Chapter 5 College Dismissal? Are You Crazy?

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Chen is busy trying to gather a high-ranked group of experts for an in-depth discussion, but I am stuck here at my desk. I hang up the phone with eyes full of unprecedented solemnity.

“Liu, you did a good job today. You chose not to ignore that email, but reported it to me. Otherwise, it would not only have been a major loss for our academy, but also for the entire country. Even as a civilian, you need to have the attitude of a soldier. I will bring up the matter of a promotion at the next meeting. This was not an accident, that is for sure.”

When Liu heard this, his joy became more and more immeasurable. The most important thing for a soldier to do is to protect their family and country, but no one would refuse a promotion. A promotion had more than just a pay increase, it is also a way to get oneself recognized by the military. This is not comparable to so-called money.

“Thank you, Dean Wanjun!” Liu said.

How can Liu not hide the joy on his face? I shake my head at him.

“You do not need to thank me. This is yours to grasp. If you saw this email and did not read it with some semblance of seriousness and chose to delete it, this opportunity may have passed you by. Opportunities appear in front of everyone, it is up to them to seize them,” I say.

“Let us shelve the promotion talk for the time being. What you need to do now is to cooperate with the intelligence department to investigate this Qin. Within an hour, I will need to know everything about him. Also, today’s affairs are not allowed to be disclosed to anyone outside of this office. You will need to sign a confidentiality document soon,” I tell Liu sternly.

“Yes,” Liu says, as he naturally knew the importance of this matter.

He writes down the main points on a notepad, turns around, and leaves my office. When he is gone, my face relaxes and turns into happiness. While the other countries are still busy developing the second generation aero engines, Daxia will have already obtained the third generation. This is an opportunity for Daxia to lead the world.

At the same time, Daxia will become a military power not to be trifled with through the usage of this engine. The most critical part is to find this Qin.

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Less than an hour later, Liu hurried over with the documents to my office. A thick stack of paper is placed in front of me on my desk. At the top is a basic document with a person’s picture on the paper. I glance at him and frown.

“Is he a student of Daxia Institute of Science and Technology?” I ask.

“Yes,” Liu confirms with a nod.

“But it seems that he has been persuaded to drop out.”

“Persuaded?” I question.

I look at Liu with a look that shows I have heard the funniest joke in the world.

“A student who can develop a third-generation aero-engine has been persuaded to leave? Is their principal crazy?”

“Dean, it is not without reason. He has only been attending the school for less than two years and has probably not been to class for even an hour. The institute may not be famous, but it should be an easy decision to have a student who has not gone to school quit. The school told this to him many times, but Qin did things his own way,” Liu explained.

“That school cannot teach him anything,” I answer.

Liu is stunned for a moment, but then realizes that a student that can develop a pulse detonation engine cannot be taught anything more.

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“I guess the reason he did not go to class has to do with the development of the engine, right?” I ask.

“Yes. He rented a whole set of rooms in the community near the school. Except for the occasional meals, he stayed in the rented house. We checked some information and found that he often buys all kinds of materials dealing with aero engines online.”

“This sounds about right.”

I put down the information that is in my hand.

“Since the person has been found,” I quickly say,” notify the local military to cooperate. Old Chen is eager for me to bring him over intact.”

“Yes, Dean.”

“By the way, we must tell everyone that we are here to invite Qin and that they must show him respect. If he comes, he will be ranked Deputy Military Chief Engineer in a few days.”

Deputy rank? Liu thought with a swallow.

That rank is equal to that of a general. Although it is not a general who leads troops to a fight, a general is still a general. If he were to ever encounters an opponent, he will be the leader.


I quickly walk out. My rank may not be high, but Wanjun decided to leave this matter to me to organize. I performed very well today. The swiftness of the military’s actions is unheard of. Shortly after I left Wanjun’s office, the Huaiyu community where Qin rented space from is surrounded by many plainclothes soldiers. At the same time, armed helicopter forces are speeding their way there.

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At the Principal’s Office in the Daxia Institute of Technology, I, Wenchang, look at the documents on my desk that have the red seal of the Ministry of Education of Daxiaon with a face full of despair. For the past three years I have applied to the Ministry for the Daxia University of Science and Technology to have the school ranking upgraded, but every time the application gets rejected.

This is the sixth time that I have applied over the past three years. However, the application did not even take a day to be rejected. The reason is very simple, the university has yet to meet the conditions to upgrade to an institution.

I put my hands on my face. I look like I aged three or four years in just a few minutes. Since I became the dean of the university ten years ago, I had set a goal to reach. Before I leave or retire, I must promote the school to an institution. But now, ten years later, the goal seems to have become a big joke. In two or three years, I will retire.

The distance to my target does not get closer, but seems to get further and further away. This makes me even more depressed.

Knk Knk Knk

There is a knock on the door.

“Come in!” I say in a low voice as my face returns to normal. “Zhang, is something the matter?”

“Oh, it is about the matter of dismissing a student. We have already sent a notification, and are now asking you, the dean, to sign the papers.”

“Is that student named QIn?”

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“Do you know about him?” Zhang asks.

“I know of him. When he entered the school, he had the highest score. If he did not miss his subjects, he would be at Daxia First University, not at ours. He should have studied, otherwise, he would not have come here and wasted two years in vain.”

In my view, Qin’s had the potential to go far but his lack of attendance is what caused this to happen.

“What a pity!” Zhang says.

I sigh. I do not know if it is a pity for Qin, for myself, or for the world to lose such a talent.

“Bring me the documents,” I instruct.


I glance at the paper and without much hesitation, I write my name on the persuasion letter and seal it. The document has officially taken effect.

“Make two copies. This one is for Qin!”

“Give him a word of advice. If he can, go back and repeat a year of schooling,” I say.

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