In a Different World With a Naruto System, Chapter 17: Explain

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Ren Tian You slowly closed his Mangekyo Sharingan, and then walked towards the audience. All of the audiences who were watching the duel were completely confused, and didn’t understand what had happened just a moment ago. Merely they all realized that the duel was purely an illusion showdown, and full of mystery. Just now they only saw that eyes of Ren Tian You moved for a second and shortly afterwards, Tian Yun Guan released a blood curdling scream, fell on the ground and fainted. Like this the match was decided in a split-second, other than Ren Tian You and Tian Yun Guan no one know what had happened. As a result everyone was very curious to know about this decisive move, and a wave of indescribable fear appeared within their heart towards Ren Tian You. Every human beings tend to feel fear towards unknown things. Who would have thought that Ren Tian You who was just an intermediate fighter on the surface, defeated a great illusionist scholar in an instant .

“Young master, what happened to you? Are you alright?” After the barrier around the arena was opened, the guards of Tian Yun Guan immediately rushed towards their young master. They breathed out a sigh of relief, because Tian Yun Guan was still breathing, but no matter how much they called him, he didn’t woke up.

“Halt! What did you do to our young master? If you don’t make it clear, then no matter what today you can’t leave here alive.” Seeing that no matter how many times they call, their young master was unresponsive, one of the guard yelled towards Ren Tian You who was about to leave the arena with a stern voice. At the same time, immediately all the other guards also pulled out their weapons and pointed towards Ren Tian You.

Hearing the voice from behind, Ren Tian You slowly turned around, stared towards the guard who had just spoken and said, “Oh, I’d like to see how you prevent me from leaving.”

“You……….” When the guard who had just spoken, saw the blood colored eyes of Ren Tian You, he suddenly felt incomparable chill. He tried to say something but could say nothing.

“Snort. I’d like to see who dares to stop my ‘Long You’ friends.” At that time, Long You and others jumped on the arena and came in front of Ren Tian You. Everyone had cold expression on their face and were about to pull out their weapons.

“This……..” Seeing Long You and others, the guards could only look at each other, and didn’t dared to say anything. They all knew the identity of Long You and others, even if they had 10 times more guts they wouldn’t dare to offend these peoples.

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“Snort. So you all understand. Tian You, let’s go.” Lan Yan coldly looked towards those guards, and prepared to leave with Ren Tian You.

Hearing Lan Yan, Ren Tian You closed his Sharingan, and walked with Lan Yan and others towards Heavenly Fragrance restaurant again.

Since the guards didn’t have any means to stop Ren Tian You, they could only watch Ren Tian You leaving. Among the guards, one of the guard ponder for a while and said to others, “We should immediately leave and take young master to imperial capital, and tell everything that had happened here to clan master.”

“Ok.” All the other guards agreed. They immediately picked up their young master and quickly left the duel arena. Ren Tian You didn’t realized, at the scene a person was looking at him with great interest and than left with a mysterious smile.


“Tian You, I didn’t expect your actual strength was this high. Although the character of Tian Yun Guan is not good, but his strength was real deal, still you defeated him in an instant so easily.” On the road, the face of Lan Yan was filled with surprise.

“Yes, big brother Tian You, when I saw that bastard use ‘forest domain’ illusion, at that time I was quite anxious, but I never expected that you could break this illusion and also gave that bastard the taste of his own medicine. This laughter is really killing me.” Long Luo Luo also spoke with amazed expression.

“Oh, that’s right, Tian You, exactly what happen in the end, we only saw you suddenly covered your eye and then that fellow let out a horrible shriek, fell down on the ground and fainted.” Luo Meng Wu was quite curious and asked.

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“Yes, yes.” Hearing the question of Luo Meng Wu, Lan Yan and the others were also very curious regarding what happened in the end. They were also completely confused.

“You asked so many question at once, how can I answer them all at once.” Listening to all their questions, Ren Tian You said with a wry smile.

“Then simply tell us what happened.”

“Fine. First of all my actual strength is not intermediate fighter, I specially release the aura of intermediate fighter to show others. That’s all”

“Second, why did that guy fell in his own illusion? Actually it’s very simple, although that move looked amazing, but before my eyes that skill was full of flaws. So I just rebound back that illusion skill.”

