 100 hundred years to arrive in the mortal world from the snowland. Therefore, I was an adult now. I looked like my father a lot, and even my shoulders were as wide as his. My eyes glistered with white luster, and my white hair could drop to my waist. Thus, I always coiled it. When many mortal girls smiled to me while pointing at my hair, I also gave them a smile and found them more adorable than the divine spirits.

Xiao Rang often caressed my hair and said, "Your Highness, you look like your father so much."

Xiao Rang grew up with a look of his father in an instant and even looked like a twin of his father when he carried the huge knight's spear on his shoulder. His handsome face was like God's masterpiece. He cut his hair very short. His eyes were as bright as the stars. His eyebrows stretched out to his temple hair. More mortal girls talked about him, but he never smiled except for the time he spoke to me.

He would gently say, "Your Highness, I'll give my life to you."

My spiritual power increased tremendously, and Xiao Rang's physical body was even stronger than his father's.

The Snow Swirl beside me rotated.

Time went back 100 years ago.

"Your Highness, watch out of the danger ahead." Xiao Rang stopped me by standing in front of me with his eyes full of coldness. Boom! Boom! Boom! An ice-blue soul emerged from a tree trunk.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Shadow. You can't go to the mortal world," said the guy who introduced himself as Shadow.

"You can't make this decision for us," said Xiao Rang with his eyebrows full of arrogance.

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"Then defeat me."

"I'll defeat you."

Subsequently, I witnessed that Xiao Rang who had experienced hundreds of battles was easily defeated by the ice-blue soul. Before this, when Xiao Rang had used all of his force and even his trump card, he didn't hurt the soul at all.

I looked at Xiao Rang who fought for me at the risk of his life and wiped off the sweat on his forehead.

I said, "That's enough, Xiao Rang. I'll get it handled."


"I got this."

"You come out eventually," said Shadow. Then, he expanded himself into a giant pale blue soul. "Your Highness, come on in."

"Your Highness...don't go inside." Xiao Rang wiped the blood on his lips, and he held the spear in his hand again.

"Don't worry about me, Xiao Rang. I'll be back soon." I felt the ice-blue soul a little familiar.

"I'll be back soon, and you wait for me here."

"OK, Your Highness. I'll wait for you." Xiao Rang quietly sat in cross-legged in the tree branches.

"Your Highness, do you know this is the battlefield hundreds of years ago"

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"Yes, I know, but who are you?"

"Your Highness, who I am doesn't matter, and you'll know everything in the future. Your power is too weak, so you need to become strong. Your Highness, all respect and praise are based on a powerful yourself."

"I know that, Shadow."

"All right. Can I help you become strong?"

"Yes, you can."

Numberless arrows capable of mantling the sky passed through the sky, and the world was full of shouts from the mortals. I looked down from the midair and saw a huge crowd of people come forward from the horizon line of the prairie. They had swords glistering with a cold light in their hands, greedy saliva in their mouths, and heavy armors on their bodies. Compared with this, there were only ten thousands of divine spirits there. Thus, it felt like the divine spirits would be annihilated by one more attack from the alliance of the mortals.

The temperature of the snowland became higher and higher because the greedy nature of the mortals lit it up. Ice Wizards couldn't cast their wizardry frequently, because they would destroy the defense line they set up. If I didn't see by myself, I wouldn't believe that the omnipotent divine spirits would be put into such a desperate situation by the mortals.


Bang! Bang!

A dozen arrows pierced through a body of an Ice Wizard, and the following people chopped from the wizard's head with his sword. I also saw that another Ice Wizard was penetrated by a spear of the mortals when he tried to use the Spiritual Stone to recover his spiritual power quickly after he froze a mortal person. I also saw a Fire Wizard with strong wizardry. Standing among a sea of the mortals, he used flames to create a huge flame field around him. He waved his left hand, and then a huge fireball fell off from the sky onto the surrounding mortals, setting them on fire. As he walked on the fires, he sketched again in the midair, and then a huge blue Snow Swirl swiftly swallowed the mortals from the other end of the horizon line, leaving blood along its way like the cheapest dyestuff. Bang! the huge Snow Swirl collided with the fireball, destroying a whole area of the mortals and leaving a vacuum zone on the battlefield. Seeing this scene, the divine spirits behind the defense line smoothed their wrinkled eyebrows, for the mortals didn't dare to attack him again. However, when the divine spirits were about to feel happy, numberless arrows rushed at the Fire Wizard like a tide.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A dozen arrows pierced through the Fire Wizard's body. The mortals rushed over and cut him with their own swords. When they left and charged forward, the Fire Wizard was beyond recognition.

"Your Majesty..." I could hear the last words of that Fire Wizard.

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I was pulled into Shadow's mind by him before the battle was over.

"Why not let me see the whole process of the battle?"

"Your Highness, please rest assured. You'll not only see the whole process but also be part of it."

"Be part of it?"

The thunderous roar entered and swirled in my brain as if my internal organs were to be exploded.

"Leng Yan, Your Majesty! What should we do?" Just in a blink of an eye, I became the King of all the divine spirits and looked at my hands with the vacant eyes. "Your Majesty, what should we do?"

"Well, I'll consider it a dream." Unexpectedly, I became my father.

"Let's kill!"

We launched an all-out attack for the first time, involving the Elf Clan, Dwarf Clan, Giant Clan as well as the backbone power, Ice Wizards. I felt a gush of inexhaustible power came from my body and found it such easy for me to stand on the snow in the midair. The huge Snow Swirl was busy engulfing the mortals. All divine spirits released their power endlessly, which made the weather even colder.

Giant red beasts fell off from the sky and crushed countless people. Beasts with air blades all over their bodies even unscrupulously ran through the crowd.

Like lost in the snow, the arrows shot by the mortals dropped onto the ground. The powerful and blinding wizardry killed the mortals like a cutting machine. All of them turned crazy about killing, and as weapons, the nature of us and the greed of the mortals were interwoven in the sky.

The divine spirits didn't have time to take a rest, because batches of the mortals would immediately fill the vacancy by passing the entrance to the mortal world after one batch of them were killed. It felt like we slaughtered the mortals on the sea of blood.

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