Chapter 9 Heroes From Ancient Times Start As Teenagers

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Time passes little by little. In November, some cities are still a little hot and dry, but Fengchen is gradually becoming colder and colder. Many people have already put on slightly thicker clothes to keep the cold out.

The Huaiyu community is surrounded by the military, and the news of a mysterious young man being picked up gradually calms down with the official intervention of Daxia. Qin, who went to the aero-engine R&D base, starts this chapter of his life developing Pulse Detonation engines.

Inside the huge R&D center, Qin is wearing dust-free clothes as he walks towards a giant cleanroom in the middle of the building. In this room, the aero-engine is almost completely formed.

On both sides of me are more than a dozen experts in the fields of mechanical and thermal power, such as Chen Qi. These people are now looking at the almost developed engine.

“A Pulse Detonation engine! I did not expect that in my lifetime, I can actually see such a generation with my own eyes. It is incredible!” A worker exclaims.

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“This is definitely a qualitative change in Daxia’s mechanical and thermal fields, along with a transformation of Daxia aviation history!”

“It is amazing. When other military powers have not even developed the second generation engines, we will have already made the third! This is incredible!”

“Thinking about three months ago, I could not believe that we had already broken through all the problems of this engine. I couldn’t believe it, but now, it is right in front of us. Unexpectedly, I still can’t believe that we developed this.”

“Knowledge has no end. Thinking about the past, I thought that Cheif Engineer Qin was so young and could not understand engines. Now, it seems I looked at people with tinted glasses. It turns out that there is a real genius in this world!”

“No, you’re wrong. Chief Engineer Qin is not a genius…” Refutes an engineer.

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Everyone looks at the man. What is the meaning of this? But his next sentence brought relief to his surroundings.

“He is a monster! A real monster!”

Everyone is stunned.

Yes! A monster!

Only that enchanting word can describe his talent in the field of engineering. Some people say that geniuses are ninety percent sweat and ten percent inspiration, but everyone here felt that is wrong. Geniuses are ninety nine percent inspiration and one percent sweat. Without inspiration, there will be no effort and no results.

I understand this truth the best. I had taken over the second-generation engine project, but only spent funds and hired staff without any results. It only took us three months to develop this engine. Although it is not fully completed, all of the problems have been solved and we only need to finish its construction. The big engine in front of me is actually in preliminary completion. The rest can be done with all of the experts without Qin’s help.

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“Actually, for our entire team, the biggest gain is not that the engine is about to be completed…” my voice sounds out in the dust-free space, which causes everyone to look at me.

Isn’t the pulse detonation engine our biggest gain? What else can it be?

Many people look confused. In the face of this, I turn my attention to the young man standing in the middle of the group, looking at the engine indifferently.

“Compared to the engine, Chief Engineer Qin is the largest gain of the team, isn’t he? He is the real weapon of this country! With the Cheif here, what else can we build? The third generation? Maybe in a few years, the fourth generation can be built!” Chen continues.

If I said this three months ago, I believe that everyone here would sneer and even show disgust on their faces. My words would be seen as nonsense. How can it be possible to develop the third generation in a few years? If it is that simple, it would not have taken three to four decades to research the second generation.

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Upgrading engines still has its functions, but could changes to performance, stability, or other aspects that are not qualitative be called an upgrade? It takes 40 or 50 years of scientific development to upgrade an aero engine since it involves sophisticated technology. So, doing it in a few years is simply impossible.

However, everyone here now agrees with my words. This is because Qin is here! All this is possible with his knowledge of mechanical and thermal power. In just three months, everyone has already been impressed with his skills.

The people who can stand here are all experts from The Academy of Sciences. Although the gap between some people’s knowledge is really small, there are disagreements. But Qin does not accept that. His understanding of the fields is so advanced that everyone thought that he must be from the future.

Everyone’s eyes are now looking at me, who is looking at the engine with a strong look of reverence in my eyes. Even more so, there is a touch of fanaticism. Knowledge, regardless of age or gender, is the first achievement.

Qin’s talent has already caused this group of arrogant researchers in their fifties and sixties to bow their heads. The engine would probably only be ready in three to five years with only his information and not his help. But with him, it only took three months to complete 99% of the research and development. The rest will be completed within a month, or even less.

In less than four months, the engine will be built. Before this, no one thought it was possible. Today, they see it with their own eyes and refuse to accept it.

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