In a Different World With the Naruto System, Chapter 18: Kuchiyose—Sanju Rashomon! [Summoning Jutsu—Triple Rashomon!]

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Ren Tian You and others noisily returned to Heavenly Fragrance restaurant. It was not yet morning, so they had a light breakfast and went to their own room to rest, because they had to leave early in the morning.

Ren Tian You also went to his own room. The room of this different world’s restaurant was not comparable to the room of 5-star hotel on the earth. In this room there was not any television, air conditioner or any other technology which was available on the Earth.

Ren Tian You sat crossed legged on the bed and started to cultivate chakra. This was one of the essential daily routine of Ren Tian You. With the exception of a day or 2, Ren Tian You had never ceased to cultivate his chakra, for more than 2 years of time he had spent inside Magical Beasts forest.

The amount of chakra had already reached the peak of elite ninja, but Ren Tian You had already mastered many of the ninjutsu compared to other elite ninjas. Even the ninja known as copy ninja, Kakashi in Naruto world, didn’t knew more ninjutsu than him. That was because he had all-encompassing ninjutsu system.

At present, Ren Tian You could form hand seal very quickly. He could form at least 4 hand seal in a second. Although it is not as fast as Itachi, but it is not that much difference.

Ren Tian You sat on his bed and started cultivating chakra. After about 3 hours, Ren Tian You suddenly opened his eyes, and he had already activated his Sharingan too. And his right hand directly reached to his ninja backpack and took out a kunai and as fast as lightning he threw kunai towards the direction of windows.

“Peng!” The kunai quickly pass through the window and then it seemed like it hit something and fell. Then he saw a shadow of a person by the window.

“What, a person?” A cold light flashed in his eyes, suddenly he attacked the window and after that he also immediately jumped out from the window.

“Peng!” The window was knocked apart by Ren Tian You, and he firmly landed on the street, looked above and all around him, he saw a shadow of a person flying towards the east gate of the town.

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“Snort! Do you think that you have the ability to run?” Since Ren Tian You had discovered the target, he was not going to let him easily escape. So he immediately pursued the shadow.

Although the shadow was flying in the sky, still the running speed of Ren Tian you was not slow. But it was not easy to keep up with the flying opponent.

Ren Tian You took out a scroll and an ink brush from his backpack, and quickly drew an eagle in the scroll, and form a series of hand seals, “Ninja Art—Super Beast Scroll.” Ren Tian You quickly jumped on the back of the eagle and quickly flew in high speed chasing the shadow.

Ren tian You was anxious throughout the chase. After some time, the shadow stopped on the top of the tree of the forest which was 30 miles away from the town. And it looked like he was waiting for Ren Tian You to arrive.

Seeing that the shadow was waiting for him on the top of a tree, immediately he also jumped to the top of the next tree. And after that he lifted the super beast scroll. The eagle immediately changed into inks and the inks fell to the ground next to it.

“So who are you? Why were you lurking outside my room? And it seemed like we don’t know each other.” Ren Tian You looked towards the person who was surrounded by the black fog and asked. Thanks to the presence of that fog, he couldn’t determine whether the opponent was male or female, much less see the face. And also his sharingan didn’t had the ability to see through.

However this shadow didn’t answered, instead directly waved the dark fog towards Ren Tian You to attack.

“Snort.” Seeing the shadow was directly attacking, he decided not to waste any more of his saliva and decided to directly knock down and capture this opponent.

Ren Tian You instantly dodged this black colored fog. And when this black colored fog touched the top of the tree where he was standing just a moment ago, it suddenly got corroded, and after few second whole tree was ruined.

“F**k, so ruthless, you wanted to ruin I, your father’s face.” Seeing the fate of the tree, Ren Tian You called out. After that he quickly formed the hand seals as he didn’t want to only defend but also wanted to attack.

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“Futon—Atsugai! [Wind Style—Pressure Damage!]” After he finished forming a hand seal, a powerful highly compressed wind was released from Ren Tian You towards all the direction and all the trees around him were blown apart.

“Hong! Hong! Hong!” The sound of explosion was heard in calm and quite night. After about 30 second the hurricane gradually stopped, and after some time all the smoke and dusts were cleared and he could again see the situation. Ren Tian saw that all around him as a center, everything was thoroughly crushed, originally fresh green turf was completely gone and every trees around him were blown and had disappeared.

Ren Tian You stood at the original place, and without pause he was scanning all around him with his Mangekyo Sharingan. He hadn’t thought that the enemy was taken care with only this much. That opponent can fly, he was at least Saint Class expert.

At this time Ren Tian You suddenly sensed someone was above his head and also heard a sound from above his head. His complexion suddenly changed and he hastily moved sideways.

“Hong!” The sound of explosion was heard. From the corner of his eyes he saw a black sword had fallen at the place where he was just a moment ago.

