Chapter 4 What Do You Mean, You Invented it to be a Pilot

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“Chen, are you serious?” I ask.

I may understand what he said, but I still cannot help but to be amazed. Chen serves as the chief engineer of the Second Generation Auro Engine Research and Development team with impeccable qualifications and abilities. He is also the deputy dean of the Daxia Academy of Sciences. Even compared to Chen’s accomplishments, this development can change the world. High-level scientific and technological talents are more important than even pilots right now. This is precisely why I think that it is even more incredible that the Chief Engineer is preparing to be the deputy to this unknown student. If this matter spreads, the entire scientific community at Daxia will be shaken to its core. Even the military will be taken aback.

Chen has a high status among his peers, but does not believe that he is more important than anyone else. This is especially true for those in the military. My pride may not even be as great as Chen’s. Every time I met with Chen at work, I had to call him Mr. Chen even if I was a part of the Daxia Military Committee.

“I have never been more serious than I am now, Xiao. You are not the one doing such research, and you do not even know the importance of this information. I started the development of the second generation engine three years ago,” Chen says. I interrupt him before he can finish his thought.

“By the way, I forgot to ask you this, but how is the research progressing?”

When it comes to the second generation engine, Chen was obviously gloomy.

“Three years, tens of billions of dollars in funds have been spent, and there is no progress.”

“No… nothing at all?” I ask in shock.

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My eyes suddenly widen as this is beyond anything I could have imagined. The top experts at Daxia Aero Engines have accomplished nothing in three years. How is this possible?

“You may not believe me, but I am serious,” Chen said with a bitter smile. “So this information is very precious. The one who gave this to you should even get the position of Vice Dean at the Academy of Sciences. If not, Old Zhao will have to retire.”

“Fuck!” I exploded.

The Zhao that Chen spoke of is the head dean of the Academy of Sciences.

“Chen, you…” I trail off.

I think that Chen may be going crazy. I may not be a high-tech researcher, but right now I am completely astonished by Chen’s words. If a top-tier scientific researcher says this, the importance of the Pulse Detonation Engine is self-evident.

“Wanjun, tell me. Who provided the information to the military?” Chen asks.

“Is it Wang? No, It should not be him. He is still too young and does not have enough knowledge in this area. Is it Wan? No, not him either. He has been conducting research in other areas for a long time.”

Chen kept guessing by himself for a long time, but he could not reach a conceivable answer.

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“Wanjun, I really cannot think of anyone. Can it be that it is an expert that the military does not know of?” Chen says, puzzled.

I cannot help but to smile bitterly.

“Chen, you would never guess who it is. He is not from our military. If they were, I would have told you about them already. This information was sent to the college email. As for who it is, I will hand you over to Liu.”

After finishing my conversation with Chen, I turn to Liu.

“Liu, look for a name in the email. Like a signature.”

When Liu hears this, he quickly opens the mailbox and looks at it.

“Dean, I have found it,” Liu says.

“Let me see… Forget it. Just read it out loud so that I do not have to repeat it to Chen,” I say.

After I am done speaking, I turn on the speaker function of my phone. On the other side of the phone, Chen signals for everyone in the room to keep quiet and begins to listen in an upright position. Liu nods slightly and begins speaking.

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“My name is Qin. I have dropped out of my previous school, and hope to enter yours to learn how to be a fighter pilot.”

Liu reads off the words in the email smoothly. He does not think anything is wrong with what he said, but his eyes suddenly widen when he takes a closer look at what he just said.

Fuck! Is this… the reason?

I close my eyes and listen carefully, and cannot help but to sigh at the sentences. It is about 20 words and is flattering, but soon it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

“Show me!”

I grab the computer from Liu and stare at the last two sentences with my own eyes, and I cannot believe what I see. I, the dean of the Daxia Flight Academy and a soldier with the rank of lieutenant general, cannot help but rub my eyes right now.


I want to explode. Qin, did you send the complete instruction on the creation of the pulse detonation engine to our academy just to enter as a pilot? Good fellow, I am stupefied. I am so shocked that I do not know what to say. On the other hand, Chen and the others listening wonder if there is something wrong with their ears.

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You can serve as the chief of engineering at the Third Generation Aero Engine R&D Center, but you want to go to school to become a pilot? Mother, is this guy insane? Is the creation of this engine just to enter the Flight Academy? Am I stupid, or has the world flipped upside down? Has technology become so worthless? Chen is just speechless.

This person is probably the strangest person I have ever dealt with in my life. What is so good about being a pilot? Isn’t it better to be a chief engineer when you have so much knowledge about engines?

“Qin~” I say after a long time and take a deep breath.

I chant the name a few times. Obviously, this is a name that I have never heard before and is completely unfamiliar to me. In my mind, there is no such person among the people I can think of.

“Let’s say…”

I take a deep breath again, and then become serious.

“Old Chen, this matter is too important. This Qin is going to cause trouble for you. Arrange for someone to find them, and protect them once found. None of their research materials can be lost, not a single word. If this technology is leaked, neither you nor I can bear the responsibility if something were to happen to them. This engine is extremely important for the rise of Daxia in the military field.”

This involves the rise of a country. This is no longer a matter of simple protection, but requires the highest level of security. I did not chat with Chen for too long after that. Now that the truth of the matter has been determined, Both Chen and I have important things to do.

Chen is responsible for the in-depth study of the data and conducting a review with the senior experts. Finding the person who may be able to subvert the aero-engine field in one fatal swoop is mine.

Young man, that is how you write an email.

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