Chapter 8 Taking Flight With My Own Body Is What I Want

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In the conference room, dozens of experts waited anxiously. Expectations, apprehension, and even more complicated emotions are in the air. The thing they are waiting for, or rather the person, will be their immediate boss. The wait is a short one, and soon, several figures appear in the surprised sight of the scholars.

It is not a group of researchers and scholars who catch the room’s eye, but a group of soldiers with loaded guns. This situation is not surprising to the people who are present. Many of them are chief engineers of some type of project, so they have been in a similar situation. The only difference between now and then is the number of soldiers present, and how they protect more than just the conference room. This situation undoubtedly shows the importance of this Chief Engineer Qin.

After seven or eight soldiers walk in, a young figure appears in front of everyone.

A young man? No, the chief has yet to arrive! These are the thoughts of the people in the room.

Everyone is slightly surprised. I had already obtained information about Qin from Wanjun since I was the one to confirm the blueprints. Even though I know that Qin is only nineteen or twenty years old, seeing his youthful and tender face made me draw a breath of cold air.

However as astonished as I am, I hurry and meet the young man. The other people, who originally thought that Qin was not the chief engineer, see me walking toward him excitedly. They all widen their eyes and feel that something is off. Some people with flexible minds hold their breath.

“Can it be…”

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“No way! Isn’t this person who is younger than my grandson the Chief Engineer? A twenty-year-old military-level deputy chief engineer?

While everyone is trying to get over their surprise and disbelief, I have already welcomed Qin to the stage.

“Everyone, let me introduce you to the Chief Engineer of our Third-Generation Aero Engine Project, Qin!”

My voice resounds through the huge conference room. My voice is loud and reverberates around the beams, constantly impacting everyone’s eardrums and hearts.


“It really is him!”

In the conference room, there is dead silence once I stop talking, with only the sound of the air-conditioner filling the room. Everyone’s expressions are almost the same, they do not believe it, or they simply can’t.

“Ch…Chen, are you kidding me? This guy is younger than my grandson. Is he the Chief Engineer?”

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“Yeah, Chen. You’re not joking with us, are you?”

“It’s not that we do not believe it, but it is too…”

The voices in the room are full of doubt, not because they do not wish to believe, but because it is too terrifying. They have seen geniuses before. Many people have entered the Academy of Sciences in their thirties, and it is not uncommon for them to be placed in charge of a major project before the age of forty. However, a twenty-year old man is in charge of a five-star secret project as chief. This has never happened since the founding of Daxia.

If Qin was thirty years old, then the people could deal with that to an extent. After all, it is not impossible to have evil spirits in this world. But at the age of twenty, it is impossible no matter the kind of malevolence.

I anticipate the situation in front of me. When I received Qin’s information at the time, I had a similar expression.

Cough. Cough.

I cough twice and clear my throat.

“Who am I? I am Chen, and everyone here should understand that the third generation of aero engines, that is, the Pulse Detonation Engine, is made by the person beside me. It has been developed by Qin, the Cheif Engineer, who is not even twenty years old,” I say solemnly. “We have carefully certified all of the information about the engine, and have had a success rate as high as 99%”

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“Is it really him?” Someone questions.

“A Pulse Detonation Engine?”

“By the Gods! The engine has already been developed?”

Many people are amazed, but decide that it is normal after thinking about the circumstances. If it was not for this, the country would not have handed over such a high security level to a 20-year-old man.

Once everyone settles their hearts, they begin to look at the young man who has become their boss. Facing the gazes of the scientists, Qin acts very indifferently. Neither arrogant nor impetuous.

“Okay, without another word, if you want to stay, then stay. Otherwise, you can leave and continue with your previous projects. But know this, this cannot be exposed. Everything regarding the project and General Engineer Qin is not to be mentioned at all. The people from the second generation team have made little progress over the last three years. Now is a good opportunity that will allow us to score perfectly on the answer sheet. Starting today, everyone will cooperate with Chief Engineer Qin to develop the Pulse Detonation Engine that the country needs and to make it in the shortest amount of time possible.

My voice sounds out in the conference room.

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“In addition, I do not want you to rely on the old. In science, the best comes first. Although Chief Engineer Qin is young, his knowledge reserve cannot be compared to any of us.”

When I say this, my tone slightly sinks.

“Yes!” Everyone responds.

From this, I know that none of the people want to leave. However, this is understandable. Even if it is just serving water and tea, it is an honor.


I come to my office and take a deep breath. There is a faint trace of excitement on my face. To be honest, I do not care about being Chief Engineer, but developing the engine myself brings me great joy.

However, I have to say that the country is very bold. Just because I developed the engine, the country dares to let me be chief engineer. This would probably be very difficult for other countries, but it also illustrates the people by my side. Daxia is an eclectic country that brings forth talents. It is a country worthy of all researchers. It is worthy of everyone’s heartfelt love.

“The next step is to solve all of the problems in three months, and then to go… to Daxia Air Force Academy!”

The development of the engine is just incidental. The Flight Academy is my ultimate goal! I wish to fly with this body!

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