“What?! Of course, I dislike it!” 

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She nodded with an indifferent expression as she responded to Cordelia’s resistance, crossing her arms.

“I mean, let’s keep it a secret. Among the mages of the temple, there are quite a few crazy individuals who don’t hesitate to use any means necessary to satisfy their curiosity. Abyss has currently prohibited such actions, but well, who knows? Of course, considering your noble status, they wouldn’t rashly confront you, but you never know what might happen.”

Thinking about the stern leader of the Great Temple, known for their strict demeanor, Linus let out a sigh.

Well, considering the recent issues that had arisen, they probably didn’t want to be on anyone’s bad side… but that didn’t mean they would go gossiping around the town.

“Anyway, it’s not something we can talk about openly to outsiders. But seriously, what should we do? If it’s magic, how do we solve this?”

As Cordelia, on the verge of tears, was being observed by Linus, she waved her finger. Cordelia’s bangs neatly folded back, and a hat floated up to cover her head. It was her special ability, psychokinesis.

“Shouldn’t we start by meeting that person? The one who took Lady’s body out for a walk.”

Even at Linus’s words that now treated her body like a commodity, Cordelia’s eyes sparkled.

“Are you going to come with me?”

“…It’s scary to leave you alone, so let’s do that.”

Looking up with round eyes, there was something truly endearing about it… There was no separate puppy. After throwing on a cloak, Linus’ expression was determined as she pulled Cordelia along, stepping out of the temple.

* * *

So, Noah was quite bewildered.

Against the backdrop of a splendid and beautiful room, he stared blankly into the mirror. No matter how he looked at it, the face reflected wasn’t his own.

And not just anyone’s face, but the face of the person he had always wanted to keep looking at.

“…Is this a dream?”

He grabbed a few strands of hair and tugged slightly. As soon as he felt the pain of his scalp being pulled, he quickly let go. The moment he realized it was reality, he trembled uncontrollably.

Noah subtly examined his body. The slender legs beneath the white chemise, the long golden hair that intermittently covered his vision, and the elegant facial features reflected in the mirror unmistakably belonged to someone he knew.

That was the problem, even though it was right. Why was he wearing this person’s face?

“How did this happen?”

This couldn’t be happening.

Staring at the beautiful face in the mirror with an awkward expression, Noah soon faced the most crucial issue.

Wait a moment. If he has taken over this body, where did the original owner of this body disappear to?

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“Did she take over my body? I hope it hasn’t disappeared….”

Though it would be less than ideal, that would be a lesser evil. But Noah knew well that a different kind of relief was also a problem, so he pressed his eyebrows tightly. Of course, with extra caution since it wasn’t his own body. If the cool, straight nose was familiar, it was still strangely new.

“First of all… It would be best to go home and check. No, maybe not?”

There could be potential misunderstandings. As Noah muttered to himself like that, he suddenly looked down at his body. He felt awkward seeing himself dressed in only a white chemise, which clearly outlined his curves.

So, to go outside, he’d need to change clothes first.

“…Since she’s a noble, there should naturally be maids around, right?”

Noah earnestly wished. May Cordelia be the type to frequently have her maids handle her clothing choices. It was a common practice among most noble ladies, but Cordelia was so fiercely independent that he wasn’t entirely sure.

As the bell rang, the door opened, revealing a maid with red hair. Noah found himself swallowing involuntarily.


“I… I’d like to change my clothes.”

“Oh, yes! What kind of dress would you like to wear?”


The maid approached the wardrobe, and upon opening the door, a room full of various outfits for going out was revealed. Noah entered slowly and looked around the room. Seeing all those pretty and extravagant clothes, he couldn’t help but feel concerned.

If Cordelia were to go out wearing something like this, she would catch people’s attention. He hesitated and then cautiously wondered if would it be very noticeable if he wear something like this.

“Maybe there’s something, you know, simpler that commoners might wear.”

Lighter clothing would probably be better than those heavy-looking garments. He thought it might sound odd, but the maid obediently fetched a brown dress from the innermost part of the wardrobe.