Ren Tian You firmly stand on the ground, and lifted his head to look towards the sky. He saw that the shadow was wearing a black female clothing and her face was covered by a piece of black veil. This youthful girl was floating in the air and was holding a black sword in her right hand.

“So, who the hell are you?” Ren Tian You frowned looking at the young girl floating it the sky and questioned with a stern voice. Although this beautiful young lady had a perfect charming figure, but Ren Tian You didn’t had a time to admire this beauty because he could sense a pressure from this young lady.

“Hee hee, want to know who I am, you’ll have to beat me first.” Than young lady smiled broadly and said.

“Well, since you say that, then I am forced to destroy the flower.” After hearing that young lady, a light flashed in the eyes of Ren tian You. After that he quickly formed a hand seal, “Futon—Shinkugyoku! [Wind Style—Vacuum Bullets!]”

Ren Tian You opened his mouth, and spit out a dozen of transparent column of wind towards the young lady.

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“Eh.” At this moment, the girl in the air only heard the sound but couldn’t see anything, and was completely surprised. After that she hastily tried to dodge but Ren Tian You had used the vacuum bullets by crowding it together so that it would become harder to dodge.

“Xiu!” The vacuum bullet directly landed on her left hand and the blood scattered from the injury. “Groan.” Seeing her black protective screen was powerless and no way to dodge, after she let out a groan, she quickly waved her black sword which was on her right hand. From the edge of that sword a black colored light was emitted and that changed into another black protective screen blocking the vacuum bullets.

“Oh, oh, you actually blocked. I want to see how long can you block.” Seeing that his attack was blocked by that young girl, he laughed. After that he pulled out his snake sword and rushed towards that girl.

He quickly formed hand seals, and when he was quickly dashing towards the girl, his sword was covered by lightning and the sound of thousands of bird chirping was heard. The fact was he had use Chidori.

“When?!” The sword of Ren Tian you and that girl’s sword collided with each other and released a spark. The chidori on the sword of Ren Tian You had caught the girl completely off the guard and that lightning paralyzed the girl.

“Peng.” Ren Tian You took the advantage of this chance and used Leaf Strong Whirlwind to directly kick this girl, after that he pulled out his sword and rushed towards the girl in the air. At that time that girl suddenly released a black colored radiance, shortly afterward that young lady quickly moved in the sky, and directly appeared next to Ren Tian You along with that dark colored radiance. Ren Tian You had no choice but to stop and prepared his Chidori cladded sword to guard against this girl.

“Heng. You dared to hurt me, I’ll kill you.” That young girl rubbed off the blood from her mouth and said coldly.

“Bah, quite a big talker. I said your mask is quite hideous ah. Since it is like that, you should never come outside, as frightening children too much is not good, you know.” With a disdain, Ren Tian You spoke.

“I want you to die.” Although he didn’t see the appearance of that female, still Ren Tian You had already confirmed that she was cold like a frost. To prove this point, he could see that she was moving towards him like she had an intention of chopping his body into 1000 pieces inside her heart.

That young girl suddenly hold her sword vertically in front of her, and the black colored radiance started to appear from that black sword. That girl was chanting some kind of spell, but Ren Tian You couldn’t understand any of it, nevertheless he could felt the surroundings around him was changing making him unable to calm down.

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Seeing the black cloud gathering in the sky, Ren Tian You knew that this was the decisive move of this girl. Along with the black colored light beam, the strong winds started to blow.

Ren Tian You looked around for a while, the weather was already changing, and gradually a smiling expression appeared in his face and he slowly sheathed his sword. And with an imposing eyes he looked at the every movement of that girl.

Very quickly the chant of the spell was finished, he could only see that black colored light was towering towards the black cloud in the sky. Suddenly that black colored light started to shine on the sword which was in her hand.

When the light disappeared, Ren Yian You could clearly see all the move of that girl. And he saw that the black sword on her hand had already turned into a black light beam and a formidable power was gathered there.

“Go to hell. Dark obliterating chop.” Along with a lovely shout from her mouth, she chopped her sword towards the direction of Ren Tian You. After that, unexpectedly her sword’s length started to increase by several dozens of meter towards the sky and along with the chopping motion of that girl the sword started to descend towards Ren Tian You.

“Crap! Did I make a mistake?” Suddenly Ren Tian You was scared seeing the move of that young girl. ‘F**k, if this attack hit me then I can say goodbye to this life.’ Thinking this, Ren Tian You immediately bite the thumb of right hand and quickly started to form a series of hand seals. After the hand seals were complete he hit the ground with both hands.

“Kuchiyose—Sanju Rashomon! [Summoning Jutsu—Triple Rashomon!]”

“Rumble rumble…………”

Along with the rumbling, suddenly the ground split open, and 3 blood red colored huge gate successively sprung above the ground, in front of Ren Tian You. Just then the light beam of the sword from the sky collided with these huge gates.


Finally a huge colliding sound of Ren Tian You’s Triple Rashomon and the black light beam was heard.

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