“Third, at last, in fact I used my power of blood lineage and for a split second he was pulled inside my illusion world, and there he was destroyed. So in reality it was only a split second, nothing more. This illusion power of mine put a heavy burden in my body so I can’t use it regularly.” Ren Tian You explained them in a simple language, and didn’t explained anything about Sharinganbut gave all the credit to power of blood lineage.

“So it was like that, however Tian You, what is the cultivation level of your actual strength, and furthermore are you a battle qi warrior or illusionist?” After listening the explanation of Ren Tian You, Li Feng asked curiously. If you say Ren Tian You is an illusionist, then he is carrying around a sword all day, and also had an intermediate fighter level in the cultivation of battle qi. And if you say he is a battle qi warrior then, his illusion power was far more powerful which can insta-defeat great illusionist scholar.

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“Well, this is. Actually I am a magician. As for actual strength, probably Great Magic Master.” Ren Tian You considered a bit and called himself a magician, because later he would mostly relay onninjutsu, which was quite similar to magic. As for taijutsu and genjutsu, he intended to hide them and use them as his trump card.

“What? You’re a magician?” Lan Yan and the others shouted in unison. This startled Ren Tian You, and he didn’t understand why they were making such a huge fuss. The passer-by who heard the shout of Lan Yan and others looked towards them with a strange eyes. This caused his face to gradually become red, because he felt as if those eyes were looking at idiot.

“What’s going on? Is….is there a problem?” Ren Tian You withdrew his head and stammeringly said after seeing Lan Yan and the others oppressive expression, “What’s with the terrifying expression, it looks like they want to eat me.” He thought.

“No kidding, of course, there is a problem. Unexpectedly you said you are a magician. F**k, you are a magician who is always carrying a sword on your back and have an intermediate fighter level battle qi. And you also have an illusion skill which can insta-kill great illusionist scholar. And you are asking is there a problem? Are you trying to provoke us?” Hearing the question of Ren Tian You, Luo Tian Xing rushed and catch the collar of Ren Tian You, and started to speak with anger. Next to him Lan Yan and other were also nodding.

“Ah pei pei……..release me. F**k, Luo Tian Xing, you stubborn man, do your family sells watering can ah. Your little sister, you sprayed all your saliva on I, your father face.” Ren Tian You wanted to beat this stubborn man, and in his heart he thought, ‘F**k, you are spitting your saliva on I, your father’s face.’

“Don’t be too excited. Listen to my explanation first. I am not deceiving you. I really am a magician. I originally cultivated battle qi but after cultivating up to intermediate fighter level I can no longer raise my cultivation. So finally I didn’t have a choice but to become magician. As for illusion, didn’t I already told you all that was my power of blood lineage. The illusion power of my blood lineage is unusually powerful to resist, and just using this illusion skill put a heavy burden in my body so I can’t use it frequently.” Looking at the eyes which were about to eat him, Ren Tian You quickly explained. After listening his explanation they gradually calmed down and no longer looked so oppressive.

“fu…………damn it!, it was terrifying.” Seeing all of them calmed down, Ren Tian You released a long sigh of relief in his heart.

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“So it was like that. But why do you only show intermediate fighter level of power.”

“Heh heh, this. Just think about it, if my enemy saw that my strength level is only at intermediate level, then they will underestimate me and became careless. And when I suddenly release my true power, won’t that be extremely interesting.” With a wretched appearance, Ren Tian You answered in a low voice.




Hearing derogatory terms from Lan Yan and others, Ren Tian You had black line appeared in his pace and thought, “F**k, I, your father call it clever, ok?”

“Bah!” Lan Yan looked Ren Tian You with disdain and turned around his head and walked towards Heavenly fragrance restaurant never turning his head back.

“F**k, you wait for me. I just went through a duel. Younger sister Luo Luo, your big brother Tian You is tired, quickly come and help me, don’t run so fast……” Ren Tian You gloomily yelled in the back. Hearing his call, beautiful little lady Luo Luo ran even faster……………

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