“Would this work?”

“Ah, yes.”

As the maid approached, he discreetly closed his eyes. The chemise was removed, and he was dressed in a linen chemise and a rough cotton dress. With a completely unfamiliar body shape, he awkwardly tried to suppress his embarrassment.

“My lady, why are you keeping your eyes shut like that?”

“J-just tired.”

“Ah, I see. Have you been up all night again?”


What’s going on? Why would she have sleepless nights? Worried that there might be a health issue, Noah’s heart sank for a moment. When he discreetly opened his eyes, he saw the maid tying the sash around his waist, and the voice of someone mumbling followed from behind.

“That’s why I told you to stop drinking so much! We were getting concerned about the potential hangovers, my lady.”

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It’s because of alcohol.

“Is it because of the breakup this time? Don’t worry too much. Another handsome and charming man according to your taste will surely come along!”

…Did she have someone she liked?

“That’s right. You should have taken care of yourself. After all, you can’t trust men.”

Looking at the maid who effortlessly picked himself up with every word she spoke, Noah couldn’t decide whether to laugh or cry. He didn’t want her to know such intimate details.

“By the way, didn’t you say you didn’t have any plans today? Where are you going?”

“…Just want to get some fresh air.”

“You thought well! You’ve always said that yet you never set foot outside your room. Finally, your thoughts have changed!”

Noah didn’t know that Cordelia delved into writing to channel the hurt and anger from her breakups. It’s even more surprising considering he was an avid reader of Laurence Blanc’s works.

‘Oh, so you liked him that much.’

Of course, Noah also remained unaware, leading to further misunderstandings. In that fleeting moment when his sinking feelings were lifted, the maid draped a crimson cape over Cordelia’s shoulders.

“When you go out, be careful so your clothes don’t show. You know how troublesome it would be if the Duke saw, right?”

“N-no problem. You know that.”

While imitating a self-assured tone, he surreptitiously glanced at the maid. Fortunately, she pushed him forward without noticing anything.

“Lady Cordelia! Are you going out? Have a good time.”

“Are you skipping breakfast and going out? The head chef was eager to prepare only your favorite dishes today!”

“My lady, the carriage is ready.”

“Oh my, my lady. The flowers have bloomed beautifully this time. Would you like to take one with you?”

From the corridor to the front gate, the atmosphere of the people greeting him was, to put it kindly, bustling, and to put it unkindly, noisy.

Considering the tranquility of the mansion he’s currently residing in, it was quite remarkable. With a bewildered expression, Noah returned all the greetings and walked out the main entrance.

There were times when his surroundings were noisy as well, but that’s all in the past. Nevertheless, he didn’t dislike this atmosphere. Cordelia fit perfectly in a place like this.

Bright, lively, a place where the sun always seemed to shine warmly.

Awkwardly gazing at the waiting carriage, he swiftly climbed inside. It would be better to head to a nearby area and then return to the mansion. Whatever the problem was, it was better to avoid getting involved with her as much as possible.

Noah controlled his troubled thoughts as he leaned against the window. The faintly visible white face reminded him once again that this situation was not a dream. The scenery outside moved swiftly, passing him like a fleeting image.

With the hood of his cape pulled down tightly, Noah approached the fence in front of the mansion where he live. Perhaps because his eye level was lower than usual, the fence seemed oddly taller.

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Standing as if rooted in that spot, he stared at the second-floor room he use. Since the curtains weren’t drawn, he could at least assess if there was anyone inside.

After observing for a while and confirming there was no sign of activity, he finally stepped back.

Unless he evaporated into the sky one day, it’s safe to assume that he went out. Thinking this way solidified the fact that Cordelia had indeed possessed his body.

The problem was what the cause of this was.

As Noah slowly recalled his memories from before falling asleep, a recollection passed through his mind.

The evening before last, after finishing his schedule, he was about to leave for home by heading out onto the main road. Carrying a loaf of bread and heading towards where the carriage was parked, he spotted a haggard old woman sitting on the ground.

The elderly woman with a meager appearance was in such a pitiful state that even the stray dogs were avoiding her. After hesitating for a moment, Noah approached her.

The irises visible through the reversed hood were strikingly clear.

‘If this is alright…’

Noah willingly extended the loaf of bread he had. He could eat dinner later when he got home.

Accepting the bread, the old woman ate it up with a sigh of relief. Afterward, she expressed his gratitude and handed Noah a small crystal pendant. The dusty appearance didn’t make it seem valuable, but it held a certain charm.


‘Oh, is this…?’

‘It’s an object that grants wishes. It grants one heartfelt wish, no matter what it is.’

‘Ah… Thank you.’

Considering the old woman’s appearance and the situation, Noah wasn’t entirely convinced by the claim, but ignoring someone’s sincerity was also against his manners. So, he cautiously accepted the crystal pendant.

Later, after arriving home, he placed it on the table and briefly glanced at it before going to bed. He touched the bead-sized crystal, contemplating softly.

‘A wish…’

There was something that vaguely came to mind at that moment.

As he recalled the situation, Noah felt a warmth rise to his face. Unconsciously, he rubbed his face with his hands.

“Wait, wait a second.”

Could something as simple as that be counted as a wish? But even so, isn’t this an incredibly unexpected turn of events?

“No, does that make sense? It can’t be.”

He wanted to immediately go inside the mansion and confirm whether the crystal pendant was there or not, but he couldn’t climb the fence or enter the premises.

There was no one to let him in, and if he were caught, it would be a big problem. In the end, all he could do was pace outside the fence, rolling ideas in his head.

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But even if his hypothesis was true, it was a problem.

How on earth could that wish result in this person taking over his body?

“Then, for now… finding the owner of that crystal pendant seems like the first step.”

Muttering to himself, Noah turned around and walked into the narrow alley leading to the town. The Weichen family’s carriage had probably turned around already, so he needed to go back out and catch another one.

“Hey, miss.”

Despite the voice calling out to him, Noah didn’t turn around and kept walking. However, a moment later, someone firmly grabbed his shoulder.

When he looked back, there was a slightly taller man chuckling and looking at him.

“Miss, when someone calls, you’re supposed to answer.”

“…Let go of me.”

Noah tried to brush the person’s hand away, but unlike usual, the person didn’t budge – something he realized when he saw the smooth arm in his field of vision. 

Oh, he’s currently in someone else’s body.

If he had known there would be such a difference in strength, he would have chosen a different path. It was already too late for regrets. Noah quickly turned his thoughts towards a more efficient solution.

“I’m a bit busy right now. I’d appreciate it if you let go of my hand.”

He tried to talk in his usual friendly manner, but the man persistently tried to drag Noah towards a narrow alley.

“Hey, come on. How about hanging out with my friends over there?” 

Noah suppressed a chuckle internally. Since the vicinity was close to the poor district, this area had its fair share of criminals and shady characters, many of them involved in human trafficking. While the kingdom was trying to combat such crimes by increasing security measures, there were limitations to what they could achieve.

Above all, this wasn’t his body. He couldn’t afford even the slightest injury. While he didn’t prefer resolving issues with violence, he made a quick decision.

“By the way, it’s been a while since I’ve seen a pretty girl like you. Everyone will like— Oops!”

While the man was rambling on and getting distracted, Noah took the opportunity to swiftly deliver a strong kick to the man’s vulnerable area.

As the man let out a groan and doubled over, Noah left him behind and started running. The man’s furious shouts echoed, hitting Noah like a slap on the back of his head.

“Stop right there!”

There’s no standing around here.

Navigating through various narrow alleys, Noah managed to evade the man and safely reached the city center. He was fortunate to be familiar with the area from frequent visits.

Perhaps due to his brisk run, his hood was pulled down, revealing his face. Realizing this, he quickly pulled the hood back up. Just then, someone called out to him.

“Hey, isn’t that Cordy?”

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